10 June 2017

Drug crisis pushes up mortality rate for Americans in their prime

By Shelley Connor, 10 June 2017

Amid a continuing economic downturn, mortality rates have risen for Americans between the ages of 25 and 45, with a surging opioid crisis claiming lives daily.

Pregnancy-linked death rate in Texas is highest among industrialized nations

By Trévon Austin, 10 June 2017

Deaths from drug overdoses see largest increase in US history

US surpasses most of the world in health care inequality

Political warfare in Washington intensifies
A defiant Trump accuses fired FBI director of lying to Congress

By Barry Grey, 10 June 2017

Comey speaks for factions within the state seeking to reassert the Obama administration policy of escalating economic, diplomatic and military confrontation with Moscow.

Comey’s Senate testimony: A political circus in Washington

“Watergate pales compared to what we’re confronting now”
Former US director of national intelligence campaigns against Trump in Australia

Dispute erupts in Trump administration over Gulf conflict

By Jordan Shilton, 10 June 2017

As the US escalated the war in Syria, divisions between Trump and Secretary of State Tillerson broke out Friday over Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic isolation of Qatar.

European Central Bank still failing to meet inflation objective

By Nick Beams, 10 June 2017

Structural changes in the European economy mean low wages along with part-time and casual employment are becoming the “new normal.”

Germany: Joschka Fischer supports Merkel’s call for an independent foreign policy

By Peter Schwarz, 10 June 2017

Former Green Party Foreign Minister Fischer lauded the speech by Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered in a Munich beer tent.

Canada to hike military spending by 70 percent over next decade

By Roger Jordan, 10 June 2017

Speaking a day after Canada’s foreign minister said war is central to the country’s future, Defence Minister Sajjan outlined plans for rearmament and increased collaboration with the US.

War must be part of Canada’s future, foreign minister declares

Democrats use Flint residents as props to push phony infrastructure plan

By Sheila Brehm, 10 June 2017

A number of protest groups are promoting an infrastructure program advanced by Congressional Democrats to divert growing anger over the lack of resolution to the water crisis.

Alabama executes Robert Melson, on death row for 21 years

By Niles Niemuth, 10 June 2017

The details of Melson’s case point to the state sanctioned murder of an innocent man on the basis of a police frame-up.

US telecom unions continue isolation of Spectrum strike

By Steve Light and A. Woodson, 10 June 2017

Spectrum workers in the third month of a strike in New York and New Jersey are being isolated by the unions, whose strategy is based on useless appeals to the Democratic Party.

Police “terror” raids in Australia mask unanswered questions about hostage incident

By Mike Head, 10 June 2017

As with nearly every terrorist-linked attack internationally, including in Manchester and London, the perpetrator was well known to the police and intelligence agencies.

Australia: Aurizon announces Queensland rail closures

By Oscar Grenfell, 10 June 2017

Up to 300 jobs are set to be eliminated, following hundreds of sackings over the past two years.

New in Russian

Саудовская Аравия идет на конфликт с Катаром на фоне глобального усиления геополитического трений

Кейт Джонс, 10 июня 2017 г.

При поддержке Египта и его ближайших союзников из стран Персидского залива Саудовская Аравия начала дипломатическое и экономическое наступление против Катара, крошечного, богатого энергоресурсами соседа, создав ситуацию, балансирующую на грани войны.

New in Turkish

Terörizmin jeopolitiğini kavramak

Bill Van Auken, 10 Haziran 2017

Her yeri kana bulayan ve yakıp yıkan bu emperyalist operasyonların korkunç bedelini, ister Londra’da, Manchester’da, Paris’te, Tahran’da, ister Bağdat’ta ya da Kabil’de olsun, masum erkekler, kadınlar ve çocuklar ödüyor.

İran’daki terör saldırısı Körfez’deki savaş gerilimlerini şiddetlendiriyor

Keith Jones, 10 Haziran 2017

İran’daki saldırı, Suudi Arabistan’ın petrol zengini küçük Körfez emirliği Katar’ı İran ile olan ekonomik ve diplomatik ilişkilerini sert bir şekilde kesmeye zorlamasıyla tetiklenen büyük bir jeopolitik krizin ortasında gerçekleşti

New in French

Avec un état d’urgence permanent, Macron prévoit un régime autoritaire en France

Par Kumaran Ira, 10 juin 2017

Les médias ont confirmé hier que le gouvernement du président nouvellement élu, Emmanuel Macron, a l’intention d’adopter une loi qui rend l’état d’urgence permanent.

Meeting électoral du NPA à Paris : l'impasse historique de la pseudo gauche

Par Alexandre Lantier, 10 juin 2017

Alors que les vieilles élites politiques s'écroulent, Alain Krivine a prétendu que l'opposition au capitalisme ne rencontre aucun soutien dans la France d'aujourd'hui.

L’UE crée un centre de commandement militaire commun et un fonds de défense européen

Par Johannes Stern, 10 juin 2017

Dans les conditions de tensions transatlantiques et le départ de la Grande-Bretagne de l’UE, les 27 membres restants poursuivent la mise en place d’une politique militaire indépendante

Le Qatar, en conflit avec l’Arabie Saoudite, va recevoir des troupes turques

Par Halil Celik et Alex Lantier, 10 juin 2017

Le directeur du FBI a cité les efforts déployés par le président des États-Unis pour bloquer l’enquête sur les liens allégués entre la campagne Trump et le gouvernement russe lors des élections de 2016.

La déclaration de Comey déclenche une nouvelle tempête médiatique contre Trump

Par Patrick Martin, 10 juin 2017

Le directeur du FBI a cité les efforts déployés par le président des États-Unis pour bloquer l’enquête sur les liens allégués entre la campagne Trump et le gouvernement russe lors des élections de 2016.

La guerre doit faire partie de l'avenir du Canada, déclare la ministre des Affaires étrangères

Par Roger Jordan, 10 juin 2017

Freeland a promis que plus d'argent serait consacré à la «force dure» afin de faire valoir les intérêts impérialistes du Canada dans le monde.

L’IYSSE exige que l’université Humboldt retire sa déclaration de soutien au professeur d’extrême-droite Jörg Baberowski

Par l’IYSSE à l’université Humboldt, 10 juin 2017

La direction de l’université ne peut plus désormais prétendre protéger la liberté de la recherche scientifique et défendre un érudit « dont l’intégrité est au-dessus de tout soupçon ».

New in Spanish

El gran derrumbamiento: La crisis del orden geopolítico de la posguerra

Por Alex Lantier, 9 junio 2017

Los rápidos giros en la política internacional desde que Trump visitó Europa reflejan la desintegración de las instituciones que han definido la política global por décadas.

Manuel Noriega y el militarismo estadounidense

Por Bill Van Auken, 9 junio 2017

La invasión estadounidense de Panamá en diciembre de 1989 y el derrocamiento de Noriega marcaron la pauta para una serie de guerras e incursiones estadounidenses que le siguieron.

El abandono de Trump del acuerdo de París: La solución socialista al cambio climático

Por Bryan Dyne, 9 junio 2017

Una respuesta seria a los peligros del cambio climático no es posible bajo el marco del capitalismo y el sistema de Estado Nación.

El senador McCain pide apoyo en Australia para remoción de Trump

Por Andre Damon y David North, 9 junio 2017

Ante altos funcionarios estatales y militares en Australia, el senador estadounidense, John McCain, lanzó fuertes acusaciones contra Trump y solicitó que el gobierno australiano lo desafíe.

Oficialista PRI gana estrecha e importante elección en el Estado de México

Por Alex González, 9 junio 2017

El PRI venció por lo mínimo a su contendiente de “izquierda” en comicios estatales considerados el preludio a las elecciones generales del 2018.

Sánchez reelegido como líder del PSOE

Por Alejandro López, 9 junio 2017

Como parte de un intento para contener el aumento en el descontento social, el PSOE ha reinstaurado a Pedro Sánchez tras haberlo destituido en un golpe interno el año pasado.

Los muertos de Manchester: Las víctimas de las operaciones de cambio de régimen británicas en Oriente Medio

Por Robert Stevens, 9 junio 2017

Ninguna explicación inocente puede justificar el hecho que el atacante suicida de Manchester, Salman Abedi, pudo viajar a Libia, Siria y Turquía sin ninguna interferencia británica.

Investigación de los lazos entre la Casa Blanca y Rusia se expande al abogado personal de Trump

Por Barry Grey, 9 junio 2017

El Partido Demócrata se ha alineado con los sectores más agresivamente antirrusos del Estado y han hecho de esta cuestión de política imperialista el pilar de su oposición a Trump.

Alemania toma un giro hacia Asia

Por Johannes Stern, 9 junio 2017

En medio de una crisis histórica en las relaciones transatlánticas, Berlín está tomando pasos sistemáticamente para expandir sus lazos políticos y económicos con Asia.

El presupuesto educativo de Trump exige el desmantelamiento de programas básicos, promueve vales y escuelas chárter

Por Evan Blake, 9 junio 2017

El presupuesto federal para la educación de Trump y DeVos busca reducir en $9200 millones el gasto a través de la eliminación de 22 programas importantes y recortes en muchos otros.

Francia y Alemania aprovechan retirada de EE.UU. del pacto climático para impulsar sus intereses geopolíticos

Por Peter Schwarz, 9 junio 2017

Merkel y Macron buscan convertir la UE en un poder global capaz de competir con EE.UU. por mercados, oportunidades de inversión e influencia estratégica.

Salen derrotados todos los cargos del profesor Jörg Baberowski contra los estudiantes de la Universidad de Bremen

Por Sonja Bach y Cristoph Vandreier, 9 junio 2017

El intento del profesor de la Universidad Humboldt en Berlín de utilizar las cortes para prohibir las críticas a sus puntos de vista ultraderechistas ha fracasado.

Extrabajador de Amazon alza la voz: “Mi vida fue destruida por Amazon”

Por Eric London, 9 junio 2017

La historia de horror de José Antonio Rueda Bermudez, de 30 años de edad, demuestra que la fuerza laboral temporal de Amazon es explotada y luego abandonada por el gigante corporativo.

“Lo escalofriante es que empiezas a pensar en cualquier posibilidad…”
Artistas que fueron hostigados en la frontera de EE.UU. alzan la voz

Por David Walsh, 9 junio 2017

Los artistas Aaron Gach, nacido en EE.UU., y Cherine Amr, nacida en Egipto, hablaron con WSWS sobre sus experiencias.

Día Internacional del Trabajador 2017
El auge del nacionalismo económico y el proteccionismo

Por Nick Beams, 9 junio 2017

La crisis histórica del sistema capitalista global está generando las mismas condiciones que desencadenaron los conflictos económicos en los años treinta y la guerra en 1939.

New in German

Die Geopolitik des Terrors

Von Bill Van Auken, 9. Juni 2017

Die Medien präsentieren den Terrorismus als Manifestation des Bösen als das Werk von Verrückten. Dabei liegen dem Terror geopolitische Interessen und Ziele zu Grunde.

EU richtet gemeinsame Kommandozentrale und Europäischen Verteidigungsfonds ein

Von Johannes Stern, 9. Juni 2017

Unter Bedingungen wachsender transatlantischer Spannungen und des Ausscheidens Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union treiben die 27 verbliebenen Mitgliedsstaaten den Aufbau einer eigenständigen Militärpolitik zügig voran.

Bernie Sanders erklärt seine Unterstützung für Jeremy Corbyn

Von Thomas Scripps, 9. Juni 2017

Im US-Wahlkampf 2016 versuchte Sanders, den Widerstand der Bevölkerung gegen den Kapitalismus auf die Mühlen der Demokratischen Partei zu leiten. Heute hofft er, dass Corbyn eine ähnliche Rolle für die Labour Party spielen wird.

New in Urdu

جنگ کے بادل جنوبی ایشیاء پر منڈ لارہے ہیں

27 May 2017

جنوبی ایشیاء کو انڈیا کے امریکی سامراج کے ساتھ اتحاد اور پاکستان کو بیجنگ کی پشت پناہی کے درمیان جیو پولٹیکلی تقسیم کردیا ہے

Other Languages


Britain’s general election: A new stage in the class struggle

10 June 2017

To those now inclined to accept the portrayal of Corbyn by pseudo-left groups in Britain as the natural leader of the working class, we say: Remember Alexis Tsipras and Syriza.

Earlier Perspectives »

The 2017 British Election

British general election delivers seismic political shock

By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, 9 June 2017

The issues of political principle in the UK general election

Britain’s crisis election and the tasks facing the working class

UK election dominated by growing threat of state repression

More on the British election »


The New York Times lionizes James Comey

By Andre Damon, 10 June 2017

The New York Times has erupted with rhapsodic praise for a man whom, less than a year before, its editorial writers had called a careerist and coward responsible for helping to rig the 2016 election.

Turkey prepares to send troops to Qatar in conflict with Saudi Arabia

By Halil Celik and Alex Lantier, 9 June 2017

Understanding the geopolitics of terrorism

The Saudi offensive against Qatar and the global intensification of geopolitical conflict

New Anti-capitalist Party (NPA) election meeting in Paris: The dead end of the pseudo-left

By Alex Lantier, 9 June 2017

The political fraud of the People’s Summit in Chicago: Sanders, unions seek to refurbish Democrats

By Jerry White and Tom Hall, 9 June 2017

Fifty years since the Six Day Arab-Israeli War

By Jean Shaoul, 9 June 2017


Three intriguing new films that should not disappear unnoticed: Sami Blood, Past Life and Radio Dreams

By David Walsh, 10 June 2017

Most of the films in movie theaters in the US at the moment are poor, or worse. As a result, the public is increasingly turning away. But there are exceptions.

Roger Waters’ Is This the Life We Really Want?: An angry, depressed protest against war and nationalism

By Kevin Reed, 9 June 2017

The case of punk duo PWR BTTM: The erosion of democratic rights in pop culture

By Norisa Diaz, 5 June 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

From the archives of the Revolution
Speech at an Emergency Session of the Petrograd Soviet on the Question of Kronstadt

By Leon Trotsky, 10 June 2017

This speech was delivered by Trotsky at an emergency session of the Petrograd Soviet dealing with attacks by the Provisional Government against the increasingly restive sailors at the Kronstadt naval base.

This week in the Russian Revolution
June 5-11: Horror on the Western Front

5 June 2017

The Great War, which brought forth the Russian Revolution, continues to rage. In one moment on the Western Front, some 10,000 men and boys are killed or buried alive when the British detonate explosives under German trenches at Messines.

From the archives of the Revolution
Speech at a Session of the Petrograd Soviet on reports by the socialist ministers

By Leon Trotsky, 27 May 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

International Amazon Workers Voice

Ex-Amazon worker: I was fired for picking too slow

By our reporters, 10 June 2017

A former “picker” was given little training and did not meet Amazon’s required time targets, so he was fired.

California Amazon worker speaks out
“They told us to work harder, promised ‘a cookie’ to fastest worker”

By Marc Wells, Toby Reese and Kevin Martinez, 7 June 2017

Striking German Amazon workers describe grueling conditions and digital surveillance

By Dietmar Henning, 7 June 2017

Socialist Equality Party launches International Amazon Workers Voice newsletter

By the Socialist Equality Party, 24 May 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Workers Struggles

Dockers strike in Spain, as South African municipal workers strike enters third week
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

9 June 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

10 June 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Reject unacceptable workloads and standardised testing! Take a stand for public education!
Vote No to the AEU-Labor government sell-out deal in Victoria!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 9 June 2017

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE demands Humboldt University retract its defense of right-wing radical Jorg Baberowski

By the IYSSE at Humboldt University, 9 June 2017

The university leadership can no longer sustain the assertion that it is protecting the freedom of academic inquiry and defending a scholar “whose integrity is beyond doubt.”

Professor Jörg Baberowski loses on all counts in suit against University of Bremen students

Statement of Mitch Abrams, International Youth and Students for Social Equality representative on the EMU student government
Defend the Eastern Michigan University part-time lecturers!

International Youth and Students for Social Equality member wins student senate seat at New York University

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »


Evolutionary divergence between apes and humans may have occurred in Europe, not Africa

By Philip Guelpa, 8 June 2017

New evidence for life-capable environments on Saturn’s moon Enceladus

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Sri Lankan students demand release of framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 7 June 2017

What we have said:
The World Socialist Web Site and the Maruti Suzuki workers

By Usman Khan, 3 June 2017

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 5: Judge Goyal mangles the law to sustain the legal vendetta

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 18 May 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party stands candidates in German election: Against militarism and war! For socialism!

By Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party of Germany), 5 June 2017

Floods in Sri Lanka: Government responsible for another social disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 5 June 2017

The Flint Water Crisis

State official resigns after using racial slur, expressing contempt for Flint and Detroit workers

By Shannon Jones, 8 June 2017

Poisoned Water: “NOVA” science series broadcasts segment on Flint water crisis

By James Brewer, 3 June 2017

Watch: “If they can poison the people of Flint, they can poison anyone!”

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the WSWS on Facebook.

Watch: Anger erupts at Flint City Council meeting

Three years after the lead poisoning of Flint, residents face water shutoffs, home foreclosures

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »


Political lessons of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in China

By James Cogan, 5 June 2017