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Home » Archives by category » Newspaper » 2011 » Issue 359: November 2011

N30 We are the 99% – Protest, Strike, Occupy!

• All out on 30 November • Joint strike committees in every town • Workers and students unite – forward to a general strike…

Editorial: Anticapitalism hits the streets

November is a crucial month in the fightback against the cuts. Demonstrations and protests by students and electricians will hit the headlines; there will be a large conference, Unite the…

The rich get richer…

DIRECTORS OF the FTSE 100 – the top 100 British companies – saw their incomes rise by an average of 49 per cent last year, while for the rest of us…

… and the poor get poorer

CHANCELLOR GEORGE Osborne famously claimed that, “We’re all in this together.” But when it comes to wealth and living standards, this simply is not true. Price rises are outstripping wages…

… and angrier!

THE UN’S INTERNATIONAL Labour Organisation has produced a report stating that “social upheavals” are on the cards due to growing cuts, unemployment and inequality. Meanwhile Andreas Whittam Smith, writing in The…

Democracy, cuts and the anti union laws

The government, backed up by howls of anger by those on the right, are threatening to strengthen the anti union laws, warns Jeremy Dewar TORY GRANDEE Francis Maude claims Unison’s…

Public sector pensions – trade dispute or class war?

Is the struggle over pensions limited to an economic issue, or is it a political fight, asks Jeremy Dewar…

The G20 didn’t stop the economic crisis: what comes next?

No matter what they try, nothing seems to work… The world leaders have gathered at the G20, and European leaders are having regular summits, but the economy is just getting…

Greece: the prospects for a revolution

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou gives way to a coalition government as the EU leaders attempt to force through more cuts and austerity. But the Greek people are fighting back, writes…

Egyptian workers fight for their rights

Since the fall of Mubarak, workers have taken their chance to launch strikes and protests over both political issues and working conditions. There have been strikes of telecoms workers against…

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