National Sections of the L5I:

Political Economy

Socialism: The transition to Communism

What is the difference between socialism and communism? How can we get from a capitalist society with all its problems, divisions and inequalities to a communist society? Read more...

Marxist Theory of Political Economy

What is political economy? Students of economics are usually taught their subject in isolation from politics and history, but for Marxists the economic can only be analysed in a political way, here is why. Read more...

Italy and Eurozone on the brink

This week Italy overtook Greece as the state at the heart of the European crisis, raising the stakes and threatening to rip apart the Eurozone, writes Andy Yorke and Dave Stockton Read more...

EU debt crisis: bond markets threaten Eurozone

Keith Spencer examines the crisis that is gripping the EU and the struggles in the EU for domination Read more...

Finance capital unleashed: British imperialism today

Keith Spencer makes a case-study analysis of a 'Great Power' that was at the centre of the global financial whirlwind: Britain Read more...

Marx, money and the modern finance capital

Marcus Lehner offers an outline of Karl Marx's theories of money, banking and finance and shows how it can provide a compelling account of what caused the great financial crisis Read more...

World economy – heading to a new upswing?

[Note: the graphs and table only appear in the print version]
Many commentators have argued the worst of the crisis is over. Michael Pröbsting asks whether there are grounded reasons for this optimism and looks at the obstacles facing a new wave of expansion. Read more...

The recovery: a Marxist analysis

The leaders of the world’s biggest economies met at the G20 summit and declared that the world economy was improving. Richard Brenner analyses the evidence for their claims Read more...

How the state serves finance capital

The UK and US governments policy of bailing out finance capital appears to have stimulated some recent return to profitability for banks and financial companies. Keith Spencer examines how this policy of handing over money to finance capital worsens the crisis for the working class and stores up greater problems for the capitalist system. Read more...

Now for the re-ordering of the world?

...and then they started printing money. Luke Cooper considers the prospects for the future of the economic and political order, now the US Federal Reserve has started ‘greasing the presses’. Read more...