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Home » Archives by category » Unions » TUC

10 July strike: one day is not enough

By Dave Stockton More than one million workers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland struck on Thursday 10 July against the government freeze on pay and the 20% decline in real wages…

50,000 march on the Tories

Dave Stockton writes, according to Greater Manchester Police a column of some 50,000 demonstrators threaded its way through the streets of the city centre in a route which passed within…

John McDonnell MP calls for general strike at London rally

An evening rally and demo called for solidarity with the 14 November European general strikes – but union leaders expose the gulf between the British movement and that of the…

The British General Strike of 1926 – Part Two

In Workers Power 367 we saw how the Communist Part of Great Britain (CPGB) initiated the powerful rank and file Minority Movement, but became ever more uncritical supporters of the…

Editorial – Fight for a General Strike

It’s no longer a question of if we need a general strike, but how can we get one. As 2012 ends and a new year begins the economic, political and…

TUC’s Future that Works demo: 150,000 march – and vote – for a general strike

The 20 October demonstration in London and rally in Hyde Park were remarkable in that so many union leaders took up the call, passed by the TUC, to consider the…

Say YES to a general strike

After TUC agrees to consider a general strike, step up the pressure for real action, argues Dave Stockton…

The TUC’s failures: right and left

When the Tories cobbled together the Con-Dem Coalition in May 2010, they were clear about how they were going to tackle the economic downturn – by making the working class pay…

Coalition of Resistance runs away from the General Strike

By Jeremy Dewar…

Leeds TUC meeting to build for 20 October a success

Leeds Workers Power report…

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