
Chiefly a Dialogue. Concerning Some Difficulties of a Dunce.

Chiefly a Dialogue. Concerning Some Difficulties of a Dunce. by Louisa Sarah Bevington, published 1895. Copy from Victorian Women Writers Project.

Little girls

An account written in 1895 by Zo d'Axa of the 1891 trial of two teenage anarchist girls, Maria Roda, 15, and Ernesta Quartirola, accused of encouraging attacks on the police during an anarchist demonstration.

The New York City rent strike, 1907-8

Tenants discuss the rent strike, early 1908

A short account of the Lower East Side rent strike in New York City in late 1907 to early 1908.

Andrea, Virgilia d', 1890-1933

Virgilia d'Andrea: anarchist, anti-fascist, teacher, poet

A short biography of Virgilia d'Andrei, an Italian anarchist teacher, anti-fascist and poet.

Reflections on the way to the gallows

Kanno Sugako

A short prison diary kept by Japanese anarchist feminist Kanno Sugako, prior to her execution on 25 January 1911 for her part in a plot to assassinate the Emperor. She was the only woman to ever be hanged for treason in Japan.

House to Goddess of the House: Gender, Class and Silk in 19th Century Mount Lebanon

An essay on the development of capitalism in Lebanon and the effects it had upon gender roles. Mainly focusing on women workers in the silk industry from a Christian Lebanese background.

Virino de la Pariza Komuno: A.I. Molok

Informoj pri la virinoj en la Pariza Komuno. Tradukis Ninelina

Fragmentoj pri la sekso-laboristo movado

Notoj pri la kondiĉo de seks-laboristoj en Koreio.

Chris Knight’s theory of human origins: an abridged account

Edmund Bradden provides an introduction to Chris Knight's theory of human origins. Reposted from the 'Radical Anthropology Group' website.

Non-identity and negation: “Identitarianism” and the affirmation of difference

Text on identity and the communist movement's negation of social relations.