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Trump lied about $110bn Saudi arms deal — it doesn’t exist

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We learn this morning that Donald Trump lied about the alleged $110 billion arms deal he claims to have inked during his visit to Saudi Arabia. The deal doesn’t exist. Or, as ...

Trump creates diplomatic row with UK by attacks on Muslim London Mayor

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Donald Trump has created yet another diplomatic row with a key American ally. This time the United Kingdom. For the second day in a row, Trump tweet-attacked Sadiq Khan, the Muslim ...
Sadiq Khan, mayor of London.

Trump tweet-attacks Muslim mayor of London for being soft on terror

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On the heels of a series of terrorist attacks in London that left 7 dead and 48 wounded, Donald Trump took to Twitter this morning to attack the Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, ...

Donald Trump’s Kathy Griffin is named Ted Nugent: Why is he still welcome in the White House?

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Donald Trump has a Kathy Griffin: His name is Ted Nugent. You’re by now likely familiar with the brouhaha earlier this week over comedian Kathy Griffin doing a photo shoot in ...

Trump to lift partial sanctions on Russia for hacking the election

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The Washington Post is reporting that Donald Trump is moving towards lifting part of the election-related sanctions that President Obama placed on Russia. Specifically, Trump is planning ...

The Week in Trump: A look back at the last week in Washington and beyond

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A new season of “House of Cards” is out, and it’s looking increasingly like President Underwood can’t top Donald Trump. In today’s Trump update, I talk ...
elon musk

Elon Musk, you said you weighed in with Trump on Climate. How’d that go?

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A number of us asked a few months back why self-professed do-good corporate execs like Tesla/SpaceX CEO Elon Musk had signed up for Donald Trump’s “manufacturing council.” ...

Trump defends Kushner with article that leaks classified information

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On Twitter today, Donald Trump defended his son-in-law and top adviser, Jared Kushner, from allegations that he secretly conspired with the Russian ambassador to set up a covert communications ...
nato summit

Merkel: Trump has made clear Europe is now on its own

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Donald Trump has achieved in four months what the Soviets and Russians couldn’t accomplish in 68 years: Destroying the American-European alliance. German Chancellor Angela Merkel ...

Trump White House excludes gay spouse of Luxembourg PM from photo caption

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The Trump White House this morning excluded Gauthier Destenay, the First Gentleman of Luxembourg from the photo caption of the group shot of NATO leaders’ spouses. Destenay and ...
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