Amazon Pinpoint

Get Started

Amazon Pinpoint makes it easy to message users directly from your application or backend service, or run targeted campaigns to drive user engagement. Amazon Pinpoint helps you understand user behavior, select the best channel to engage users, determine the most effective messages to send, schedule the best time to deliver the messages, and then track user engagement.

Amazon Pinpoint lets you send messages using a variety of channels, including Email, Text Messages (SMS) and Mobile Push Notifications so you can send the appropriate message using the best channel for a particular campaign or interaction.

Getting started with Amazon Pinpoint is easy. You can message individual users from the console by creating a project, selecting the channel, and then defining the message to send. To engage segments of users via targeted campaigns, the console guides you through the process of defining your target segments, campaign message, and delivery schedule. Once your campaign is running, Amazon Pinpoint provides metrics so you can run analytics and track the impact of your campaign.

With Amazon Pinpoint, there are no upfront setup or fixed monthly costs. You only pay for the number of users you target, the messages you send, and the application events you collect, so you can start small and scale as your application grows.

Understand User Behavior

Amazon Pinpoint gives you a clear view of how users are engaging with your applications and systems of record. Amazon Pinpoint includes real-time analytics with dashboards for analyzing user engagement, user demographics, custom events, and campaign funnels so you can understand how users interact with your applications and campaigns. Amazon Pinpoint analytics provides you with push notification deliveries and opens, email opens and clicks, SMS deliveries, and costs to measure cross channel engagement effectiveness.

With Pinpoint, you can filter user data by entire segments, segmentation attributes, or time, and then view and drill down on the data in the Pinpoint dashboard.

Amazon Pinpoint also provides you with the ability to publish your raw application analytics and messaging analytics data to Kinesis streams or Kinesis Firehose streams for additional data handling flexibility.

Create Targeted Campaigns

Amazon Pinpoint lets you create targeted engagement campaigns that deliver relevant and personalized emails, SMS text messages, and mobile push notification messages to targeted segments of users. Segmentation criterion for the audience of a campaign are defined using standard attributes such as device make, mobile, locale, customer defined custom attributes such as user demographics, application utilization and activities or any custom query that can identify users within the Amazon Pinpoint analytics system.

You can also use data from a variety of different sources to define your target segments in Amazon Pinpoint. Pinpoint can automatically collect user data from your applications, or import data collected by a 3rd party service or AWS services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift. Just export your data to Amazon S3 and utilize the pre-built integration to import your data into Pinpoint. Once you define your target segments you can run messaging-based campaigns.

Amazon Pinpoint also let’s your applications communicate directly with your users. The benefit of using Amazon Pinpoint over disparate channel services is that all user engagement data (campaign and direct) is captured in a single analytics service to provide a 360 degree view of all your user engagement across all channels and applications. It also alleviates the work of integrating and maintaining all of those individual channel implementations.

Measure Results

Amazon Pinpoint provides reporting on user engagement activity to track the impact of your campaigns and direct messages across all user segments, applications and channels. You can view basic activity such as number of times a message was opened by a user for given channels to custom metrics such as revenue generated based on user journeys. You can also export the resulting event data and run custom analytics using your existing analytics tools. Amazon Pinpoint can also help you A/B test different messages, track results, and then send the best message to your target audience. These capabilities help you to understand and drive the business outcomes achieved through your applications.

Collect Usage Data from Your App

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Collect Usage Data from Your App

Collecting usage data from your application with Amazon Pinpoint easy. For your mobile apps, just integrate the AWS Mobile SDK into your app and Pinpoint will collect app usage attributes, device attributes, and custom attributes that you define (like “favorite team” for a sports app, or “news preferences” for a news reader app), along with delivery time preferences. Then, you can use the attributes to create targeted mobile push, email and SMS text messages that are delivered at the most appropriate time for your application users. Pinpoint also uses this attribute data to calculate the end-user audience size before you start each campaign.

Analyze Usage with Built-in Analytics

Amazon Pinpoint includes real-time analytics with dashboards for analyzing user acquisition, user engagement, user demographics, custom events, and campaign funnels so you can understand how users engage with your application.

Analyze Usage with Built-in Analytics
Analyze Usage with Built-in Analytics

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Easily Integrate External Data

Easily Integrate External Data

With Amazon Pinpoint, you can define target segments from a variety of data sources. You can identify target segments from app user data that Amazon Pinpoint collects. You can also build custom target segments from user data collected in other AWS services, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift. Since Amazon Pinpoint is integrated with Amazon S3, you can import target user segments, in JSON and CSV format, from third-party sources, such as a CRM system, by exporting the data from the CRM system to Amazon S3, and then importing it into Amazon Pinpoint.

Target Your Campaign by Creating Segments

With Amazon Pinpoint you can build your own user segments based on device attributes such as country and OS platform, user-activity, custom attributes such as subscription level, or import your own list of users that you would like to target. You can also run custom segmentation queries on your own data in Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift and then import these as segments into Pinpoint.

Target Your Campaign by Creating Segments

Build Your Campaign Message

Build Your Campaign Message

You can use Amazon Pinpoint to create messages from templates that are populated with custom attributes like favorite team, news preferences, and locations details. This enables you to deliver personalized messages to each user in the campaign. You can also send personalized messages by importing user device IDs, along with a personalized message for each user, directly from Amazon S3.

Schedule One-time or Recurring Campaigns

With Amazon Pinpoint, you can send mobile push, email and SMS text messages immediately, at a time you define, or as a recurring campaign. By scheduling campaigns, you can optimize the push notifications to be delivered at a specific time across multiple time zones

Schedule One-time or Recurring Campaigns

Analyze the Results of Your Campaign
Analyze the Results of Your Campaign

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Analyze the Results of Your Campaign

To help you track the impact of your campaign, Amazon Pinpoint provides campaign metrics, including the number of notifications received, number of times that the app was opened as a result of the campaign, the time the app was opened, and push notification opt-out rate, email messages clicked and opened, SMS messages delivered. You can use these metrics to measure and view the impact of a campaign using the Amazon Pinpoint dashboard. You can also export the resulting event data and run custom analytics using your existing analytics systems.

Easily Run A/B Testing

Amazon Pinpoint includes A/B testing, and you can test up to 5 different messages and campaign schedules with a subset of users, measure the results, and then send the best message to your target segment.

Easily Run A/B Testing

Build Out Adoption Funnel Dashboards

Build Out Adoption Funnel Dashboards

With Amazon Pinpoint, you can define and view campaign funnels to analyze campaign performance and quickly see how users are participating in the campaign. You can define up to 5 steps within each funnel, including events such as session start, time from campaign send to user response, and custom events.

Automate Campaigns and Integrate/Extend Systems with Amazon Pinpoint APIs

Amazon Pinpoint uses a services oriented architecture and provides APIs so you can automate your campaigns and integrate and extend your applications and backend services or systems of record. The Pinpoint APIs enable you to programmatically define and run your campaigns with a full range of commands so you can update messaging credentials, import device endpoints, define segments, define campaigns, and save or export campaign and app event data. The SOA system enables sending messages directly from applications via the Amazon Pinpoint channels (Email, SMS and Mobile Push), accessing segmentation data to alter application behavior for segments of users, create and run campaigns directly from applications, and access deliverability and analytics data to improve user engagement.

Automate Campaigns with Amazon Pinpoint APIs

Getting started with Amazon Pinpoint is easy. You can integrate Amazon Pinpoint into your app when you create your app, or add Amazon Pinpoint to an existing app.

Just create your Amazon Pinpoint project in AWS Mobile Hub, follow the integration instructions to include the AWS Mobile SDK in your app, and share your notification credentials.

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