Finkelstein under Attack by German Parliamentarian and Self-Styled Friend of Israel Volker Beck (Green Party) — UPDATE

On Sunday, May 7th, 2017 in Uncategorized.

„Alles andere als koscher“ Volker Beck und die Hetzkampagne gegen Norman G. Finkelstein   Ende Januar 2017 war der jüdisch-amerikanische Politologe Norman G. Finkelstein zu Gast beim halleschen Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung. Sein Besuch hat hohe Wellen geschlagen und sogar die Bundesregierung beschäftigt. Dass Deutschland damit einen neuen „Skandal“ um Finkelstein bekam, lag maßgeblich am grünen Nochbundestagsabgeordneten Volker Beck, der mit seiner Fraktion eine Kleine Anfrage an die Bundesregierung schickte. In der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung hat Patrick Bahners den Grünen

Did you ever read an article in which literally every single word is a fantasy?

On Monday, April 3rd, 2017 in Uncategorized.

Israel’s new missile defense system is a clear message to Iran, but it isn’t perfect New round of arms race begins as Israel forces Hezbollah and, to some extent, Hamas and Gaza groups to try to beat its latest advance. By Amos Harel | Apr. 3, 2017 | 2:25 AM The operational deployment of David’s Sling on Sunday fills the gap in Israel’s missile defense system. The David’s Sling Weapon System (also known as Magic Wand) was designed to intercept medium-range missiles, as a

The Truth from Palestine (a Gazan sent me the pictures and the captions)

On Friday, March 31st, 2017 in Uncategorized.

1- The first three pictures are from the heated debate at the Arab summit 2017 in Jordan yesterday. 2- The fourth picture is Abbas’s newly elected PLO team. 3- The fifth picture is Abbas in his youth, when he wrote his masterpiece questioning the authenticity of the holocaust whole story. 4- The sixth picture is the opening of the new Palestinian Consulate in France, with Abbas looking out of the window. 5- Ismail Hanyia taking a selfie with a picture of Prince Tamim of Qatar

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