

Pair jailed for stealing two classic Ferraris that were later found burnt out

Two car thieves who stumbled onto motoring beauty well beyond their grasp have been jailed over thefts that ended with two classic Ferraris being dumped and torched.

Matthew Ludwig's stealing spree with associates in the early hours of November 6, 2015, focused on a Nissan Skyline, a Toyota Camry and a Kia from a Frankston car yard and break-ins at nearby Subway stores.

But when he rammed open a roller door at a Braeside factory with a Ford Territory (stolen previously), he and his companions came across riches they didn't expect: a 1972 Ferrari Daytona and a 1986 Ferrari 328.

The Daytona, valued at between $1.5 million and $2 million, had previous owners including Dodi Fayed – Princess Diana's boyfriend – and Pink Floyd's Roger Waters. The 328 lacked the same provenance but was valued at $100,000. Both cars were in the factory for repairs.

Ludwig and accomplice Bradley Abela drove the Ferraris back towards Frankston, the County Court heard on Friday, but realised the cars were conspicuous and asked an associate to store them. They were hidden for a time, the court heard previously, but were later found in paddocks destroyed by fire.

Neither Ludwig and Abela were charged with arson, but judge Paul Lacava​ said they would have known the Ferraris were of value even if they didn't appreciate their true worth.


"You both had the chance to stop and not take the vehicles, but you both went ahead," Judge Lacava told them.

Ludwig, 32, was jailed for six years, to serve four before he is eligible for parole, after pleading guilty to eight charges of theft, four of burglary, two of attempted theft and single counts of breaching parole and careless driving, the latter related to trying to evade police before his arrest a fortnight later.

Abela, 31, pleaded guilty to five counts of theft and one each of possessing a drug of dependence and making a false report to police, after ringing police to report his wallet stolen. He left in the abandoned Territory. He was jailed for three years and must serve at least two.

Both men had long criminal histories and addictions to the drug ice and Judge Lacava regarded their rehabilitative prospects as poor.

Their offending was extremely serious, the judge said, and had caused the Ferrari owners and the factory owner great financial stress.

Abela has already served more than 350 days. Ludwig's jail term began on Friday, as he had been in custody for other crimes up until then.