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Home » Archives by category » Students

Police, politicians and the NUS can’t stop the fight for free education

By KD Tait 2014 was the year the student movement moved decisively from the defensive to the offensive. Tax the rich to fund education for all was the demand that…

On 19 November students can put free education back on the agenda

  By KD Tait The ritual central London march for free education, a staple of the student activist’s Autumn calendar for 15 years, has been called for 19 November by…

Police retreat – students take the street

  credit: @ailiahrizvi Thousands of students defied the protest ban and demonstrated on the Bloomsbury campus of University of London, before marching to the Royal Courts of Justice to show…

Sussex shows the way!

By KD Tait Students at Sussex university will walk out tomorrow* in support of five students suspended for taking part in recent protests against privatisation. The students have been unilaterally…

To kick out the market, first kick the cops off campus!

To kick out the market, first kick the cops off campus!

By KD Tait University bosses have launched a crackdown against a wave of student occupations. The suppression of the right to protest signals the start of the final offensive in…

French youth raise barricades against racism

  By KD Tait In October, thousands of French school and college students blockaded schools and took to the streets to protest the deportation of 15-year-old student LĂ©onarda Dibrani.  …

Where next for the student movement?

On November 21 the National Union of Students (NUS) will march in London under the slogan â€?Educate, Employ, Empower’. The protest is supported by the National Campaign Against Fees and…

Exam reforms are a con

‘Time to tackle the dumbing down’ is the new slogan of the Tory education ‘reforms’ which aim to make school serve the needs of the market, not the students. At…

Lessons from the 2010-11 student struggle

THEâ€?ACTSâ€?of resistance taken by thousands of young people during the student movement of winter 2010-11 shook the government and sparked months of mass opposition to cuts. KD Tait writes…

Where next for the student movement?

IF YOUâ€?ARE a new student reading this there’s a good chance you’ve started a course that will see you graduate with around ÂŁ50,000 worth of debt. Two years after hundreds…

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