Aid to PNG without justice is no help at all

Aid to PNG without justice is no help at all

Since Papua New Guinea became independent in 1975, its relationship with Australia has had its ups and downs, but it remains strong. Its strength is expressed in the volume of aid Australia has consistently given to its former colonial territory.

PNG now receives the largest share of the money Australia hands out as aid. Right now, a big chunk of that aid is being devoted to helping Port Moresby host the 2018 APEC leaders' summit, much of it to support security arrangements. Whatever one thinks of the worth of an APEC summit as an aid project, one consequence of the summit has been, as Heath Aston reports today, quite disastrous for the local community.

Settlers from Paga Hill, in Papua New Guinea, have been left in appalling conditions after being moved from their homes.

Settlers from Paga Hill, in Papua New Guinea, have been left in appalling conditions after being moved from their homes.Credit:Aid Watch

Australian-based companies engaged in developing a site on Port Moresby's harbour to be used during the APEC summit have evicted communities of squatters who had been living there for decades. There were initial promises of resettlement and assistance for those affected. These appear to have been largely empty. Charities now claim that two-thirds of the 3000 original residents were never given any assistance to resettle, and many of those are living on the streets. They make further claims that the human rights of the dispossessed have been violated.

It would be easy to use these events to argue against aid in general: it's too hard, let's just forget the whole thing. Foreign aid is always a popular target for politicians seeking to curry favour with those inward-looking voters for whom selfishness is second nature. Aid has been cut back ruthlessly in recent budgets as a result, although, because of the special relationship, PNG has not suffered as much as other poor nations.

Yet the argument against aid is mistaken in so many ways. Firstly, because much aid is spent on getting Australian companies to do work in foreign countries – and to make valuable connections and contacts while doing so. When managed well, this process thus boosts the Australian economy as well as those of countries abroad. Second, because Australia's current stingy approach ignores aid's role in strengthening our foreign policy and national security. Simply put, aid turns neighbours into friends and allies and ensures our security; cuts to aid do the opposite.

The Chinese with their growing and clearly targeted generosity in our region, including their recently acquired concern for PNG, clearly know this well; Australia, with its cutbacks, seems to have forgotten it. Third, and most important, because such meanness from Australia, one of the wealthiest countries on the planet, is both unworthy of this country's citizens and just plain wrong.

That said, however, an aid program must be managed carefully to ensure it does what it is supposed to do – give genuine help to the recipient nation and by doing so further Australia's interests. Projects for which aid is given should not be a source of oppression. Aid should not be associated with uncompensated dispossession, still less with the violation of human rights. In this instance at least, such careful management seems to have gone missing.

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