Daniel McGowan
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Daniel McGowan
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Family & Friends of Daniel McGowan have marked the anniversary of Daniel's arrest on December 7, 2005, with a variety of events in the past. This December, Daniel is finally getting released from prison and coming to a halfway house in Brooklyn. To celebrate, we are having a straight up PARTY.   
Please come join our celebration the evening of Friday, December 7, 2012, 7:00-11:00 pm at The Commons.  
We'll have music, snacks, and drinks, and lots of fun holiday surprises. Whether you're a long-time supporter or joining us for the first time, you're more than welcome and you don't want to miss it!  
Friday, December 7th, 7-11pm
@ The Commons

388 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217

By train:
Hoyt-Schermerhorn; A, C and G
Bergen Street; F
Atlantic-Pacific; B, M, Q, R, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Flatbush Avenue; LIRR

By bus:
B63 and B65

September 29, 2012: The OMFG Daniel McGowan is Coming Home Benefit Booksale!!!
December 7, 2011: From the Red Scare to the Green Scare
September 18, 2011: 6th Annual NYC Benefit Book Sale
March 20, 2011: Solitary Confinement and Isolation in Federal Prisons: Cruel and Inhuman or Necessary? (Albany NY)
April 5, 2011: Isolation Units within US Prisons: A Panel Discussion (San Francisco)
December 7, 2010: Benefit Dinner and a Movie! (NYC event)
September 25, 2010: 5th Annual NYC Benefit Book Sale
December 12, 2009: Art Auction
September 12, 2009: Running/Rolling Down the Walls
December 5, 2008: NYC A Good Time for the Good Time Bill - Dinner, A Movie ("Hoot") and Conversation
April 18, 2008: Earth Day Benefit in NYC
December 7-9, 2007: Green Scare events nationally
November 17, 2007: DC Event - State Repression in the Era of the War on Terrorism
October 5, 2007: DC Benefit with Defiance, Ohio, The Max Levine Ensemble and The Andalusians
Septebmer 7, 2007: Olympia WA Benefit for Imprisoned Eco-Activists
September 2, 2007: NYC Benefit Book Sale
September 1, 2007: NYC 'Back to School' Benefit
July 12, 2007: Letter writing night and discussion. Washington, DC
June 4, 2007: Support Daniel Meetup and Await Daniel's sentence. New York, NY
May 5, 2007: 2nd Annual Support Daniel McGowan Booksale. New York, NY.
March 3, 2007: Benefit show for Daniel and Jaan Laaman. Los Angeles, CA
February 22, 2007: Benefit show for Daniel: Durham, NC.
January 13, 2007: Benefit show for Daniel. Houston, TX
December 8, 2006: Benefit show for Daniel and Andy Stepanian, Brooklyn, NY
December 7, 2006: Dinner and Movies at Times Up!
December 7, 2006: Rally for Daniel, New York, NY. See pictures here and here.
December 7, 2006: Tea party for Daniel, Jersey City, NJ
December 2, 2006 Release party for World War 3 Illustrated
October 16, 2006: Benefit music show and vegan potluck in Portland, Maine
August 27, 2006: Music benefit in White Plains, NY. See photos.
August 24, 2006: Info session on Daniel's case at Vox Pop Books
July 29, 2006: Info session on Daniel's case at the Park Slope Food Coop
July 27+28, 2006: If they come for you in the morning: Art Auction for Daniel McGowan. New York, New York. View photos.
July 7, 2006: Info session on Daniel's case at Bluestockings Books
July 2, 2006: NYC Book Sale Benefit at Book Thug Nation
June 26, 2006: NYC NLG Green Scare symposium
June 13, 2006: Benefit at University of Lausanne, Switzerland
June 10, 2006: NYC: Resisting the Green Scare: film screening and discussion
May 27, 2006: <A href=" h