
Work is Bollocks

Why the working-class should control how work is done.

Work is a crime - Herman J. Schuurman

Text by Herman Schuurman, 'Werken is misdaad', published in 1924 by the Dutch group 'De Moker', when Schuurman was a young anarchist participant in that group. This text is remarkable for its time; it expresses disgust towards work without laying claim to leisure time. It is against schooling, long strikes, against the transition period [for communism] and advocates stealing and sabotage.

Free time and the pressures of employability

Emmett from the Lego movie, in his leisure time

How does work structure our so-called “free-time”, even outside the office? And how can we break free of those bonds? In this extract from The Refusal of Work David Frayne talks about the philosophical basis behind anti-work politics

Let’s not abolish sex work. Let’s abolish all work - Laurie Penny

Sex workers demonstrate in India, 2012

To describe sex work as “a job like any other job” is only a positive reframing if you consider a “job” to be a good thing by definition.

Pushing Dust: Work Report from Greenford Street Cleansing Gangs

We look at the company structure, the work-mates, the re-structuring and how the trade union engages with it.

Shift work disorder and the normalisation of exhaustion

Pharmaceutical capitalism brings us a new stimulant, and an increasingly mechanized body.

Messing with the drivers! Situation at Wincanton/Sainsbury's Transport Office in Greenford, West London

Report about working in the transport office of a Sainsbury's distribution centre and general information about conditions and struggles of truck drivers in the UK and Europe.

Lines of Work: Stories of Jobs and Resistance (review)

By Scott Nikolas Nappalos, ed. (Alberta, Canada: Black Cat Press, 2013). Review by Jared Davidson, first published in LHP Bulletin 64.

Anarchy #118: the meaning of work today and tomorrow

The last issue of Anarchy magazine from December 1970 with articles about work at the time and in the future.

What will we do if the system can no longer create jobs? An interview with Anselm Jappe – Alexandra Prado Coelho

A 2013 interview with Anselm Jappe in which he discusses the crisis of the society of labor, the logic of the commodity and exchange value and its disastrous consequences for an increasingly larger part of humanity, and perspectives for positive social change.