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Columbia Journalism Review
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With Trump rebuke, the media were unfaithful to Francis.
In keeping with the rich tradition of religious ambiguity, Pope Francis made a provocative and vague statement directed at Donald Trump that dominated headlines Thursday. News outlets, primarily broadcasters, ran with the most sensational interpretation, which played into...
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New York Times reporter Kim Barker has the answer
Who would play you in a movie? It’s the kind of question that might come up among reporters aiming above their station (or laughingly taking each other down). But for former war correspondent Kim Barker, the answer may...
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Considering it was a story with a lot of moving parts, Washington media did a good job.
Antonin Scalia’s passing over the weekend was just the second death of a sitting Supreme Court justice since 1954. What’s more, it comes during a presidential election year, a fact that is invigorating judicial activists and propelling both...
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Will we see copycats in the future?
In some ways, it's surprising Donald Trump took so long to call one of his political opponents a pussy. He was repeating the words of a supporter, to be fair. But in a campaign whose success in attracting...
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Why use a 5¢ word when you can use a $2 one?
Jon Caramanica has an ear for physicality. The New York Times pop music critic is known for his inventiveness when describing the texture of vocals and instrumentals in many genres, and that’s best exhibited when he reviews hip-hop and...
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Why you may see some major news players making shifts.
A volatile market, plunging tech stocks, and fears of a looming recession (or at least, a major correction) are sending jolts through the media world. Last week Bloomberg reported that in December The Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund...
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“If we’re going to ask students to fulfill the responsibility of being front-line newsgatherers—and, often, not pay them anything for it—the least we can do is send them out into the field with the confidence of meaningful legal protection”
The recent controversy at Mount St. Mary’s University is just the latest reminder—if one were needed—that student journalists in many places remain vulnerable to threats of interference and censorship. But a movement to change that is seeing some...
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"Podcasts that target a particular in-group ... also serve as an access point for outsiders to listen in."
Tracy Clayton’s laughter is magnificently contagious. Clayton is the host of BuzzFeed’s Another Round podcast, during which she and co-host Heben Nigatu laugh and drink their way through an hour of camaraderie, interviews, and commentary, touching on a...
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“We’re welcoming in people who are not part of that group and we’re giving them access, in an accessible and non-threatening and non-offensive way.”
Tracy Clayton’s laughter is magnificently contagious. Clayton is the host of BuzzFeed’s Another Round podcast, during which she and co-host Heben Nigatu laugh and drink their way through an hour of camaraderie, interviews, and commentary, touching on a...
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Let's not pretend the CIA is some sort of neutral, all-seeing arbiter when it comes to secrecy
A federal judge—fed up with constant State Department delays—ordered another batch of Hillary Clinton last week, which meant we yet again got to find out how many of the dozens of new emails were held back because they’re classified....
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“The job of critics is to offer potential consumers an independent, unbought account of these things.”
A.O. Scott’s new book asserts that criticism is a “fundamentally democratic undertaking.” That’s a surprisingly populist sentiment coming from one of the two chief film critics at The New York Times. Criticism is surely no longer an oligarchy,...
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“If your bread and butter is coming from the [UN] agencies, you’re not going to want to write bad things about them. It doesn’t do wonders for journalism.”
In August 2014, eight months into South Sudan’s still-raging conflict, some aid worker friends started telling me to get to Bentiu. That the tens of thousands of civilians crowded into the United Nations base on the town’s outskirts...
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Encouraging excellence in journalism since 1961
The Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) is an American magazine for professional journalists published bimonthly by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism since 1961. Its contents include news and media industry trends, analysis, professional ethics and stories behind news.