VOL. MMXVI — Flex Edition
Helsinki, Amsterdam, Den Haag
breaking News & type since 1999
DEN HAAG ➽ Good news! Underware released a new font: Zeitung. And this is good news for all kinds of people. Type lovers will have their day made when they look at that lowercase e in the Black weight, and will be happy there is a new style to bring their message across. Designers will appreciate the versatility of this extensive sans serif font family and its thorough execution, and all it’s features. If 8 weights and 5 figure styles are not enough, then maybe optical sizes or grades will meet the demands. Zeitung will help to bring your message across in many different circumstances, from large text in print to small type on screens. The most demanding users, the pioneers, the ultras, the geeks, and all those others who don’t take things for granted, will be happy to meet and greet Zeitung Flex™. With its almost endless amount of weights, Zeitung Flex™ takes you anywhere between Thin and Black. Either in case only one, but exactly that specific weight is needed, or when all weights should play a whole new game together. This game can be played not just somewhere in the future, but already today, on everybody’s computer.
Buy Zeitung
or download free demo fonts

From left to right: Bas Jacobs, Sami Kortemäki & Akiem Helmling. (Illustration by Pietari Posti)
“Unlimited weights? Yes, it is true. But you won’t believe it until you experience it yourself. Test Zeitung on this page or download Zeitung Flex™.” — Underware’s designers Bas, Sami & Akiem
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Rendered with Flex™ Fonts. For OpenType Variable Fonts get Webkit Nightly.
Zeitung Intro

Zeitung offers everything a contemporary sans serif demands. Eight weights, from Thin to Black. Every weight is equipped with italics, small caps, lots of OpenType features, like uppercase punctuation or 5 figure styles to make sure any of your mathematical or financial charts, tables and diagrams look cool. Sure, Zeitung knows the score. The extensive Latin Plus language support makes sure you are never at a loss for words. But there is more to Zeitung. The Flex Fonts provides you tomorrow's font technology here and now. Therefore Zeitung comes as two packages.

Zeitung Pro, a set of 32 fully packed OpenType Fonts providing everthing required by the professional designers.

Zeitung Flex™, a the typographic experts who want to use tomorrows font technology already NOW. This packages contains the Zeitung Flex™ Fonts, Zeitung Variable OpenType Fonts & the AdobeCC Flex™ extension. Read more about Flex Fonts & download the free Demo.

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Test yourself
variable weights
Does Zeitung have an endless amount of weights?
Is this an OpenType variable font? Or is this a Flex font?
It is both, and can therefore be applied all over the web.
This technique even works in your favourite desktop apps!
Rendered with Flex™ Fonts. For OpenType Variable Fonts get Webkit Nightly.
Zeitung Flex™ allows demanding users to work with more than just those predefined styles of Zeitung’s retail font family. You can enjoy an array of almost endless amount of weights, smoothly blending from Thin to Black. Select and use any intermediate style, either one at a time, or all mixed simultaneously. This freedom offers new creative possibilities, no matter if you're designing for print or web. Zeitung Flex™ is served both as a brand new OpenType Variable Font, but also as a Flex™ family with its own CC-extension, bringing this technique to your favourite desktop apps. The best thing is that these Flex fonts are not just supported by the most recent browser, but also by all those older browsers. Zeitung Flex brings unlimited styles all over the web. In the future, and also already today.
HELSINKI ➽ Hamburger, Kindergarten, Zeppelin, Bauhaus, Fraktur and Kitsch are just a few typical English words that have their roots in the German language. German has been spicing up other languages since hundreds of years. Although Zeitung is a German word, the rest of the world can easily handle this name. The name Zeitung refers to newspapers, which are mostly imagined in its printed version. However, nowadays a newspaper is read twice as much online than in print. The current newspaper stats are roughly like this: a third reads print, a third on a desktop computer, and a third on tablet or phone. Because small text on screen was the starting point of designing this new font family, Zeitung is a pretty logical name for a font that looks good on screens. Afterwards another version for larger sizes has been developed, which will be mostly used in print. People from the print as well as the web world can agree that this news is ganz geil for both of them.
GRADES ▶ All lighter weights of Zeitung share the same metrics. Grades are useful for selecting the optimal weight. Letters are rendered in many various ways on different screens. Maybe the interface of your next app requires a different grade than your latest website? Zeitung allows you to change the weight of your text without any further consequence for the design. That is a welcome relief during the design process.

If the handful of styles of Zeitung’s retail font family are not sufficient to select exactly that right weight, then Zeitung Flex offers dozens of extra weights. Demanding users can compare each of them, and will find their preferred grade. If this description is too abstract, experience the grades in this demo by tweaking the tuner.
Test yourself
Rendered with Flex™ Fonts. For OpenType Variable Fonts get Webkit Nightly.
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Test yourself
variable family
Zeitung Flex Main = 
Zeitung Flex Light

Zeitung Flex Regular

Zeitung Flex Bold

Rendered with Flex™ Fonts. For OpenType Variable Fonts get Webkit Nightly.
While creating your personal “Zeitung Variable Family”, a related Light and Bold weight are automatically calculated once you pick your preferred Regular style. The Light weight should change to make it fit to that specific Regular style you’ve selected. So if you modify the weight of the Regular style, the weight of the Light and Bold style will also change along. They are linked to eachother. No complex math for the end user, the CC-extension will automatically create correct paragraph styles based on your personal preference. One click and go.
Returning customers can test all our fonts for free. Directly download trial versions of fonts – for desktop and web – you didn’t acquire yet. The watermarked trial fonts are for evaluation purposes only. In case you want to use them afterwards, a regular license is required, and the test fonts need to be replaced with the retail fonts. Just login to your account. There you’ll find desktop- and webfonts for testing under the “download test fonts” tab. More info about testing fonts can be found at our support section.

Note: Test fonts of Zeitung can be downloaded directly from this newspaper. Good news, right?
Download Zeitung
Free Demo Fonts For Testing

Zeitung Flex
Variable Fonts for desktop apps
Recently Apple, Adobe, Google & Microsoft announced the new interpolatable font format OpenType Variable Fonts. This is great news. As type designers we are eager to offer you these new possibilities right away. However, the technique is still developing, and support is currently, to put it mildly, limited.

Therefore we are offering Zeitung also as Flex™: a simple & intuitive way to work with variable fonts in your favourite desktop applications.
Give It A Try
Download Zeitung Flex™

Lettering Fonts
The Artist Is You
With Liza Lettering™ there is no excuse not to become a lettering artist yourself. With the combined app & font, it’s as simple to make a skillful hand lettering as doodling with the pen. Type a word or headline, and fully control the millions of possible forms it can have.

Language Support
Monolingual cultures are extinct in the civilised world
AMSTERDAM ➽ Language support is one of the most important aspects of a font, together with the look and feel as well as the technical state & performance. You do not only want to know if a font supports a certain language, but also if it looks any good in that language. After years of researching and improving we are happy to introduce Underware Latin Plus.
Case Study
Notes on Underware Latin Plus

WebKit Nightly Bonus
➽ Variable Font Demo with weight & optical size axes. Including glyph substitutions for problematic glyphs (eg. Q, & and $) and automatic optical sizes.
Some characters require different shapes depending on their point size or weight. Just use the tuners on your right hand side, and see for example how Q, &, Ø, , $ have different forms depending on your settings. These special glyphs and their individual substitution rules guarantee that all characters are always perfectly readable, while the semantics of the text remain untouched.