- published: 25 May 2017
- views: 79224
Grade may refer to:
Music Inc. is an album by American jazz trumpeter Charles Tolliver's Music Inc. with a Big Band recorded in 1970 and first released on the Strata-East label.
The Allmusic review by Jason Ankeny awarded the album 4½ stars stating "The remarkable Music, Inc. Big Band remains the apotheosis of trumpeter Charles Tolliver's singular creative vision. Rarely if ever has a big band exhibited so much freedom or finesse, while at the same time never overwhelming the virtuoso soloists on whom the performances pivots".
All compositions by Charles Tolliver except as indicated
When a person (traditionally the wife in many cultures) assumes the family name of his or her spouse, that name replaces the person's birth name, which in the case of the wife is called the maiden name. "Birth name" is also used as a gender-neutral or masculine substitute for "maiden name."
A married name is a family name or surname adopted by a person upon marriage.
In some jurisdictions, changing one's name requires a legal procedure. Nevertheless, in some jurisdictions, anyone who either marries or divorces may change his or her name. Due to increasing security and identification needs, even where it is legal, the common law method is rarely accepted any more except at marriage (especially for women). Traditionally, in the Anglophone West, only women do so, but in rare instances men may change their last names upon marriage as well. In the United States, only eight states have an official name change for a man as part of their marriage process; others may petition a court, or, where not prohibited, use the common law method (though government agencies sometimes do not recognize this procedure for men). Due to the widespread practice of women changing their names at marriage, they encounter little difficulty using the common law method at marriage in those jurisdictions that permit it.
Adults Try To Pass A 3rd Grade Test
Is GradeAUnderA Dead? (Where Tf Have I Been?)
Adults Try To Pass A Fourth Grade Test
F.Charm - 30 De Grade feat. Ligia (by Lanoy) [Videoclip Oficial]
Little kid tells teacher he's too smart for 1st grade. What follows is hilarious!
Exposing IRL Bullshit - SANTA CLAUS
Men's Fashion
How To Protest Online (Using The WSJ Pewdiepie Thing As A Case Study)
Keznamdi-Grade (Official Music Video)
Are you smarter than a 3rd grader? Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/18534 Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/boldly https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedblue https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet https://www.youtube.com/perolike https://www.youtube.com/ladylike BuzzFeedVideo BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! MUSIC Nyc Sure Shot_Main Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Get Down And Shake It Up_fullmix Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SFX Provided By AudioBlocks (https://www.aud...
Me addressing the allegations against me recently. Shit's getting desperate on Youtube, so I've been called a pedophile, a guy who caused a $1m lawsuit, a backstabber, a cunt, a MILF, and a cross-dresser. This video is just clearing up some allegations, and then I'm done with drama. Might have to be more active on Twitter from now on, cus that's where all the teenage-girl-esque sub-tweeting and allegations start. BUY A SHIRT/HOODIE: http://gradeaundera.fanfiber.com SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPip... This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. https://www.patreon.com/GradeAUnderA Also, here are some o...
I'm making videos again \o/ FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH!: www.twitch.tv/GradeAUnderA Gonna be streaming all the Metal Gear Solid games and might even make a video on it if it's crazy enough and I can find enough stuff I find funny about it, so come down for the Metal Gear Solid - a - Thon! And LIKE THIS VIDEO! Youtube algorithm *only* cares about likes apparently, so whatever, lemme beg. Like this video and I'll dance for you, sing for you, make makeup videos or vlogs or anything, whatever you want! But on a serious note, where have I been? In short, 95% health issues and 5% other stuff too. I've had my health stuff going on from MONTHSSSS ago from about late Summer time I think, but it amped up the past 3 months or so. I'll figure it out, but for now I'm back to making videos. But Youtube's in...
”College is way easier than the fourth grade.” Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo MUSIC Toss It Up Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SFX provided by Audioblocks. (https://www.Audioblocks.com) GET MORE BUZZFEED: www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam www.facebook.com/buzzfeedvideo www.instagram.com/buzzfeedvideo www.buzzfeed.com/video www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo www.youtube.com/buzzfeedyellow www.youtube.com/buzzfeedblue www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet BUZZFEED VIDEO BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo
Nu uita sa te abonezi: http://bit.ly/1TnAS3m Submit your track now! http://www.redclovermedia.ro Pentru concerte, licentieri, publicitate sau intrebari generale va rugam sa ne contactati: office@redclover.ro Descarca de pe iTunes: http://apple.co/2eQD859 Booking / Concerte: Florin Nedelcu +40 721 929 622 / office@liveartist.ro / impresari@yahoo.com F.Charm: http://www.facebook.com/fcharm Ligia: https://www.facebook.com/Ligia.Official Red Clover: https://www.facebook.com/RedCloverLEVELUPMUSIC/ F.Charm feat. Ligia - 30 De Grade Versuri: Refren: Era cald acum mi-e frig Cerul plânge și eu strig Printre lacrimi Hey Hallelujah! Hey Hallelujah! M-ai dus de la 30 de grade, 30 de grade, 30 de grade, 30 de grade, Pân' la 0, 0 grade, 0, 0 grade 0, 0 grade, 0, 0 grade Strofa I: Prea multe n...
A first grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students...
Get your own crate of awesome stuff from Loot Crate at: http://www.lootcrate.com/gradea. Use code GRADEA to save 10%! INTRODUCING A NEW CRAPPY LIL SERIES I'M GONNA BE DOING ON MY CHANNEL, CALLED "......HUH?" Some stuff in life is so stupid man, but people still believe it. So I thought I'd start dedicating some videos to exposing how bullshitty they are. And we're gonna kick the series off with the grandaddy of bullshit.....SANTA CLAUS! BUY A SHIRT/HOODIE: http://gradeaundera.fanfiber.com SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPip... This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. https://www.patreon.com/GradeAUnderA ...
My views on men's fashion nowadays. I know I'm a nobody who knows nothing about fashion, but I know more than Kanye West, and he's somehow a kinda-respected figure in that industry. So if people in the fashion industry consider him as someone whose opinion is of some worth, mine should be worth at least 3 Mona Lisa's, 2 unicorns and a partridge in a pear tree. Follow me on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/gradeaundera And follow on on Twitch too. Why not, right? http://www.twitch.tv/gradeaundera
I'M GOING BACK TO MAKING 3-5 MINUTE VIDEOS This is the last 10-ish minute video I'll be making for a while man, fuck that, I'm too lazy. Complaining videos are nice n all, but with a bit of research and stuff, they can be soooooo much more. And cus it's the latest situation thing that happened (and cus I already did the research and can't bare to see it go to waste), I'm gonna quickly go over how people could've complained smartly a few weeks ago. "Grade, this Pewdiepie WSJ shit blew over like a fucking month ago bitch, wtf" Yeah I know, but I had this video damn near done so I thought I'd dust it off, get it done, shit it out and then go back to my older type of vids. Short and snappy man, these shits take too long. BUY A SHIRT/HOODIE: http://gradeaundera.fanfiber.com SUBSCRIBE TO M...
Artist:Keznamdi Song: Grade Producer: Don Corleon Director: Ras Tingle Editor: Henry Robinson Keznamdi: http://www.keznamdiofficial.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Keznamdi https://twitter.com/keznamdi https://soundcloud.com/keznamdi http://www.youtube.com/keznamdi Don Corleon Records https://twitter.com/doncorleonie https://soundcloud.com/doncorleonrecords http://www.youtube.com/doncorleonrecords
Are you smarter than a 3rd grader? Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/18534 Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! https://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo GET MORE BUZZFEED: https://www.buzzfeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/videos https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo https://www.youtube.com/boldly https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedblue https://www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet https://www.youtube.com/perolike https://www.youtube.com/ladylike BuzzFeedVideo BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! MUSIC Nyc Sure Shot_Main Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Get Down And Shake It Up_fullmix Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SFX Provided By AudioBlocks (https://www.aud...
Me addressing the allegations against me recently. Shit's getting desperate on Youtube, so I've been called a pedophile, a guy who caused a $1m lawsuit, a backstabber, a cunt, a MILF, and a cross-dresser. This video is just clearing up some allegations, and then I'm done with drama. Might have to be more active on Twitter from now on, cus that's where all the teenage-girl-esque sub-tweeting and allegations start. BUY A SHIRT/HOODIE: http://gradeaundera.fanfiber.com SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPip... This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. https://www.patreon.com/GradeAUnderA Also, here are some o...
I'm making videos again \o/ FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH!: www.twitch.tv/GradeAUnderA Gonna be streaming all the Metal Gear Solid games and might even make a video on it if it's crazy enough and I can find enough stuff I find funny about it, so come down for the Metal Gear Solid - a - Thon! And LIKE THIS VIDEO! Youtube algorithm *only* cares about likes apparently, so whatever, lemme beg. Like this video and I'll dance for you, sing for you, make makeup videos or vlogs or anything, whatever you want! But on a serious note, where have I been? In short, 95% health issues and 5% other stuff too. I've had my health stuff going on from MONTHSSSS ago from about late Summer time I think, but it amped up the past 3 months or so. I'll figure it out, but for now I'm back to making videos. But Youtube's in...
”College is way easier than the fourth grade.” Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo MUSIC Toss It Up Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. SFX provided by Audioblocks. (https://www.Audioblocks.com) GET MORE BUZZFEED: www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam www.facebook.com/buzzfeedvideo www.instagram.com/buzzfeedvideo www.buzzfeed.com/video www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo www.youtube.com/buzzfeedyellow www.youtube.com/buzzfeedblue www.youtube.com/buzzfeedviolet BUZZFEED VIDEO BuzzFeed Motion Picture’s flagship channel. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always shareable. New videos posted daily! Subscribe to BuzzFeedVideo today! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo
Nu uita sa te abonezi: http://bit.ly/1TnAS3m Submit your track now! http://www.redclovermedia.ro Pentru concerte, licentieri, publicitate sau intrebari generale va rugam sa ne contactati: office@redclover.ro Descarca de pe iTunes: http://apple.co/2eQD859 Booking / Concerte: Florin Nedelcu +40 721 929 622 / office@liveartist.ro / impresari@yahoo.com F.Charm: http://www.facebook.com/fcharm Ligia: https://www.facebook.com/Ligia.Official Red Clover: https://www.facebook.com/RedCloverLEVELUPMUSIC/ F.Charm feat. Ligia - 30 De Grade Versuri: Refren: Era cald acum mi-e frig Cerul plânge și eu strig Printre lacrimi Hey Hallelujah! Hey Hallelujah! M-ai dus de la 30 de grade, 30 de grade, 30 de grade, 30 de grade, Pân' la 0, 0 grade, 0, 0 grade 0, 0 grade, 0, 0 grade Strofa I: Prea multe n...
A first grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students...
Get your own crate of awesome stuff from Loot Crate at: http://www.lootcrate.com/gradea. Use code GRADEA to save 10%! INTRODUCING A NEW CRAPPY LIL SERIES I'M GONNA BE DOING ON MY CHANNEL, CALLED "......HUH?" Some stuff in life is so stupid man, but people still believe it. So I thought I'd start dedicating some videos to exposing how bullshitty they are. And we're gonna kick the series off with the grandaddy of bullshit.....SANTA CLAUS! BUY A SHIRT/HOODIE: http://gradeaundera.fanfiber.com SUBSCRIBE TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPip... This link is apparently always broken. There's a link in my channel's sidebar, or subbox or whatever you call it. Or search "gradeBunderB" Support me on Patreon if you want. That would be cool. https://www.patreon.com/GradeAUnderA ...
My views on men's fashion nowadays. I know I'm a nobody who knows nothing about fashion, but I know more than Kanye West, and he's somehow a kinda-respected figure in that industry. So if people in the fashion industry consider him as someone whose opinion is of some worth, mine should be worth at least 3 Mona Lisa's, 2 unicorns and a partridge in a pear tree. Follow me on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/gradeaundera And follow on on Twitch too. Why not, right? http://www.twitch.tv/gradeaundera
I'M GOING BACK TO MAKING 3-5 MINUTE VIDEOS This is the last 10-ish minute video I'll be making for a while man, fuck that, I'm too lazy. Complaining videos are nice n all, but with a bit of research and stuff, they can be soooooo much more. And cus it's the latest situation thing that happened (and cus I already did the research and can't bare to see it go to waste), I'm gonna quickly go over how people could've complained smartly a few weeks ago. "Grade, this Pewdiepie WSJ shit blew over like a fucking month ago bitch, wtf" Yeah I know, but I had this video damn near done so I thought I'd dust it off, get it done, shit it out and then go back to my older type of vids. Short and snappy man, these shits take too long. BUY A SHIRT/HOODIE: http://gradeaundera.fanfiber.com SUBSCRIBE TO M...
Artist:Keznamdi Song: Grade Producer: Don Corleon Director: Ras Tingle Editor: Henry Robinson Keznamdi: http://www.keznamdiofficial.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Keznamdi https://twitter.com/keznamdi https://soundcloud.com/keznamdi http://www.youtube.com/keznamdi Don Corleon Records https://twitter.com/doncorleonie https://soundcloud.com/doncorleonrecords http://www.youtube.com/doncorleonrecords
21 Grade - Shyhrete Behluli 01.09.2016
are we here to understand
or to survive
we are building mountains
the blueprints are being drawn
as breathless words
pour from these eyes
mounds lay like bodies in the morgue
side by side, in ashes we lie
are we here to understand
or to survive
smoke screens and bandages
cannot hide the icons in
architecture that stand as archives
of colossal structure
assembled to destruction
layer in degrees of grey scale coating
so travel broken rivers
across manufactured landscapes
and along the rebuilt
curve of the planet
as breathless words
pour from these eyes