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Households to save under Clean Energy Target, but questions loom for Turnbull over Paris

Australian households could save about $90 a year, or up to $1000 on their electricity bills over a decade to 2030 under a Clean Energy Target proposed by the Finkel review of the electricity sector, compared to a business-as-usual scenario.

As the long-awaited review was released on Friday at a Council of Australian Governments meeting, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull promised a CET was "no barrier to building a coal-fired power station", in a carefully calibrated message to conservative MPs who have already expressed concern about the scheme.

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What is the CET?

The latest idea to curb greenhouse gases is a clean energy target, but what does that actually mean?

"There is nothing in the Clean Energy Target that would prevent a new coal-fired power station being built. It would provide an incentive for lower emissions technologies, however," he said.

But Mr Turnbull and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg will likely face a barrage of questions from conservative MPs about the CET - and whether it would, for example, facilitate investment in new coal-fired power - as soon as Tuesday, when the Parliament returns and the party room meets.

In a significant marker, and a message to Coalition MPs sceptical about a CET, deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said he wanted a scheme that could deliver new coal-fired power and said: "I believe the low emissions target [the CET] will have the capacity to do that".

Labor has offered to work with government on the CET, but climate spokesman Mark Butler said Mr Joyce's suggestion was nonsense because "a Clean Energy Target that accommodates new coal-fired power stations is an oxymoron".

The Finkel review argues Australia has a "once-in-a-generation" opportunity to reshape the national electricity market; take advantage of technological change; improve the security and reliability of the system; reward small and large consumers who reduce electricity demand and meet the nation's 26-28 per cent emissions reduction target by 2030 under the Paris climate agreement.


The electricity sector would reduce its emissions by only about 28 per cent under the Finkel proposal, far less than the two-thirds reduction by 2030 proposed by a Climate Change Authority report from last August, but Mr Frydenberg dismissed suggestions Australia would not meet its Paris target as a result.

"We have a good record of meeting our international targets . . . I point out that Dr Finkel, in his report, does issue a note of caution about adopting targets for the electricity sector beyond 28 per cent because of the ramifications it may have for energy security and affordability."

The Climate Institute, however, said a 28 per cent emissions reductions by the electricity sector wasn't enough because "reducing emissions in electricity is much easier than reducing emissions from agriculture" and other industries.

Under a CET, 42 per cent of electricity would come from renewable energy sources by 2030 - versus 35 per cent under business-as-usual - while the report said there should be "no penalty for high emissions" sources, just incentives to drive investment in renewables.

Dr Alan Finkel said a CET was not the same as a carbon price, but it was a market-based mechanism that sent a price signal to investors.

Under a CET, low emissions generators would receive certificates, or partial certificates, for generating power from cleaner sources and these would be traded.

The Chief Scientist modelled a low emissions targets close to 0.6 tonnes of carbon per megawatt hour for the electricity sector under the CET to send a price signal to the sector.

As debate over climate policy enters a new phase, new ReachTEL polling commissioned by the Australian Institute showed about three-quarters of Australians in the seats of four key cabinet ministers - Mr Frydenberg, Julie Bishop, Christopher Pyne and Greg Hunt - backed a strong clean energy target and a majority said they would back Australia moving towards 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030.

"A well-designed CET could be the breakthrough which finally integrates climate and energy policy. But a badly designed scheme could lock Australia into expensive, high emissions infrastructure," executive director Ben Oquist said.

The Finkel report also highlighted a warning from the Australian Energy Market Operator that next summer, both Victoria and South Australia could face electricity supply interruptions following the closure of the Hazelwood coal-fired power station.

In future, it said, power generators should have to give three years' notice before closing down. It suggested the Turnbull government's climate policy review, due at the end of the year, should set a 2050 emissions reduction target.

The report compared the effectiveness of a CET, and an emissions intensity scheme (EIS), and the status quo policy settings.

Under the scenarios examined, both a CET and EIS would deliver cheaper power prices for households and consumers than "business-as-usual".

A CET would see more electricity generated by brown coal than under an EIS scenario, which is why prices are slightly cheaper, but slightly more renewable power generated.

The report predicts that under all scenarios, the use of coal power will decline significantly to 2050.

New wind and solar generators will have to supply reliable power - meaning they would have to also build a battery, have pumped hydro storage or gas-fired power alongside, which could force up the cost of renewables.

The report calls for a new "Energy Security Board" to monitor the electricity system. .

The Business Council said the report offered the best chance to end federal politics climate wars. Energy Networks Australia said the review was the "last, best hope that Australian energy customers have for a secure, reliable and affordable energy transition".

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