The libcom library archiving Christmas wish list!

The libcom library archiving Christmas wish list!

Well, it's the holiday season, here is a wish list of content we would like archived on over the next year, if anyone felt like giving us a present! [Article from Christmas 2009, now out of date]

Of course we still want any new content, or any texts not currently online scanned in. This type of thing would be a priority, but is not something which everyone can do. So here is a list of other websites whose content we would like duplicated on

We think it is worth duplicating content elsewhere on the net on for several reasons. Firstly, libcom is one of the world's most popular revolutionary/anarchist websites, so any content is likely to be read more here than on a smaller site. Secondly, content on our site appears highly in Google rankings, so articles posted here are more likely to be found and read by casual browsers. Thirdly, we are the biggest online anarchist/libertarian communist library, and so have big archives of related texts and background articles which can be linked to new additions. Finally, we have a good, sound and stable collective of administrators, editors, contributors and donors, so our website is much less likely than most to go down or be deleted. This happened to many anarchist/communist websites hosted on geocities recently - fortunately many of them were archived on as outlined here. Furthermore, our site is shortly due to be archived permanently by the British Library, so whatever happens content posted to will be available in perpetuity.

So here is our Christmas list of websites, in rough order of priority.

With these websites, generally we would want to prioritise hosting historical articles, with theoretical articles as a lower priority. As a general note, we would probably have a majority of the articles from these websites hosted on anyway, and probably only a small minority would actually need copying over. For the time being, we are only interested in hosting the articles which are in English.

These are the main websites whose articles we would like archived on
List of websites now removed. Many were done, any still remaining will be put in a new, updated archiving thread to avoid confusion. January 2011.

Can anyone think of any others that we should archive as well? If so please post up here so we can edit them in.

If you would like to help us out with any of this, please say here below or drop one of us a private message. We can provide any assistance required, and any problems you can post up in our feedback/content forum for assistance from admins or some of our users.

So, any volunteers?

Updated later to add:

Sites which have been done: - by libcom
Tintin comic book - - it would be great if someone could just group the pages together in one PDF document and put it in the library. - both by Khawaga
wildcat Germany - - by Khawaga by libcom
Troploin - captain soap - by libcom
John Gray - - by libcom
subversion site - by dead end - by libcom - the English language stuff- by libcom
class against class - - by libcom and Nate
blaumachen by Juan Conatz
kurasje - Ludd, with some help from libcom


Dec 15 2009 13:20

I will continue copying Collective Action Notes across one of these days.

Dec 15 2009 13:22
Dec 15 2009 13:29
captain soap wrote:
I will continue copying Collective Action Notes across one of these days.


I'm doing bits and pieces from all of them, Wildcat Germany mostly at the moment.

Dec 15 2009 13:33

that would be good without the rubbish introduction and end page...

Dec 15 2009 13:44

That awesome that the British Library are archiving the site smile

Dec 15 2009 13:59

If there's any academic articles that you'd like archived give me the reference and I'll make an effort to go through them one by one and import the text. Hosting reprints are usually fine after a year as long as normal referncing procedure is followed as far as i know.

Dec 15 2009 15:24

cheers, I'm not aware of any academic articles really. But anything that you think would be good, like the Spain thing that looks interesting.

Yeah, the British library thing is great, because even if we all got hit by a bus on a libcom admin outing then it will still be there for ever.

Dec 15 2009 15:54
Steven. wrote:
Yeah, the British library thing is great.

yes, congrats

Dec 15 2009 16:02
Steven. wrote:
cheers, I'm not aware of any academic articles really. But anything that you think would be good, like the Spain thing that looks interesting

yeah i stuck that up as an example
there's more like that
i'll do when i have time

Dec 15 2009 17:07

I can do

Dec 15 2009 17:13
Khawaga wrote:
I can do

that would be awesome, thanks. We've got most of the stuff already, just missing a couple of bits and pieces.

Dec 15 2009 17:17
Choccy wrote:
That awesome that the British Library are archiving the site :)

does that include archiving of libcommunity?

Red Marriott
Dec 15 2009 17:46
Choccy wrote:
If there's any academic articles that you'd like archived give me the reference

I'll make a request, if you can find it; New Left Review no. 92, July-Aug 1975, pp. 93-102 - 'The Yenan Opposition' by Gregor Benton.
It's about this guy and contains the text that led to him being offed by Mao & co.;

... the Marxist intellectual Wang Shih-wei, who dared to criticise the hierarchical structure of the nascent Maoist bureaucracy. He was silenced, persecuted and eventually murdered for his brave criticisms.
Dec 15 2009 17:58

I'll do the TinTin pdf as well.

Dec 15 2009 18:00
Khawaga wrote:
I'll do the TinTin pdf as well.

that's also great, I don't know if you saw the one above, if maybe you can just delete the additional pages and rotate it or something...

Dec 15 2009 18:21
Ret Marut wrote:
Choccy wrote:
If there's any academic articles that you'd like archived give me the reference

I'll make a request, if you can find it; New Left Review no. 92, July-Aug 1975, pp. 93-102 - 'The Yenan Opposition' by Gregor Benton.
It's about this guy and contains the text that led to him being offed by Mao & co.;

... the Marxist intellectual Wang Shih-wei, who dared to criticise the hierarchical structure of the nascent Maoist bureaucracy. He was silenced, persecuted and eventually murdered for his brave criticisms.

if it exists electronically that far back (most periodicals don't) i should be able to get it

[edit] oh it does, article here now

Dec 15 2009 18:28

Ooops, I think I messed up the tintin pdf. Realized this after I uploaded it. Working to fix it now.

Dec 15 2009 18:42

The rotating didn't work that well. It's just a shitty scan. It would've been better if they'd been scans of individual pages.

Dec 15 2009 20:54

Steve, do you want this piece of fiction from Kevin Keating?

Dec 15 2009 21:50

How about archiving Processed World? (

Almost 35 issues of content similar to "the diary of the shirking temp", the faceless struggle articles and histories of people organizing in the service industry in Bay Area, California. Not everything on PW site is worthwhile, but there are some real gems there.

Reading Processed World has kept me sane while counting my hours in a cubicle.

Also it looks like that site is well maintained and will remain online for a while, but it makes sense to have some of those articles here for the reasons you explained.

I could do the work of importing them if the editors think it is worth it.

Here's the intro to the first issue from 1981:

Red Marriott
Dec 16 2009 00:02
Choccy wrote:
if it exists electronically that far back (most periodicals don't) i should be able to get it

[edit] oh it does, article here now

Thanks for that, great you found it - but what I really wanted was the translations that follow that intro; Ting Ling - 'Thoughts on March 8' and Wang Shi-wei - 'Wild Lilies'.

Dec 16 2009 19:12
Khawaga wrote:
Steve, do you want this piece of fiction from Kevin Keating?

I would probably give that a miss...

Re processed world, yes that would be great! I'll add it to the list at the top. I heard about the group from posts on here from people who were involved, but I can't believe I've never seen that website.

Dec 16 2009 19:25

Roger. There's another piece of fiction on polkagris. Scratch that as well? If so, then polkagris is done.

mikail firtinaci
Dec 16 2009 20:04

If I can scan it I will try to put Peter Rachleff's "Council Communism and Marxism". I assume it is not online anywehere.

Dec 16 2009 20:11
Ret Marut wrote:
Choccy wrote:
if it exists electronically that far back (most periodicals don't) i should be able to get it

[edit] oh it does, article here now

Thanks for that, great you found it - but what I really wanted was the translations that follow that intro; Ting Ling - 'Thoughts on March 8' and Wang Shi-wei - 'Wild Lilies'.

Done the Ting Ling one, but the other one is not in that issue.
Give me the correct reference if you know it and I'll add it wink

Dec 16 2009 20:54
Khawaga wrote:
Roger. There's another piece of fiction on polkagris. Scratch that as well? If so, then polkagris is done.

is that the Fredy Perlman one? If so yes, if not add it if it's any good but not if it's rubbish.

Dec 16 2009 21:26

It's this.

I think it's shite fwiw.

I am adding the Perlman piece later today.

Dec 16 2009 23:28

there is some texts on troploin site that werent archived yet, eg "in for a crisis"..

Dec 17 2009 03:03
Choccy wrote:
Done the Ting Ling one, but the other one is not in that issue.
Give me the correct reference if you know it and I'll add it

I found the other one. It's in the same issue, but called Wild Lily. Anyway, it's in the library now.

Dec 17 2009 03:11

I can add the Wildcat stuff as well. Should keep me occupied over the holidays.