Kirin J. Callinan wants to lead a glamorous life

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This was published 7 years ago

Kirin J. Callinan wants to lead a glamorous life

By Bernard Zuel

Kirin J. Callinan is a tad disappointed that I've called him at "a fairly unglamorous time". Unglamorous is something Callinan will never knowingly be.

When last we spoke he was sporting a mustard singlet tucked into black jeans, under a green cord jacket, beneath a large black coat worn off the shoulder as a cape. Oh yes, and hoop earrings nicely set off by a newish cowboy hat he declared had not left his head in weeks.

Kirin J. Callinan on tour in the US.

Kirin J. Callinan on tour in the US.Credit: Tex Crick

Such flamboyance can be heard all over his new album Bravado, which travels from '80s synth pop to dramatic rock, from earnest balladry to arthouse funk. Oh yes, and electro disco, with nary a glance at consistency or safety.

"I'm impatient – that's why I needed to make five albums in the one," the 30-year-old says of Bravado. "There were no stylistic rules and we took left turns constantly because it felt right, or because it excited us."

Dapper Kirin J. Callinan, never knowingly unglamorous.

Dapper Kirin J. Callinan, never knowingly unglamorous.

It's a wildly divergent, often wildly exciting album. And weird. But why not? As Callinan says: "Look at pop stars in history: Michael Jackson, Prince, or David Bowie or Beyonce – they're weird. They're really strange."

Callinan strange? Jane Campion, who cast him opposite American star Elizabeth Moss in the second season of her moody TV series, Top Of The Lake, screening on Foxtel's BBC First, remembers how he "had done some bizarre fun turns in various short films, mostly in underpants" before she took a chance on him. It paid off.

"Kirin was a joy to work with because he was imaginative, playful and exploring," she says. "He seems somehow to push the limits of human being in the biggest sense, like he might have been raised by unicorns."

Today is ostensibly less weird with Callinan in an optometrists' room in Los Angeles' Koreatown district, conducting style and technical conversations with the optometrist ("does it look good? Oh, he's marking things with a large texta") while fielding my questions.

Boots and all.

Boots and all.Credit: Tex Crick

However, he claims to be wearing a leather codpiece, a clip-on, for ease of whipping on and off and there's little reason to doubt the possibility from a man who has appeared on stage and in a film clip stark bollocky naked and returns to the US in July for a brief tour.

The clip-on has comedic value, he says, and is also convenient. "Especially in the LA sun where it isn't very practical. But that's me, fashion over function."

There were some signs of this side of Callinan late last year when he supported Crowded House at the Opera House, to an audience caught between open-mouthed shock and slyly grinning approval.

Even with his relatively sane costume choices, people could be seen mouthing variations of "what the ….?", especially during his prison song The Toddler. But Finn approved, and subsequently appears with his whole musical family on Bravado. That was the penultimate seal of approval for the boy who grew up on Sydney's northern beaches.

But wait, there's more. Jimmy Barnes is credited as screaming on the track Big Enough, which is funny enough given the presence of indie stars Mac DeMarco and Weyes Blood on the album, as well as New York underground legend James Chance. Jimmy Barnes? Yeah, right.

Funnier still, it's true. Callinan wrote a long email to Barnes as a fan of his work, "particularly his scream", explaining he had a vision for the song of Barnes stepping in and "delivering a career-defining scream".

Nothing was heard for months. Then one day, on arrival at LAX and checking his email, there was a message with no text, just half a dozen sound files of different Barnes screams.

"I listened to each one in hysterics," says Callinan. "Laughing, crying in the airport, and got to work straight away."

The thing is, Callinan is sincere about his fandom (he says he cried when Finn asked him to open for Crowded House) and his songwriting, while also enjoying the utter silliness of life. Especially when it undercuts the too serious side of music.

"My primary motivation has been to confuse. To excite and confuse," says Callinan, who makes it clear that this starts with confusing and exciting himself. "But you can't do that for any length of time without having sincerity. I really love music. And I love the ability to play the nuances of music and performance."

Which is presumably what EMI, the label that looks after the Beatles and Coldplay, saw when they signed a man who has sold fewer records than the Beatles have had reissues.

Maybe too his signing is a reminder that the public is smarter, more varied and more adventurous than the industry likes to credit. And if they're wrong, well, it's been fun.

"If EMI drop me and I spiral into a pit of self-destruction and never make another record again," says Callinan, "I still made a record with Jimmy Barnes screaming on it, James Chance on saxophone and the Finn family in harmony."

Amen to that.

Kirin J Callinan plays The Foundry, Brisbane, June 9; Oxford Art Factory, Sydney, June 10; Edinburgh Castle Hotel, Adelaide, June 16; Rosemount Hotel, Perth, June 17; Mojo's Bar, Fremantle, June 18; and Splendour In The Grass, Byron Bay, July 21.

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