What now?

Assembly in Argentina, 2001

Whatever the result of the general election, we need to be building a movement capable of creating a better world.

Whether it's to wrest reforms from a minority Labour government, or defend ourselves against the onslaught of an increased majority for Theresa May, politics happens in our everyday lives through the wage relationship at work and the state outside it. Organising in our workplaces and communities is essential to building a movement that can transform society, regardless of the electoral cycle.

There are groups already doing that in the UK, right now. Local solidarity groups, national campaigns, radical media and archival projects, anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions all exist and welcome new members and volunteers.

We list some of these below, pick one and figure out how to join or support them.


You can join SolFed from anywhere in the UK. They organise retail/food service workers against wage theft and more.

SolFed Demo

Sisters Uncut

@SistersUncut w/ several local groups, organise against cuts to domestic violence services. Just occupied and transformed Holloway Prison.

Sisters Uncut


The IWW is a revolutionary union that currently focuses on organising precarious workers (but membership is open to all who agree with the preamble). They've had some successes recently with the Deliveroo strikes.

Deliveroo picket line

Anti Raids Network

Immigration enforcement vans regularly disrupted. @AntiRaids spreads information on the location of raids and attempts to disrupt them. This is the start of the pipeline for the deportation and detention system, although there's also a funnel into the deportation system that's contested by organisations in this list.

Cyclists surrounding an immigration enforcement van

Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth

@housingactionsl support homeless and inadequately housed people against Southwark and Lambeth councils which regularly deny basic duties.

Schools ABC

@schools_abc is organising a boycott against the schools census immigration data collection. Already withdrawn for 2-5 year olds, the campaign to stop collection for 5-18 year olds is ongoing.

Schools ABC bus adjacking

LSE Cleaners

Cleaners at the London School of Economics have been on strike for weeks, organising with @UVWunion.

Cleaners picket the LSE

Cleaners at LSE organising for better pay and conditions with @UVWunion.

Disabled People Against Cuts

DPAC are involved in taking action to fight austerity cuts that affect disabled people.


Docs not Cops

Border controls are being expanded into basic services like the NHS, but @DocsNotCops are organising against this by refusing to implement immigration checks for pre-charging.

Docs not Cops


North East London Migrant Action organises with migrants, especially families w/ no recourse to public funds. They're currently looking for volunteers. https://nelmacampaigns.wordpress.com

Protest banner for NELMA

Unity Centre Glasgow

The Unity Centre in Glasgow provides practical support and solidarity to migrants in Glasgow. They also need funds! You can donate from anywhere.

The Unity Centre shop front in Glasgow

Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants

@lgsmigrants.@lgsmigrants locked on to delay Stansted deportation charter flight. Counter demo against far-right demonstration in Manchester this Sunday.

Charter flight blockers celebrating

Homes Not Borders

Homes Not Borders campaign against the 'hostile environment' right to rent scheme, part of the current extension of border controls everywhere in society.

Homes Not Borders logo

Adapted from our running twitter thread on election day.