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Home » Archives by category » Imperialism & War

An anti-imperialist movement is the answer to Islamist terrorism

Political Committee, 28 June 2015 Workers Power condemns the 26 June terrorist attack by gunmen claiming allegiance to Daesh (Isis), which resulted in the deaths of at least 37 holidaymakers…

Pakistan caught in the crossfire

1 April, 2015 On 17 March, Pakistan was again shaken by terrorist attacks. In Lahore, two Taliban suicide bombers left 15 dead. The number would have been far greater had…

Nato escalation risks Russia war

A propaganda offensive against ‘Russian aggression’ orchestrated by the United States and its Nato allies aims to trigger a new arms race and shackle Europe into the USA’s strategic confrontation…

Hawks v doves

Ukraine ceasefire exposes tensions between USA and EU The surrender of government forces surrounded in the town of Debaltsevo has brought some respite for the population of the Donbas but…

Boko Haram: the forgotten Islamic State

By Jeremy Dewar 7 March 2015 Last year Boko Haram declared the area under their control an Islamic state, part of the Iraqi Islamist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s global Caliphate. How…

No to the bombing of Syria and Iraq – solidarity with Kobane!

By Marcus Halaby As the Western powers bomb Iraq and Syria under the pretext of fighting the Islamic State, attention has been drawn to the struggle of the Kurdish People’s…

Nato summit lays plans for new cold war

Editorial from Fifth International no. 15 The decision of the 2014 Nato Summit in Wales to station permanent military forces along the Russian border marks the end of the post-Cold…

Stop new imperialist war in Iraq and Syria

Download as PDF On September 10 US President Barack Obama launched a full-scale aerial war in Iraq and Syria against the forces of ISIS, the “Islamic State”, which overran large…

No to war in Syria and Iraq

By Marcus Halaby US President Barack Obama took office in 2009 promising to end the US occupation of Iraq. Today US warplanes are bombing Iraq and Syria with the aim…

4 August 1914: the betrayal of the Second International

By Dave Stockton THE SECOND International, founded in 1889, was an organisation of the world’s socialist, social democratic and labour parties. From its founding conference in Paris it set out…

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