
Cali, Colombia: anarchist and communist students clash with the police on “Student’s Day”

Student Militants in Cali, Columbia

On May 25, there were strong protests and clashes with the police (ESMAD militarized police) at the Universidad del Valle (Univalle) in Cali, Colombia, in commemoration of Student Day and for various problems in the country, such as the civic stoppage of rural communities in Buenaventura, the civic strike in Chocó and the national work stoppage of the Colombian magisterium.

Notes on a factory uprising in Yangon

Yangon H&M factory
Soe Lin Aung examines a recent strike-cum-riot at a Chinese-owned H&M; supplier in Myanmar, digging beyond the headlines into its local context and broader political significance.

Rational kernel, real movement: Badiou and Théorie Communiste in the age of riots

An article by Nathan Brown, first published in 'Lana Turner: A Journal of Poetry and Opinion', issue #5 (published in November 2012), comparing/contrasting Badiou and Théorie Communiste's theorisation of riots.

Black anger shakes the rotten pillars of bourgeois and democratic "civilization" - Bruno Maffi (1965)

Originally published anonymously (the norm within the Bordigist tradition) in 'Il Programma Comunista' (September 10th 1965), the paper of the former International Communist Party, written by the Left Communist Bruno Maffi (b.1909 – d.2003). Republished in 'Proletarian' #12, Autumn/Winter 2015. The article was prompted by the 1965 Watts riots.

Captain Swing was here!

An example of a Captain Swing letter

A short history of the 1830 Swing riots by Stuart Booth. Farm bosses would receive threatening letters from a fictional “Captain Swing”, and if they didn’t submit to the demands their premises would be attacked.

Turkey-Netherlands riot: both prime ministers gain, the workers lose

Erdogan Rutte row Turkey  - The Netherlands

Analysis and critique of both sides in the diplomatic spat between Turkey and the Netherlands which has led to riots and name-calling between the two governments.

Hulme against fascism, 1936

Hulme Town Hall, late 19th century

A short account of the attacks on Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists organisation in Hulme, Manchester.

The battle of Stockton, 1933

Central Stockton around this time

A short account, by David Walsh, of the smashing off the streets of Oswald Mosley's fascist Blackshirts in Stockton.

Liverpool versus Oswald Mosley, 1937

Mosley in hospital, 1937

A short account of the time in 1937 when fascist leader Oswald Mosley attempted to address the people of Liverpool, and was promptly hospitalised when they threw stones at him.

Fascism and anti-fascism in 1930s Manchester

Blackshirts on the streets of Manchester, 1934

An account of the growth of fascism in Manchester in the early 1930s, and working class resistance to it.