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Home » Archives by category » Newspaper » 2010

Letter from Pakistan: taxing the poor

Pakistan’s finance minister, Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, has an international reputation as a privatiser, writes Shehzad Arshad of the RSL. He has headed World Bank and International Monetary Fund teams charged…

South Sudan votes on independence

Sudan’s Southern region is set to hold a referendum on 9 January, widely expected to result in a majority for independence from the predominantly Arab and Muslim North. The vote…

Wikileaks: the war for information is on

The USA, its intelligence services and right-wing media such as Fox and Sky are waging a brutal world wide campaign against Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange – they are…

Cancún conference: dirty great COP out

World leaders failed the planet yet again in Cancún, Mexico when the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP16) could not reach a legally binding agreement to replace the…

Our very own Mukhabarat?

In the summer of 1994, when I was visiting my Iraqi cousins in Baghdad, I told them the story of the accidental death by hanging of Stephen Milligan MP in…

Haitian people suffer another man-made disaster: cholera

Eleven months after the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January 2010, the country is now suffering from an outbreak of cholera. This deadly water-borne disease, which thrives in the unsanitary…

Video evidence exposes war crimes against Tamils

The pure horror of the Sri Lankan government’s genocidal war against the Tamils in May 2009 has been released in new photo and video evidence, which contradicts the Sri Lankan…

Defence of legal aid is a battle for us all

The Government’s Green Paper on legal aid proposes a set of changes that will destroy this vital public service. The paper proposes that advice and representation will no longer be…

EU debt crisis: bond markets attack euro

The European debt crisis is expanding, pitching country against country, with the major economies attempting to push recession onto the working class of economically weaker nations. With the system itself…

Unions set for strike over pensions

Unions are gearing up to defend public sector pensions in what could be a key battle with the Con-Dems in 2011. The government has condemned the “gold plated” final salary…

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