
Anarcho-syndicalists and former workers block Bulgarian telecom headquarters over unpaid wages

Former employees of Max Telecom, along with anarchosyndicalists from ARS (Autonomous Worker’s Union) organised a picket demanding the immediate payment of all unpaid wages.

Simpsonwave: Nostalgia and sentiment in dystopia

Simpsonwave is a video remix series whose success lies in its ability to connect between its source material on a deep level. The Simpsons has its origins in a deep social critique and a groundbreaking willingness to touch on emotionally realistic situations. This ties in well with the music of vaporwave, which is an uncompromisingly subversive and cathartic form of social criticism.

When the robots fire us

Computers are replacing people's jobs much faster, than new ones get created. What shall we do then?

Forged by Pride: Cursory notes on digital propaganda and Russian queers

Does digital propaganda produced by Western LGBT communities in solidarity with Russian queers expose an exploitative relationship?

Come one, come all! Feminist and social justice blogging as performance and bloodshed - Flavia Dzodan

A thoughtful essay on "call-out culture" and the performative aspects of contemporary feminist and social justice media, by Flavia Dzodan.

Work and exploitation in the virtual economy

A brief history of my work as an online contractor and the exploitation inherent within the industry.

The Telekommunist Manifesto - Dmytri Kleiner

The Telekommunist Manifesto - Dmytri Kleiner

A controversial pamphlet which criticises Creative Commons as a form of privatisation, proposing 'copyfarleft' in its place, and puts forward 'venture communism' as a form of class struggle.

Anonymous Italy takes down website of neo-fascist group CasaPound

On March 11, 2013, Anonymous Italy took down the website of Casapound, a far-right extremist group that recently stood in the general political elections. The hackers claimed the anti-fascist nature of their act, while also demanding the immediate dissolution of the group, whose homofobic, racist and violent values are in patent contravention of the Italian laws, forbidding the reformation of the Fascist Party.

Fired workers taken to court for blogging about work conditions

Solidarity with the Workers of Natais popcorn factory in France! Exposed to hazardous substances, forced to work on precarious conditions, the workers tried to fight back. On Thursday, two former employees will be in court for supposedly "defaming" their former employer!

From cyber vigilantes to corporate thugs: Hackers back up employers in union conflict

The owners of Restaurant Vejlegaarden in Vejle in Denmark have received support from an unlikely quarter as hackers from across the world have organised to attack the restaurant's opponents in a union conflict. Anonymous have issued a statement distancing themselves from the hack (see comments below).