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Workers Power Fighting Fund

Workers Power is funded 100% from donations by our members and supporters.

Websites are cheap to maintain but the majority of our work takes place in the workplace and on the streets across the country. Producing the leaflets, publications and campaigning material necessary to champion the ideas of Marxism and revolutionary socialism isn’t cheap!

The years of economic crisis have thrown up heroic struggles and major political events as the capitalist order and its political class lurch from crisis to crisis. The cycles of revolution and counter-revolution in the Middle East and the opening of a new period of inter-imperialist rivalry has produced serious disorientation on the left at home and internationally.

This year we are continuing with the relaunched Fifth International journal, the newspaper and aim to publish new books on the history, method and practice of Bolshevism, and the development of the European “Broad Party” model. Our activity will centre of helping to build Left Unity as party oriented towards the class struggle, promoting the creation of an independent revolutionary youth organisation and continuing to expose the misleadership of the trade union officials and organise rank and file control of disputes.

If you’d like to help us continue to make a positive contribution to the development of revolutionary socialist politics, please consider making a donation. We welcome contributions of any amount – it all helps.

Please choose from one of the options below

Click below to make a donation using PayPal.


Make cheques payable to Workers Power and send to:

WP Fighting Fund
BCM Box 7750


To set up a standing order please download this form, fill out your details and post to

WP Fighting Fund
BCM Box 7750