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Home » Archives by category » State, Police & Civil Rights

General’s mutiny threat must be taken seriously

Scarcely a week after Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party, the Sunday Times published a statement by an anonymous serving general threatening that the army high command would prevent…

Planet without a visa

By Jeremy Dewar 12 August 2015 There are more refugees in the world today than ever before. This year’s Global Trends Report, published by the United Nations High Commissioner for…

Calais crisis: the English Channel is becoming a river of blood

By KD Tait 30 July, 2015 On Tuesday night a young Sudanese man was crushed to death by a lorry. Nine people have been killed trying to cross the channel…

The murder of Jean Charles de Menezes: 10 years on

by KD Tait, 22 July 2015 Note: An edited version of this article was first published on the Left Unity website On 22 July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes was…

Constitutional crisis – Cameron’s opportunity

By KD Tait 20 May 2015 From an early EU referendum to scrapping the Human Rights Act, from devolving powers to Scotland through to English votes on English laws, the…

Secularism, multiculturalism and working class integration

5 February 2015 The Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris on 7 January, when two terrorists murdered 12 journalists, a worker and a police officer, shocked the world, as did the…

How Marxists criticise religion

By KD Tait 21 January 2015 The 7 January killing of journalists from French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, and the racist murder of four Jewish people two days later, were…

Charlie Hebdo: Islamist terrorism and Republican Racism

The 7 January attack on the offices of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people were killed, must be condemned without equivocation. It was an attack carried…

Ferguson: the cops re-arm

By Peter Main November is expected to see a Grand Jury decide not to indict Darren Wilson, a white policeman, for the shooting of the unarmed black teenager Michael Brown…

For a UK-wide struggle for democratic rights and socialism

The positive enthusiasm of millions in the Scottish referendum and the massive rejection of austerity and privatisation have opened up a constitutional crisis in Britain. But, argues Jeremy Dewar, the…

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