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Plagiarism, speaking to Siri: HSC students go to great lengths to cheat in exams

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One HSC student was caught muttering into an iPhone trying to ask Siri a question, while another two took a photo and a video of an exam paper and posted them on social media from inside the exam room.

Plagiarism remains by far the most common cheating offence in the HSC, but students are still smuggling handwritten notes into exams, using electronic devices in tests and deliberately submitting an assessment late.

The latest data from the NSW Education Standards Authority, which runs the HSC, shows more than 600 students in NSW were found to have plagiarised an assessment or cheated on an exam last year.

Since 2014, all schools in NSW have been required to maintain a register of malpractice in school assessment tasks in a bid to crack down on cheating on take-home exams. In 2016, 173 schools registered 722 offences involving 613 students.

The most common cheating offence was plagiarism, with 63 per cent of offenders receiving zero marks, and 29 per cent were given reduced marks.

There were 310 cases of plagiarism in take-home assessments last year, up 45 from the year before. Take-home exams were highlighted in a 2007 Independent Commission Against Corruption report which investigated corruption risks in HSC school assessments. 


The then-principal of private girls' school PLC Sydney, William McKeith, told the ICAC: "When half the mark for each HSC course is determined by the school, it could be a deficiency that we do not know how many incidents of plagiarism in assessment tasks are routinely identified and what action each school took against the offender."

But despite the increased attention on cheating, students have found new ways to game the system over the years in a bid to get higher marks.

In 2015, Fairfax Media revealed that NSW high school students were paying hundreds of dollars to have assignments written for them by private companies. Tutors on classified site Gumtree were offering to write "guaranteed band-six essays" for $300.

The standards authority also released last year's figures for disability provisions and misadventure applications.

More than 88 per cent of all schools – including 87 per cent of public schools – had at least one application for disability provisions, a small decrease from 2015. These can include a student needing extra time, rest breaks or a reading helper if they have a low reading ability.

There were 4434 students who also lodged illness or misadventure applications, which included exams being disrupted by bushfires or Typhoon Haima for students taking HSC examinations in Hong Kong.