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Welcome Book Gallery Over 12,000 kids have sent in their message to refugees. View
River Kids Ngarrindjeri boy, Tyrone, introduces us to some of the people who live on the Murray. Watch
Ross with Shelly the turtle Shelly the Turtle 11-year-old Ross releases rare Flatback turtle he helped rescue. Watch
Earless Dragon by Dr Anna MacDonald Saving The Earless Dragon A class in Canberra is using art to help save an endangered species. Watch
still from animation Protecting Rivers Two rivers in India have just been given the same rights as people! Watch
happy children of different ages walking along Bringing back the planet Pluto A group of scientists is trying to get Pluto reinstated as a planet. Watch
Kbora dressed in army fatigues Afghan Refugee Story Kbora Ali is the first Afghan refugee to join the Australian Defence Force. Watch
still from animation Unfairy Tales Animations designed to show the world what it's like to be a young refugee. Watch