Tag Archives : adoption

OpenID Connect Relying Party Certification Adoption

The adoption of the new OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) Certification has exceeded our expectations – especially the surprising number of early adopters who tested a wide variety of implementations. The tests were improved at an accelerating rate, with many organizations actively “testing the tests”. All of the OpenID Foundation’s […]

Building on What’s Built: OpenID Certification Momentum

At the OpenID Certification Launch in April 2015, 6 organizations had certified 8 OpenID Connect Provider implementations for 21 conformance profiles. Now, as you can see at http://openid.net/certification/, 14 organizations and individuals have certified 16 OpenID Connect Provider implementations for 48 conformance profiles. The OpenID Foundation has championed self-certification as […]

Certification Accomplishments and Next Steps

I’d like to take a moment and congratulate the OpenID Foundation members who made the successful OpenID Certification launch happen. By the numbers, six organizations were granted 21 certifications covering all five defined conformance profiles. See Mike Jones’ note Perspectives on the OpenID Connect Certification Launch for reflections on what […]

NTT docomo is now an OpenID Provider 44

The largest mobile operator in Japan, NTT docomo, which covers approximately 50% of Japanese population, started offering OpenID authentication on March 9. Every docomo user has an identifier called i-modeID. Using this, users can single sign-on to mobile sites using docomo handsets, making one-click payment and other authenticated actions. These […]

Sears and KMart Adopt OpenID to Simplify Customer Registration and Login While Enhancing the Shopping Experience 2

Yesterday, Sears Holding Company (SHC) announced it has adopted OpenID technology, enabling website visitors to easily register and login at the MySears and MyKmart communities using existing accounts at Google, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Windows Live, and Yahoo!. This is exciting news for for online retailers and follows shortly after the […]

2008: Momentum 12

2008 was an awesome year for OpenID where the community created significant momentum moving toward mainstream adoption. No, not every site on the web is using OpenID nor does every consumer know what OpenID does, but last year alone the number of sites that accept OpenID for sign in more than tripled. Today, there are over thirty-thousand publicly accessible sites supporting OpenID for sign in and well over half a billion OpenID enabled accounts.

Barack Obama’s Change.gov Adds OpenID Commenting 7

As first reported by ReadWriteWeb, President-elect Obama’s website Change.gov now supports OpenID sign in for commenting on certain blog posts and sections of their site.  Change.gov uses Intense Debate to power their comment who recently relaunched with OpenID support.  As ReadWriteWeb wrote: Every other major player that has announced support […]

User Experience, Attribute Exchange and MapQuest 5

Last month at the first Content Provider Advisory Committee meeting in New York, several media companies and affinity groups identified two desired areas for improvement around OpenID: the user experience as it reaches mainstream adoption and the increased ability to exchange profile information given user consent. Since then, the OpenID […]