3 of 4 Mapuche Political Prisoners End 116 Day Hunger Strike – ARIEL TRAGOL continues fast

3 of 4 Mapuche Political Prisoners End 116 Day Hunger Strike – ARIEL TRAGOL continues fast

Oct 2nd, 2017 – On Friday, September 29th, family members of Mapuche Political Prisoners on hunger strike gathered at the Chilean Presidential palace to put forward the demands of their relatives, many of whom were nearing their deathbeds after fasting for 115 days.  The meeting  took place two days after the Chilean College of Doctors, who had been monitoring the health of the hunger strikers, publicly stated all were in serious condition, and that specifically Lonko [Chief] Alfredo Tralcal and Benito Trangol had just 48-hours to live if the fast were to continue.

During the meeting, the Chilean government finally accepted several concessions in dealing with the Mapuche Political Prisoners, including taking actions on revoking the condition of pre-trail detention, as well as DROPPING ANTI-TERROR charges IN EXCHANGE for other charges in Chilean the criminal code. These government concessions would be made upon the condition that the Mapuche prisoners stop their ongoing hunger strike in order to uphold “social peace.”

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For the Life and Freedom of Mapuche Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike: ONTO THE STREETS! 114 Days & Ongoing

For the Life and Freedom of Mapuche Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike: ONTO THE STREETS! 114 Days & Ongoing


September 28th, 2017

Our brothers in prison lie between life and death, 114 days into their hunger strike, due to the insensitivity of the racist Chilean government of Michelle Bachelet. Lonko [Chief] Alfredo Traical Coche and brothers Ariel, Benito and Pablo Trangol Galindo, are accused of a political-judicial set-up known colloquially as the “Church Case,” which was planned by the fascist Right and oligarchy currently residing in Wallmapu. This ruling class has taken over our territories through the political, cultural and territorial plunder of our peoples over the last 130 years.

Today when our people organize and demand their legitimate rights in the reclamation of their territories, they are brutally repressed by the same authorities that have signed international treaties to respect indigenous rights. These are the same authorities, who just a few weeks ago hypocritically issued a State apology to the Mapuche people for all the harm they have caused over 100 years of oppression.

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Day 114: Toronto Rallies in Support of Mapuche Hunger Strikers – More than 40 Orgs Worldwide Support Mapuche Mobilization

Day 114: Toronto Rallies in Support of Mapuche Hunger Strikers – More than 40 Orgs Worldwide Support Mapuche Mobilization


September 28th, 2017

See WCCC Statement of International Solidarity here.

TORONTO – On Thursday September 28th, the Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu  (WCCC) rallied along with supporters in solidarity with Mapuche Political Prisoners on a 114 Day hunger strike in front of the Toronto Chilean Consulate, calling for a Day of International Solidarity in support of the Mapuche. Despite the short notice for the urgent call to action, more than 40 organizations throughout the world joined this call to solidarity, demanding that the Chilean state and its government in turn adhere to the demands made by the Mapuche Political Prisoners. These include a variety of organizations across Europe, as well as local anti-colonial groups and indigenous collectives across Turtle Island, most notably our sisters and brothers of the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society and Ground Zero INAC Toronto – Vigil for Indigenous Youth Suicides. The boisterous protest interrupted rush hour in the busy downtown intersection, denouncing the colonial genocidal policies of the Chilean government against the Mapuche nation that could be heard all the way up to the 18th floor, where the Consulate office is located.

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Toronto Sale a la Calle en Apoyo a los PPM – Mas de 40 Organizaciones Mundiales Apoyan Movilización de los Huelguistas

Mapuche protest sept 28 2017 2

Toronto Sale a la Calle en Apoyo a los PPM – Mas de 40 Organizaciones Mundiales Apoyan Movilización de los Huelguistas

TORONTO – Hoy en la tarde del 28 de septiembre, la Coordinadora por un Wallmapu Libre (WCCC) salió a la calle en apoyo a los PPM del caso iglesias en 114 días de huelga de hambre, en el frontis del Consulado Chileno en Toronto, llamando también un Dia de Solidaridad Internacional en apoyo a los huelguistas. A pesar del corto plazo de la movilización de carácter urgente, más de 40 organizaciones a través del mundo cogieron el llamado de solidaridad, exigiendo que el estado chileno y su gobierno de turno acoja las demandas de los PPM, incluyendo organizaciones de Francia, Italia, y grupos anticoloniales e indígenas a través de todo “Canada.” La protesta bulliciosa interrumpió con la hora punta de los Torontianos, denunciando las pólizas colonialistas y genocidas del estado Chileno en contra del pueblo Mapuche, haciendo sentir sus voces hasta el piso 18, donde se encuentra el Consulado.

Entre los invitados especiales, la representante internacionale del Pueblo de Catalunya, Ana Iraultza, junto con la represéntate de la organización Palestina, Actions4Palestine, manifestaron su solidaridad con los huelguistas y con el Pueblo Nación Mapuche, conectando las luchas anticolonialistas, antifascistas, y anticapitalistas que se están dando a través de todo el mundo.

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En más de 114 días de Huelga de Hambre en Wallmapu, mal llamado Sur de Chile, y ante la insensibilidad del gobierno racista de Michel Bachelet, se debaten entre la vida y la muerte cuatro comuneros Mapuche: el Lonko Alfredo Traical Coche y los hermanos Ariel, Benito y Pablo Trangol Galindo, acusados por intermedio de un montaje político-jurídico policial,  conocido como “El Caso Iglesias” planificado por la derecha fascista y oligarca que reside en el Wallmapu, desde que a través del despojo, político, ideológico, cultural y territorial se adueñaron de nuestros territorios hace más de 130 años.

Hoy cuando nuestro pueblo se organiza, y reivindica su derecho legítimo de recuperación de sus territorios, según los tratados internacionales, a los que Chile se ha adherido, es brutalmente reprimido por las mismas autoridades, que hipócritamente hace solo unas semanas, pedían perdón al pueblo Mapuche por todo el daño causado en más de cien años de opresión.

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Toronto Emergency Rally: Support the Mapuche Hunger Strike!

TORONTO EMERGENCY RALLY in Solidarity with Mapuche Political Prisoners 100+ Days on Hunger Strike!

PPM graphic

Call for Action: International Day of Solidarity with Mapuche Hunger Strikers!

If your group would like to endorse the Toronto rally or join the call to action IN YOUR CITY, please email: wccc_98 [at] hotmail.com

FB event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2056943371206767

THURSDAY, SEPT 28th @ 5PM | 2 Bloor Street W

Speakers include:

Ana Iraultza – Directly from Catalunia –  on the ongoing repression of the Spanish government on Catalunian Independence

Representative[s] from Actions4Palestine 

Called for by the Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

See full list of endorsers at the bottom: Continue reading

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Eight Mapuche Movement Leaders Arrested in “Operation Hurricane,” amidst Mapuche Hunger Strike


Eight Mapuche Movement Leaders Arrested in “Operation Hurricane,” amidst Mapuche Hunger Strike

Special Police Forces continue brutalization of Mapuche resistance in outrageous criminalizing spectacle during the ongoing Mapuche Hunger Strike.

September 23rd, 2017

WALLMAPU – This past Saturday, a series of violent raids and arrests against Mapuche movement leaders – dubbed “Operation Hurricane” by Chilean authorities – were carried out by Special Police Forces (PDI) throughout the regions of Bio-Bio, Arauco and Los Rios in southern Chile.

Among the arrested was the spokesman for the Arauco Malleco Coordinator for Communities in Conflict (CAM), Hector Llaitul, as well as his son Ernesto Llaitul, Jaime and Rodrigo Huenchullan, Martin Curiche, Claudio Leiva, Fidel Tranamil, and David Cid Aedo – ex-militant of the Leftist Revolutionary Movement (MIR).

Hector’s residence in the city of Concepcion was raided in the early morning hours, as reported by several local news sources. Javiera Llaitul, Hector’s elder daughter, told reporters that she and other members of the household were pushed to the ground during the raid, where police entered the premises without a warrant and refused to disclose where Llaitul would be taken to.

All eight arrestees were charged with Illicit Terrorist Association under the Pinochet era Anti-Terrorist Law, for their alleged involvement in “incendiary attacks against trucks and churches” throughout the region according to official reports.  The Temuco Bail Court ruled on Sunday that the accused will remain in pre-trial custody for the duration of the four-month investigation, as solicited by the Head Prosecutor of the Araucania Region, Cristian Paredes.

Defense Attorney, Patricia Cuevas, stated at the bail hearing that evidence presented against the accused Mapuche community members was incredibly dubious, including the prosecution’s use of a Wikipedia article citing Llaitul as the leader of the CAM. Llaitul had previously been charged with Illicit Terrorist Association in April 2009 in connection to the same organization, for which he is currently on probation after a lengthy and controversial trial relating to land claims reclamation that sought to keep the CAM spokesman in prison for 12 years.

The unjust retrial of Llaitul in this similar case and the mass arrest of eight Mapuche leaders this past weekend is adding insult to injury to the already heightened tension in Wallmapu, where 4 Mapuche Political Prisoners are currently enduring an 111-day hunger strike, with no sign of response by Chilean authorities.

As mobilizations in favour of the Mapuche hunger strikers continue to increase, escalating repressive police tactics have been recorded throughout the territory, specifically targeting the leadership of the Mapuche movement for territorial reclamation. This spectacle of repression seen through the drastic increase in militarization in Mapuche communities, as well as other high-profile arrests –  including that of Mapuche Werken, Daniel Melinao, last week –  demonstrates the wrath of Chilean President, Michelle Bachelet, to erase any signs of Mapuche resistance during her last months in office.

It is unclear whether Chilean authorities will respond to the petitions made by the hunger strikers, however, Mapuche mobilizations are expected to continue with a call to action for national and international support, amidst growing government repression against Mapuche land defenders.

With files from Werken.cl, El Desconcierto and Radio Kvrruf

The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu


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