

They call themselves helpers of God's precious infants, but they are not here to help

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They call themselves "sidewalk counsellors" and they gather around reproductive health clinics, which are (whisper it!) the places where women go to procure abortions.

If you find that uncomfortable, or if you believe there is a moral distinction between women who want their pregnancies and those who don't, rest assured these clinics are also attended by women who have had miscarriages and need treatment.

Whatever the case, they still get harassed, as do the clinic's staff. The sidewalk counsellors brandish photos of late-term fetuses in their faces. Sometimes they jostle. They pray publicly for the souls of the fetuses. They cajole. They take photographs of the women entering the clinics. They do everything they can to make sure the woman entering the clinic, on what is probably one of the worst days of her life, has an even worse day.

Most of the sidewalk counsellors are from the ludicrously named group Helpers of God's Precious Infants. Of course, the group helps no infants – it does not exist in labour wards or in infant health, in post-natal care or in the foster system.

That's because the Helpers are uninterested in the logical conclusion of their lobbying – the birth of infants to unwilling or vulnerable mothers.

Why should we even care about such religious crackpots?


We should care because they are the loud and crazy product of a society that still, through its Criminal Code and the inaction of its parliament, sends women the message that their sexuality is both everyone's business and, when things don't go according to plan, their own fault.

Abortion still exists as a crime in NSW, nestled in Division 12 of Part 3 of the Crimes Act – Offences Against the Person.

Last month a Greens' bill put forward to overturn the law was voted down by the NSW Upper House, 25 votes to 14, which kept us in an embarrassing club with Queensland as the only states where abortion is outlawed.

Of course, abortion is very rarely prosecuted. Women are able to get abortions, and doctors give them, on a routine basis, thanks to a body of common law which makes pregnancy terminations permissible if, for any economic, social or medical reason, the abortion is necessary to preserve the woman's mental or physical health.

It's a pretty big catch-all, and one that clearly gives the mother's health and body priority.

So why change the law?

Human rights advocates, lawyers and reproductive health doctors say abortion's illegality projects a stigma onto needy women, and makes many doctors reluctant to provide terminations in the first place.

This is particularly a problem in rural and remote Australia, where there is little access to reproductive health services

"The law isn't only about punishment, it should reflect social norms," says Emily Howie, the director of legal advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre.

"Retaining abortion in the Criminal Code, with sanctions that include 10 years' jail time, is a relic of the 19th century."

The lawmakers of the 19th century did do a fine line in sheeting home sexual blame to women while exonerating men. The English parliament's Contagious Disease Acts of the 1860s were a response to the outbreak of venereal disease in the British armed forces.

The British response to this public health problem was a sledgehammer of woman-blaming, with prostitutes being carted off for forcible medical examinations. They were locked up in hospitals for up to a year. The prostitutes' clientele were left untouched. They were not considered the problem.

More than 150 years later, in what most of us would consider an enlightened society, women are still bearing the social and legal responsibility for a problem which, by definition, involves the equal participation of a man.

The deeply conservative, anti-abortion right-wing faction of the NSW Liberal Party is nicknamed the Taliban, and not for nothing.

Abortion statistics are hard to come by, but those that exist tell us it is common: one study of South Australian 50-something women, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, said one in three had had an abortion in their lives. In other words, it affects either you or a woman you know. And if you're a man, you are reasonably likely to have been behind one.

It's time to bring abortion out of the legal shadows and remove the stigma from it entirely.

Various new decriminalising bills from Labor and Greens MPs are being discussed but in the interim, NSW Upper House Labor MP Penny Sharpe has tabled a bill aimed at imposing safety zones around the state's abortion clinics, to keep the sidewalk counsellors at bay.

They will be free, then, to go and help God's Precious Infants - the ones who have actually been born, in the hospitals and the schools and on the streets.

This bill will be debated after the parliament's winter break. It should be supported by every NSW parliamentarian, even the Talibanis.