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According to the UNHCR, Lebanon is currently hosting approximately one million Syrian refugees, half of which are children. Over 252,000 Syrian refugee children are of school-age, but only 30% are actually enrolled in school.

To assess the underlying causes of this situation, Education International and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung have decided to conduct a survey, in collaboration with the

"What should I do if a classmate bullies or harasses me because he or she believes I am undocumented?", " What do I do if I see a student being bullied or harassed because they are Latino or an immigrant?": here are some of the questions that might remain unanswered amongst students and educators facing School Bullying and Harassment Based on Actual or Perceived Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, or

By Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary, Education International.

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly-in 1966. It is 21 March, the anniversary of the 1960 attack on a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa. Police killed 69 people. To call brutal carnage “racial discrimination” strikes me as a gross

The National Tertiary Education Union condemns US president Donald Trump’s executive order suspending visas for nationals from seven Muslim majority countries. It shared the concerns raised by academic and university communities worldwide that this extreme order poses a direct threat to intellectual and academic freedom, and academic exchange and collaboration.
The union urged Australian

By Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary, Education International

The Executive Order of President Donald Trump produced much heat, but little light. Many were outraged and incredulous that bigotry could become the official policy of the United States, but others were too angry to listen or to reason. EI has made its position, based on international law, clear.

Nigel Farage, a member of the

Every day in 2015, around 17,000 children fled their homes due to persecution and conflict, according to Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) latest World Report, launched last week. While access to education is crucial for children’s physical and emotional well-being, for those living in emergencies going to school is often an impossible dream.

The report draws on United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)’s

by Andrew King, EI Media & Communications Coordinator

When Noor Adam stood at the front of the room, perfectly composed and calm wearing a stylish wool coat to speak with union leaders and the minister of education, it was hard not to be impressed by the 14-year-old from Ethiopia. And then he spoke.
Having lived in Sweden since he was 11, Noor was wise well beyond his teenage years. In Swedish he

The Alberta Teachers' Association has produced in partnership with the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation, a series of teaching resources to support immigrant and refugee students. Each guide focuses on a specific community (Arab, Karen, Somali and South Sudanese students). It provides teachers with information concerning the students' cultural background and suggestions to adapt

By Fernando M. Reimers, Professor of the Practice of International Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education.

I write these notes on the flight back from Stockholm to Boston, having just participated in the Education International Refugee Education Conference (21-22 November 2016). 

A hands on conference, designed to provide shared knowledge, to engage in dialogue and to construct together

On Monday 24 October, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called on the Government of the United States of America to abolish the mandatory detention of migrants, especially asylum seekers, from all countries.

“Mandatory detention of migrants, especially asylum-seekers, is against international law standards,” the expert panel stressed at the end of its first official visit to


The German education union GEW has placed special focus on the relationship between integration and democracy after hosting its national congress under the slogan “One for all – an inclusive school for democracy.”

The need to place schools at the centre of any inclusion policy was highlighted at the national congress of GEW, a member of Education International (EI), which took place at Frankfurt

The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers has highlighted the appalling impact of the global refugee crisis on the world’s children and young people, especially in terms of education.

At the UK Trades Union Congress’ Congress in Brighton on 14 September, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) President, Kathy Wallis, urged the

Across the globe, nearly 50 million children have been uprooted, migrating to find a better, safer life, with 28 million forcibly displaced by conflict and violence within and across borders, a new UNICEF study reveals.

Often traumatised by the conflicts and violence they are fleeing, these children face further dangers along the way, including the risk of drowning on sea crossings,

Over 1,810 academics from universities across Australia have signed an Open Letterto Prime Minister Turnbull and Members of Parliament, supporting the implementation of the the Academic for Refugees’ policy paper's recommendations, calling for a just and humane approach for refugees. 

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) supports both the Academics for Refugees policy paper and open


On 7 June 2016, the European Commission published a Communication entitled “Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals”.

ETUCE (the European region of Education International) welcomed the fact that the Communication emphasises the importance of education and the role of teachers in the integration of migrants and refugees:

Promoting the recruitment of teachers with a migrant

On the occasion of World Refugee Day on 20 June, thousands of persons took to the streets in more than 50 places around the country to defend the rights of refugees and denounce EU asylum and migration policies. A few days earlier, on 14 June in Madrid, representatives of unions, civil society and the cultural sphere had gathered in Madrid to call on the population to give a strong backing to

Education International and European affiliates from Spain and Italy took part in a high-level conference organised in Rome on 15 June by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) with the support of the three Italian unions CGIL, CISL and UIL.

This Trade Union Action on Refugees brought together union leaders and representatives from 22 European countries as well as representatives of the European

German unions are pushing for effective inclusion plans for adult refugees arriving in the country, with a focus on integrative education based on language skills and the acquisition of enabling diplomas.

As tens of thousands of asylum-seeking refugees continue to arrive in Europe, the German education union, Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) , a member of Education International

On 9 March 2016, the European Commission published a new study regarding the diversity of the teaching profession in Europe, with a specific focus on teachers with a migrant and/or a minority background.

Concerning the diversity of the teaching workforce, there is a lack of data concerning the migrant or minority background in the different Member States of the European Union. Data is missing

Migration policies, growing xenophobia internationally, indicators on migrants and migration in sustainable development goals’ targets, and a world migration summit were key issues discussed at the United Nations Coordination Meeting on International Migration (25-26 february 2016). Education International (EI) actively participated in the meeting which took place in New York, USA.


The Finnish education trade union OAJ, which has over 120 000 members and represents about 95% of the teachers in the country, recently launched a publication entitled Integration Compass (In Finnish: Kotoutumiskompassi) dealing with the integration of refugees and migrants in education. EI/ETUCE asked Ms Päivi Lyhykäinen, OAJ Special Adviser for Education, to explain the impact and use of the

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff discussion paper that was presented by C. Lagarde at the World Economic Forum called for ‘temporary and limited derogations of the minimum wage for refugees’ – a proposal that has met strong rejection by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and other global union federations such as EI. 

The 50-page report, which “focuses on the economic

To mark International Migrants’ Day, Education International is reminding governments and the international community of their duty to ensure that the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced persons are respected and guaranteed. 

With only one in two refugee children in primary education, education and migration issues are deeply entangled. In the context of the present migration crisis, EI

A Los Angeles teacher placement company has been ordered to pay $4.5 million to 350 Filipino teachers it lured to the United States and forced into exploitive contracts after arriving to teach in Louisiana. 

The verdict follows a two-week trial in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in Los Angeles. The case was filed on behalf of the teachers by the Southern Poverty Law

On 8 October 2015, EI affiliate in the USA, the American Federation of Teachers, adopted a resolution to express its solidarity and commitment to promote a global migration policy that emphasises human and labour rights and inclusive development. The union resolved to lobby the government to promote a global strategy of fair-share resettlement of migrants across countries, including the U.S. The

For many years, the education trade union Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) has been supporting the "Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus" (International Weeks against Racism), by calling local members to take action.

This year, the initiative is taking place between 13 and 26 March, with more than 80 supportive organisations and the following slogan: "100 Prozent Menschenwürde -

The National Union of Teachers (UK) has produced a brochure compiling different initiatives and websites offering teachers resources to challenge racism with their students in their classroom.

It includes:

  • an education packchallenging contemporary racism and educating against the dangers of far right groups, produced in collaboration with the UK charity "Show Racism the RED card";
  • a SERTUC

20 February is United Nations World Day of Social Justice and the University and College Union is supporting the One Day Without Us mobilisation which invites supporters to celebrate the contribution migrants make by taking part in a unifying action: at 1pm all migrants and their supporters are invited to link arms and/or hold up placards, take photos and post them on social media using the

As part of its efforts to advocate for migrants’ and refugees’ rights in Spain, the Federación Estatal de Enseñanza de Comisiones Obreras (FECCOO) is carrying out a series of school-based capacity building projects, in collaboration with three education institutions in Catalonia, the Basque and the Valencian Communities. The different activities aim to sensitize and empower local communities,

Since Autumn 2016, five Swedish universities have started offering a new course for newly-arrived teachers and preschool teachers. The Swedish government launched this initiative to help new migrants with professional qualifications from their home countries integrate into the labour market in their host country, and obtain jobs in sectors where there is currently a shortage of workers.


As a response to the refugee crisis the NUT has created a hub for refugee teaching resources, booklists and useful websites which have been developed, used and shared by teachers for teachers. 

The website includes downloadable classroom resources, useful websites and booklists for primary and secondary age pupils.  

The website continues to grow as more teachers send in their materials to share

The AFT's "Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff" includes both background information on immigration— especially for refugee asylum seekers crossing the border from Mexico—and practical advice for families threatened by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) immigration raids, deportation and detention.

The guide outlines basic facts about

The NUT (England and Wales) has produced a Guide for schools entitled ‘Welcoming Refugee Children to Your School’.  It can be downloadedfrom the NUT website or printed copies are available by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

by Philippa Cordingley, Chief Executive of CUREE (Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education)

I feel greatly honoured to be asked to facilitate a workshop at the inspiring Education International conference focused on “Providing education to refugee children from conflict areas in the Middle East: fast track to Equal Opportunities and integration”. I also feel a little nervous about

Confronted with a dramatic increase of refugees from neighbouring countries in conflict, the Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers is calling for solidarity to see that all children receive an education.

The Greek Federation of Secondary State School Teachers (OLME) President and General Secretary are urging the Greek Government to seek special funding to cover the costs of

The Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö, together with the Finnish trade union movement, has backed a demonstration against racism and violent right-wing extremism which received widespread national public support.

The demonstration, held in Helsinki at the end of September, was organised in response to the death of a 28-year-old Finnish man assaulted during a neo-Nazi rally earlier that month. At the

Education International attended the United Nations’ General Assembly's first-ever Summit for Refugees and Migrants, which reasserted the need to protect refugees and migrants’ rights, including their right to education.

With more people forced to flee their homes than at any time since World War II, world leaders came together at the United Nations (UN) on 19 September to adopt the New York

With millions of people displaced by war and violence in Africa and the Middle East, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has vowed to reach out a helping hand, advocating for the resettlement of thousands of immigrants and for their protection against bigotry and persecution.

AFT delegates passed a resolution restating the organization’s opposition to hate speech and encouraging programs that

To prepare for the High-Level Meeting on refugees and migrants in New York in September, Education International joined global unions and civil society at the UN to defend children and educators.

On 18 July, the United Nations (UN) set the stage for the September meeting with Informal Hearings convened by the President of the UN General Assembly.

The Hearings were convened to consult  civil

On 20 June, the Italian union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL joined forces to draw attention to the worrying situation of unaccompanied minors in Italy and Europe. Investments in quality public services, in particular through adequate training of professionals, are crucial to offer these children the assistance they need.

The three unions challenged the Italian and European Union authorities in an

On 20 June, World Refugee Day, Education International urges governments to protect refugees’ human rights, including the right to education, and to enable the teaching profession to develop and deliver effective education programmes aimed at a swift integration of refugees in their host countries.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 65.3 million people were

The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit being held in Istanbul on 23-24 May, brings together the global community to reaffirm solidarity with people affected by crises. 

According to the organisers of the summit, current levels of humanitarian needs are the highest since the Second World War. In the first months of 2016, 125 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. Over 60 million

The Electronic Platform for Adult Education in Europe (EPALE) is organizing a ‘Migrant Education Week’ from 25 to 29 April 2016 to support the ongoing discussions and debates on the role of adult education in the integration and skills development of migrants.

Participants can contribute to this event by submitting educational or teaching resources, blog posts, opinions, events or news on the

This report, published on 31 March 2016, focuses on the role of education in supporting the economic integration of migrants. The report compares the educational attainment of first and second generation immigrants with native students in Europe.

Summarizing empirical evidence, this report shows that, although there is a huge variation between countries, first generation immigrants in Europe are less

With Germany as the backdrop of teacher unions’ and education ministers’ annual gathering, the plight of refugee children and their education opportunities have become a focus at the Sixth International Summit on the Teaching Profession (Berlin, 3-4 March 2016).

The official theme may be “Teachers’ professional learning and growth: creating the conditions to achieve quality teaching for excellent

IREX - an international non-profit organisation based in the U.S. - launches the "European administrators programme". This professional development programme will allow European teachers and education support personnel to share with and learn from their U.S. counterparts, successful experiences in supporting minorities, refugees and migrants in school communities.

The programme includes training

TUC International has produced an employment rights online resource guide in 17 languages to help inform migrants of their working rights in the UK. 

The TUC is the national centre of trade unions in the UK, representing more than 5.5 million workers and 52 unions from a variety of sectors.

The employment rights online resource guide can be found by going to


The initiative ‘Science4Refugees’ matches refugees and asylum seekers who have a scientific background with positions in universities and research institutions that are 'refugee-welcoming organisations' and that have suitable positions available.

Science4Refugees is accessible to refugees and institutions through the EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion portal, a pan-European initiative providing access to

As part of a 3-year project funded by EI and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, EI affiliates from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines met for a 3-day workshop in Kuala Lumpur (September 29th-October 1st) to discuss teacher migration and related social protection issues.

The workshop was an important occasion for delegates to share information and knowledge on their respective experience of teacher

AFT hails new international teachers' recruitment code Share This Print AFT leaders and members joined several organizations at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on June 4 to unveil a new Teachers' Code for Ethical International Recruitment and Employment Practices (link is external), a policy model that will help safeguard human dignity and protect the quality of schools services