Hamas’ New Charter: Meshaal’s Gamble on The Losing Horse

On Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 in Voices.

More important than “what” has changed in the new charter of Hamas, is “why taking this step,” and would it translate into anything on the ground? The dire situation that has stricken Hamas, and the repeated failure to secure a reliable survival strategy has fragmented its political structure between many conflicting opinions on three main challenges: 1- “Something must be done to secure financial support.” 2- “The Egyptian blockade must be broken.” 3- “Gaza must be spared a fourth war

In Pictures: Abu Moron in the White House!

On Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017 in Voices.

Our boy is in the White House! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! He finally made it! He’s there! He shook hands with Trump! OMG! He gave him a gift… He’s signing his name up in the book of history…  He’s now standing behind the microphone… He’s not tall enough to reach it, but never mind, just look how happy he is! He almost looks like a stranded child who has just got new bike on a Christmas eve. But why is he shaking so

GAZA UPDATE (16 April 2017) Abbas Restoring Balance to The Universe

On Sunday, April 16th, 2017 in Voices.

Once again, Gaza has to endure yet another fantasy of “Abbas restoring balance to the universe”,,, Last week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (AKA the toothless bombsheller) decided unexpectedly on cutting %30 of the salaries that go to his head-nodding minions in Gaza, under the pretext of “fighting the blockade, Israel and Hamas;” Neither of which Abbas has any evidence that he’s making a progress about, but still, his muppets will always buy it anyways. This decision, which affected nearly 70 thousand

Did Israel Thwart Another Palestinian “Peace Offensive”?

On Wednesday, March 29th, 2017 in Voices.

At this point, the script writes itself: Hamas threatens to moderate its position by amending its Charter, so Israel assassinates a senior Hamas militant.[1] Whenever a credible Palestinian force threatens by political moderation to undermine Israel’s pretexts for diplomatic rejectionism—by offering/adhering to a ceasefire; signalling acceptance of the international consensus framework for resolving the conflict; or participating in an internationally-acceptable national unity government—Israel resorts to violence in order to destroy it, or at least provoke it into abandoning its pragmatic

Labour’s Compliance Unit: ‘No case to answer’ on Oxford antisemitism allegations

On Friday, March 17th, 2017 in Voices.

First, it was said that ‘a large proportion‘ of the Oxford University Labour Club (OULC) specifically and the Oxford student left in general ‘have some kind of problem with Jews’; indeed, that the ‘student left’ is ‘institutionally antisemitic‘. John Mann MP condemned ‘rife’ and ‘[o]vert’ antisemitism ‘amongst certain elements at Oxford University’. ‘It’d be so much easier if these were just two rogue cases’, Jonathan Freedland sighed, but the allegations implicate ‘many’, while ‘Jews themselves… have been warning of this phenomenon for years, lamenting

You heard it here first

On Tuesday, February 21st, 2017 in Voices.

New Left Project, July 2013: “we are approaching a potentially historic moment. Why? Because Palestinians are now the weakest they have ever been… Regionally, the Arab world is completely shattered and ready to do whatever the U.S. demands… It’s a shrewd move by the U.S. and Israel to exploit this opportunity to impose a settlement… the Palestinians and the Arab world are at their feeblest, and if we are ever to impose our will, now’s the time.” New Left Project,

What is more effective at reducing antisemitism?

On Monday, February 6th, 2017 in Voices.

Constant, high-profile whining from a position of privilege combined with unfair attacks on movements for social justice, a la the Board of Deputies, Jewish Labour Movement, Community Security Trust, and Union of Jewish Students? 50 inquiries chaired by John Mann MP into the use of the word “Zio”? Or actions like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9pfXtc1dtQ&sns=fb http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/victoria-islamic-centre-mosque-fire-texas-jews-give-key-synagogue-muslims-worship-gofundme-a7556331.html http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.769634 https://www.facebook.com/oiveyitsjewdas/posts/584979645024828

Going Nowhere, Rapidly

On Thursday, October 6th, 2016 in Voices.

The escalation that Gaza is experiencing by now is merely resulted by internal disputes between an insufferably repressive government of Hamas and a clique of illiterate, mindless, childish partisans of “mercenary” salafist groups. Yesterday, some Salafists reportedly launched three primitive tiny little micro harmless “rockets” against adjacent Israeli cities, to seemingly harass and pressure Hamas to release some of their imprisoned fellows, without any slightest consideration of the consequences or anything at all. The harsh Israeli retaliation of 30 airstrikes (with

B’Tselem on Israel’s “whitewash mechanism”

On Thursday, September 29th, 2016 in Voices.

Earlier this month, former Israel Defence Forces (IDF) deputy chief of staff Uzi Dayan testified in defence of an Israeli soldier (Sgt. Elor Azaria) who was captured on film summarily executing a Palestinian man in Hebron who posed no threat. Dayan protested that, in opening an investigation into the incident, the authorities had violated the accused’s “right to innocence”: Azaria’s right to innocence was trampled on. My basic argument is that a fighter, even if he made a mistake and if he


On Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 in Voices.

My youngest​, ​always cutely wide-eyed​,​​ nine-year-old brother Yousef was given an assignment at school​:​ To write about a ​personal ​experience​ that has taught him a ​positive virtue or moral value such as love, peace, helping others​. Whenever I made a suggestion, he ​replied, “I don’t have any ​thing to say​ on this​.​” ​H​e couldn’t think of any positive ideas even when I tried to give him lots of hints. His own thoughts were​:​ “Could I write about the last war and how I ran into the basement when the next building was

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