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Home » Archives by category » Unions » Rank and File

Why we need to organise to defeat the anti-union laws

By Bernie McAdam 14 September 2015 Britain’s anti union laws are already the most repressive in the European Union. Thanks to the new Tory Trade Union Bill, they are now…

Tory anti-union attack – organise to kill the bill

July 15 witnessed the first reading of the Tories’ new anti-union bill – effectively a series of amendments to the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act (1992). The Trade…

Tory anti-strike law aims to break the unions

By Jeremy Dewar 28 May 2015 Tory Business Secretary Sajid Javid’s anti-democratic measures to restrict strikes and legalise scabbing have the aim of breaking resistance to austerity. As TUC General…

PCS ‘left’ ditches democracy

By Rebecca Anderson, 30 January 2015 The National Executive Committee of the Public and Commercial Services union has made the outrageous decision to cancel annual elections for both their own…

Which way forward for the unions?

As the Autumn’s coordinated strike action stalls, Jeremy Dewar reviews the unions’ record and asks how we can stop the retreat Up to 150,000 marched in London, Glasgow and Belfast…

Bureaucrats crawl away from the battlefield

Union leaders across the public services have called off many of their planned strikes in the run-up to the TUC’s “Britain needs a pay rise” demo. In a matter of…

Defy the anti-union laws

Union leaders complain that their hands are tied by the anti-union laws, but where is the campaign to abolish them? Jeremy Dewar outlines how we could launch one When the…

Editorial: organise the rank and file

Over the past year or two the failure of the union leaders – left as well as right – to call the escalating and united action they have promised at…

10 July strike: one day is not enough

By Dave Stockton More than one million workers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland struck on Thursday 10 July against the government freeze on pay and the 20% decline in real wages…

10 July strike bulletin: step up the action and fight to win

Our Bulletin for strikers on the 10 July public sector strike, arguing that one day protests won’t be enough to smash the pay freeze.  …

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