In the Research Spotlight: Alex Smola

by Victoria Kouyoumjian | on | | Comments

As AWS continues to support the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community with contributions to Apache MXNet and the release of Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition managed services, we are also expanding our team of AI experts, who have one primary mission: To lower the barrier to AI for all AWS developers, making AI more accessible and easy to use. As Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of Machine Learning at AWS, succinctly stated, “We want to democratize AI.”

In our Research Spotlight series, I spend some time with these AI team members for in-depth conversations about their experiences and get a peek into what they’re working on at AWS.

This week, I sat down with Alex Smola. Alex joined AWS in August 2016 as the Director of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Alex is recognized as one of the world’s top machine learning experts. He comes to AWS after helping grow the widely respected machine learning department at Carnegie Mellon, where he still holds a professorship. Alex is a prolific and widely cited author within the academic research community, writing or contributing to 462 titles with 75,000+ citations.

I asked Alex about the opportunities he sees when he looks at the current state of AI. Without hesitating, he said, “Lowering the barrier of entry to anyone who wants to do machine learning is one of the biggest opportunities out there. One of my main goals is to make machine learning accessible to a million+ developers. You can accomplish this either by training a million developers or by making your tools easier to use.”

For Alex, this means finding the right tools for different levels of customers. He cited Amazon Rekognition, a managed service that addresses computer vision challenges, as an example of this. He continued his thoughts about increasing accessibility: “Lowering the barrier to machine learning includes building tools for data scientists to enable easier experimentation, and providing documentation that is easy for developers to understand. It’s critical we make it easy to bring the power of high-performance computing to developers who want to use the latest deep learning tools.”


AWS and NVIDIA Expand Deep Learning Partnership at GTC 2017

by Joseph Spisak | on | | Comments

This year at NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference, AWS and NVIDIA partnered on multiple initiatives. The first is an exciting new Volta-based GPU instance that we think will completely change the face of the AI developer world through a 3x speedup on LSTM training. Second, we are announcing plans to train 100,000+ developers through the Deep Learning Institute (DLI) running on AWS. The third is the joint development of tools that enable large-scale deep learning for the broader developer community.

AWS is also delivering sessions at GTC including using Apache MXNet training at scale on Amazon EC2 P2 instances and at the edge through the support of NVIDIA’s Jetson TX2 platform. Here’s to a great partnership and some amazing innovation!

Volta—coming to an instance near you

The Tesla V100, based on the Volta architecture and equipped with 640 Tensor Cores, provides breakthrough performance of 120 teraflops of mixed precision deep learning performance. AWS is very excited to support V100 on Amazon EC2 instances. This support means that the growing deep learning community can take advantage of supercomputing class capabilities and train even deeper models, pushing the limits of AI. Also, in collaboration with NVIDIA, AWS engineers and researchers have pre-optimized neural machine translation (NMT) algorithms on Apache MXNet. This approach allows developers to train the fastest way now possible on Volta-based platforms. Overall, we expect the Volta-based instance to be very popular with developers!

Bringing deep learning to 100,000+ developers worldwide

We are excited to partner with NVIDIA to deliver coursework for their Deep Learning Institute on top of AWS. The DLI is broadening its curriculum to include the applied use of deep learning for self-driving cars, healthcare, web services, robotics, video analytics, and financial services. This curriculum includes instructor-led seminars, workshops, and classes to reach developers across Asia, Europe, and the Americas. With AWS’s global infrastructure spanning 42 Availability Zones (with 8 more planned) and 16 regions (with 3 more coming), AWS is the perfect infrastructure platform to reach a broad set of developers.


AWS AI Blog Month in Review: April 2017

by Derek Young | on | | Comments

Another month of AI solutions on the AWS AI Blog. Take a look at the summaries below and learn, comment and share. Thank you for reading!


AI Tech Talk: An Overview of AI on the AWS Platform
AWS offers a family of intelligent services that provide cloud-native machine learning and deep learning technologies to address your different use cases and needs. Whether you’re just getting started with AI or you’re a deep learning expert, this session provides a meaningful overview of the managed AI services, the AI Platform offerings, and the AI Frameworks you can run on the AWS Cloud. 

Deep Learning AMI for Ubuntu v1.3_Apr2017 Now Supports Caffe2
In this post, we announce that the AWS Deep Learning AMI for Ubuntu now supports the newly launched Caffe2 project led by Facebook. AWS is the best and most open place for developers to run deep learning, and the addition of Caffe2 adds yet another choice.  

Running BigDL, Deep Learning for Apache Spark, on AWS
BigDL is a distributed deep learning framework for Apache Spark that was developed by Intel and contributed to the open source community for the purposes of uniting big data processing and deep learning. In this post, learn how you can use familiar tools, such as Spark, and BigDL v0.1.0, to easily build deep learning applications in a distributed fashion on AWS.


Join AWS User Group Dublin for an Evening of AI & Deep Learning

by Victoria Kouyoumjian | on | | Comments


Join Julien Simon, Principal Technical Evangelist at Amazon Web Services, on May 9 for an evening of AI and Deep Learning hosted by the AWS User Group Dublin. The event will feature Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition. Julien will take participants on a journey through Deep Learning with AWS covering AI theory to the latest offerings from AWS.  Additional speakers will dive deep on Amazon Lex and the new Alexa Skills Kit. If you’re in Dublin on May 9, we hope that you can join us!

For more information, see the AWS User Group Dublin’s Meetup invitation.

Create Audiobooks with Amazon Polly and AWS Batch

by Matthew McClean | on | | Comments

Amazon Polly, one of AWS’s first AI services, turns text into lifelike speech. By enabling applications to speak, Amazon Polly makes it possible to develop new types of speech-enabled products. For example, many AWS customers have large documents, such as books or reports, that they’d like to convert to speech so they can listen to them when commuting. Others prefer to use audio to consume most written content.

Amazon Polly has two limitations that present challenges for large text-to-speech applications:

  • The maximum size of input text for the SynthesizeSpeech API is 1500 billed characters.
  • The maximum number of concurrent requests to the SynthesizeSpeech API per second is 80, with a burst limit of 100.

This post describes the polly-batch-processor application, which overcomes the challenge of processing a text document that exceeds the maximum number of characters supported by Amazon Polly. Polly-batch-processor takes a large text document, breaks it into chunks, generates an audio file for each chunk with Amazon Polly, and consolidates the chunks into a single large MP3 file. AWS Batch asynchronously processes the audio document. To jump directly to the application and configuration steps, click here.

Polly-batch-processor also works for documents that contain many short prompts that are less than 1500 characters; for example, a document containing many short phrases, such as movie titles, that you want to synthesize into a single audio file. Polly-batch-processor generates each sentence asynchronously and in parallel, reducing the time to create the audio file and overcoming any throttling issues with Amazon Polly.

How it works

The following figure shows the application workflow:


Changing Lives with AI: Pollexy (“Polly” + “Lex”), A Special Needs Verbal Assistant

by Robin Dautricourt | on | | Comments
Listen to this post

Voiced by Polly

With the emergence of devices like the Amazon Echo and AWS services like Amazon Polly and Amazon Lex, it’s easier to develop integrated voice solutions that can simplify life and make it more enjoyable. In some cases, the resulting innovations can lead to life-changing experiences because the technology facilitates communication breakthroughs that surpass making some experiences more convenient or entertaining.

Case in point: Pollexy (“Polly” + “Lex”), a special needs verbal assistant. Pollexy is a mobile application that runs on Raspberry Pi and was developed by Troy Larson. Pollexy enables caretakers to trigger audio messages on a recurring schedule and on demand using the Amazon Echo. For a special needs person, such as Troy’s son Calvin, Pollexy provides not only spoken support and guidance, but also the “confidence, respect and the sense of privacy and freedom that we all want to enjoy”.

If you missed it when it was originally published, please take a few minutes to read Troy Larson’s full blog post about Pollexy. It’s a wonderful and moving example of how advances in technology can make a meaningful difference in our lives.


“In the Research Spotlight”: A New Blog Post Series

by Victoria Kouyoumjian | on | | Comments

In addition to the continued contributions to the AI community through Apache MXNet and the Amazon AI services of Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon Rekognition, AWS also has an active team of AI researchers. These researchers have rich and interesting backgrounds in machine learning and deep learning, from academia, startups, and enterprises, all with one primary mission: to lower the barrier to AI for all AWS developers by making it more accessible and easier to use. As Swami Sivasubramanian, VP of Machine Learning at AWS, succinctly stated in a recent article in Silicon Angle, “Our goal is to basically democratize artificial intelligence, to make AI accessible to every developer.”

In this Research Spotlight series, I sit down with many of these researchers for in-depth conversations about their past experiences and to provide a peek into what they are working on now at AWS. We’re excited to have such a strong group of AI experts joining AWS, including  the following recent hires:

Alex Smola joined AWS last July as the Director of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. He is an active member of the academic research community, authoring or contributing to 462 titles with 75,000+ citations, frequently speaking on the topic of Apache MXNet and how to design efficient algorithms at scale.

Anima Anandkumar joined Amazon Web Services in November 2016, as Principal Scientist on Deep Learning, currently on leave from the EECS Department at UC Irvine, where she has been an associate professor since August 2010. Her research interests are in the areas of large-scale machine learning, non-convex optimization and high-dimensional statistics.

Hassan Sawaf is our Director of Applied Science & Artificial Intelligence. From DARPA to eBay and now AWS, Hassan has been working in the fields of Automatic Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, Natural Language Understanding, and Machine Translation for over 20 years.

Mu Li is a senior applied scientist for machine learning at Amazon Web Services. Before joining Amazon, he was the CTO of Marianas Labs, an Artificial Intelligence startup. He also served as a principal research architect at the Institute of Deep Learning at Baidu.

Edo Liberty is a Principal Scientist and the manager of the Amazon AI Algorithms group. Edo and his group tackle some of the most interesting problems in machine learning, data science, and scalable systems.

I’ll continue to highlight members of this group in future blog posts. Watch this space!


Deep Learning on AWS at NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference, GTC 2017

by Joseph Spisak | on | | Comments

This year at NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference, AWS is hosting several tech sessions ranging from how to get started with Apache MXNet to running deep learning on IoT devices on the edge. If you’re in Silicon Valley the week of May 8, we hope that you’ll join us for the following sessions.

An Introduction to Using Apache MXNet (S7853) | 4 hours

Get hands-on experience using Apache MXNet with the preconfigured AWS Deep Learning AMIs and AWS CloudFormation template to speed development and quickly spin up AWS GPU clusters to train at record speed. This course will include the following:

  • Background on deep learning
  • An overview of how to set up AMIs, AWS CloudFormation templates, and other deep learning frameworks on AWS
  • A peek under the MXNet hood (MXNet internals) and a comparison with other deep learning frameworks
  • Hands-on training with Apache MXNet: NDArrays, Symbols, and the mechanics of training deep neural networks
  • More hands-on training with Apache MXNet: application examples, using Jupyter notebooks, and targeting computer vision and natural language processing

Getting Started with Apache MXNet (S7565) | 50 minutes

Deep learning continues to push the state of the art in domains such as computer vision, natural language understanding, and recommendation engines. A key reason for this progress is the availability of highly flexible and developer-friendly deep learning frameworks. During this session, members of the AWS Deep Learning product team provide background on deep learning and how it’s applied at AWS, and the strategy for investing in the Apache MXNet project. You’ll also learn how to get started using NVIDIA GPUs in the AWS Cloud, which lets you easily scale to hundreds of GPUs in minutes.

High-Performance Deep Learning on Embedded Devices Using Apache MXNet (S7571) | 50 minutes

Learn how to compile and run an optimized version of the Apache MXNet deep learning framework for various embedded (IoT) devices. Also learn about the wide range of exciting applications running deep network inference in near real time on “edge” devices. To demonstrate the massive efficiency gains that Apache MXNet yields over comparable frameworks on embedded devices, we show performance numbers for a variety of deep learning models running on Raspberry Pis and TK1 processors. We then demo the power of real-time image processing with deep learning models by walking through an example application. Finally, we demonstrate how to use AWS IoT to significantly augment the flexibility and reliability of the models running in our example application.

Fast CNN Tuning with AWS GPU Instances and SigOpt

by Steven Tartakovsky | on | | Comments

By Steven Tartakovsky, Michael McCourt, and Scott Clark of SigOpt

Compared with traditional machine learning models, neural networks are computationally more complex and introduce many additional parameters. This often prevents machine learning engineers and data scientists from getting the best performance from their models. In some cases, it might even dissuade data scientists from using neural networks.

In this post, we show how to tune a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for a Natural Language Processing (NLP) task 400 times faster than with traditional random search on a CPU. Additionally, this method also achieves greater accuracy. We accomplish this by using the combined power of SigOpt and NVIDIA GPUs on AWS. To replicate the technical portions of this post, use the associated instructions and code on GitHub.

How MXNet, GPU-enabled AWS P2 instances, and SigOpt work

MXNet is a deep learning framework that machine learning engineers and data scientists can use to quickly create sophisticated deep learning models. MXNet makes it easy to use NVIDIA GPU-enabled AWS P2 instances, which significantly speed up training neural network models. In our example, we observed a 50x decrease in training time compared to training on a CPU. This reduces the average time to train the neural network in this example from 2 hours to less than 3 minutes!

In complex machine learning models and data processing pipelines, like the NLP CNN described in this post, many parameters determine how effective a predictive model will be. Choosing these parameters, fitting the model, and determining how well the model performs is a time-consuming, trial-and-error process called hyperparameter optimization or, more generally, model tuning. Black-box optimization tools like SigOpt increase the efficiency of hyperparameter optimization without introspecting the underlying model or data. SigOpt wraps the underlying pipeline and optimizes the parameters to maximize some metric, such as accuracy.

Although you need domain expertise to prepare data, generate features, and select metrics, you don’t need special knowledge of the problem domain for hyperparameter tuning. SigOpt can significantly speed up and reduce the cost of this tuning step compared to standard hyperparameter tuning approaches like random search and grid search. In our example, SigOpt is able to achieve better results with 10x fewer model trainings compared to random search. Combined with the decreased training time from using NVIDIA GPU-enabled AWS P2 instances this results in a total speed up in model tuning of over 400x.

What we did

To show how these tools can get you faster results, we ran them on a sentiment analysis task. We used an open dataset of 10,622 labeled movie reviews from Rotten Tomatoes to predict whether the review is positive (4 or 5) or negative (1 or 2).

We performed the following tasks:

  1. Randomly split the data into a training set (9,662 reviews) and a validation set (1,000 reviews).
  2. Embedded the vocabulary of the entire dataset (as word2vec does).
  3. Trained a CNN using a specific architecture and set of hyperparameters.
  4. Evaluated the predictive performance of the model on the validation set.

In a production setting, a more robust workflow is critical to avoid overfitting of hyperparameters. Cross-validation and adding Gaussian noise to your dataset are some common techniques for avoiding overfitting to any one dataset. To focus only on hyperparameter optimization, we keep the training and validation sets fixed. For best practices for parameter optimization, see this blog.


Amazon and Facebook Collaborate to Optimize Caffe2 for the AWS Cloud

by Joseph Spisak and Yangqing Jia | on | | Comments

From Apache MXNet to Torch, there is no shortage of frameworks for deep learners to leverage. The various offerings each excel at different aspects of the deep learning pipeline and each meets different developer needs. The research-centric community tends to gravitate toward frameworks such as Theano, Torch and most recently PyTorch, while many in the industry have Caffe, TensorFlow or Apache MXNet deployed at scale for production applications. Given the heterogeneity in usage and users, AWS supports a range of frameworks as part of its developer tool offerings and, as a result, supports a broad spectrum of users.

AWS provides an open environment for developers to conduct deep learning. As we announced on April 18th, we are excited to further increase developer choice by offering support for Facebook’s newly launched Caffe2 project in the Ubuntu version of the AWS Deep Learning AMI (and coming soon in the Amazon Linux version, too).

What is Caffe2?

Caffe2—architected by Yangqing Jia, the original developer of Caffe—is a lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework. Facebook deployed Caffe2 internally to help researchers train large machine learning models and deliver AI on mobile devices.

Now, all developers have access to many of the same tools for running large-scale distributed training and building machine learning applications for mobile. This allows the machine learning community to rapidly experiment with more complex models and deploy machine learning applications and services for mobile scenarios.

Caffe2 features include:

  • Easy implementation of a variety of models, including CNNs (convolutional neural networks), RNNs (recurrent neural networks), and conventional MLPs (multi-layer perceptrons)
  • Native distributed training interfaces
  • Mixed-precision and reduced-precision computations
  • Graph-based computation patterns that facilitate easy heterogeneous computation across multiple devices
  • Modularity, allowing the addition of custom recipes and hardware without risking codebase collisions
  • Strong support for mobile and embedded platforms in addition to conventional desktops and server environments

Why “yet another” deep learning framework?

The original Caffe framework, with unparalleled performance and a well-tested C++ codebase, is useful for large-scale conventional CNN applications. However, as new computation patterns emerge—especially distributed computation, mobile, reduced precision computation, and more non-vision use cases—Caffe’s design limitations became apparent.

By early 2016, the Facebook team had developed an early version of Caffe2 that improved Caffe by implementing a modern computation graph design, minimalist modularity, and the flexibility to easily port to multiple platforms. In the last year, Facebook has fully embraced Caffe2 as a multipurpose, deep learning framework, and has begun using it in Facebook products.

The Facebook team is very excited about Caffe2’s ability to support a wide range of machine learning use cases, and is equally excited to contribute Caffe2 to the open source community. The team’s also looking forward to working with partners like AWS and the open source software community to push the state-of-the-art in machine learning systems.
