Data Loss Prevention API Beta

Automatically discover and redact sensitive data everywhere

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Classify and Redact Sensitive Data

The DLP API lets you understand and manage sensitive data. It provides fast, scalable classification and optional redaction for sensitive data elements like credit card numbers, names, social security numbers, passport numbers, US and selected international driver’s license numbers, phone numbers, and more. The API classifies this data using more than 40 predefined detectors to identify patterns, formats, and checksums, and even understands contextual clues. The API supports text and images – just send data to the API or specify data stored on your Google Cloud Storage and Datastore instances. Try the DLP API in this demo application.

Be Smart With Your Data

DLP API allows you to minimize what you collect, expose or copy. Classify or automatically redact sensitive data from text streams before you write to disk, generate logs or perform analysis. Alert users before they save sensitive data in your applications. Automatically choose the most suitable storage system and the right set of access controls based on the presence of sensitive content

Safely Unlock More of the Cloud

Today your data is your most critical asset. DLP API helps you to manage and run analytics on cloud data, without introducing additional risk to the enterprise.

Efficiently Manage Your Sensitive Data

DLP API gives you the power to analyze, protect and report on data inside Google Cloud Platform as it travels inside and outside your organization. It can scan small text streams and images or larger datasets in Google Cloud Storage and Datastore, with no need for your data to egress out of GCP. The findings can then inform the configuration, management, and access policy of your sensitive data.

Automatically Discover PII Inside Data Streams

DLP API lets you easily answer the critical question: "Where do I have sensitive data in my cloud storage?" It quickly and automatically discovers sensitive data in text and images – credit card numbers, names, social security numbers, phone numbers, and more – based on more than 40 detectors.

Data Loss Prevention API FEATURES

Automatic Sensitive Data Classification
Classify sensitive data (such as PII or PHI) in text or images.
Predefined Detectors
40+ pre-defined detectors with a focus on quality, speed, scale. Detectors are improving all the time. A full list of detectors is available in the documentation.
Simple Redaction
Ability to produce redacted versions of input text or images.
Likelihood Scores
Customize the sensitive data detection threshold to fit your needs and reduce noise.
Scan Data Stores Directly
Point the DLP API at your storage and automatically produce reports of discovered sensitive data.
Classify Your Sensitive Data Without Egressing Outside Of Google Cloud Platform
There are time to market, cost and security benefits of classifying your data inside GCP.
Pay As You Go Pricing
DLP API is charged based on the amount of data processed, not based on a subscription service or device. This customer friendly pricing allows you to pay as you go, per GB, not in advance of demand.
As with any HTTP REST API, the DLP API can be used on data inside or outside of GCP and from mobile devices, IoT devices and browsers.

Data Loss Prevention API Pricing

Feature < 1GB 1GB - 1TB 1TB - 10TB > 10TB
Content Inspection or Redaction Free $10/GB $5/GB Contact us
Storage Inspection Free $6/GB $3/GB Contact us
Beta: This is a Beta release of the Data Loss Prevention API. This feature is not covered by any SLA or deprecation policy and may be subject to backward-incompatible changes.