
25 Apr
April 25, 2012

I’ve had a leasehold on for years now.  People smarter than I am told me that even if I had no sense of its use at present, I should throw a few shekels down in case.  But until recently, I saw no reason to do much of anything with the site.

My ambivalence rests on a couple basic ideas:

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Maybe, He Thought, He’d Wind Up At Entebbe

10 Mar
March 10, 2017

Forty years ago this week, my father was taken hostage when the Hanafi Muslims, a breakaway sect from the Nation of Islam, took over the District Building, the Islamic Center and the B’nai B’rith headquarters in Washington D.C. As the 56-year-old public relations director for B’nai B’rith, a Jewish service organization, my father was selected by the Hanafi sect’s leader as one of eight older men who would be the first killed if police stormed the building. A young radio reporter was killed at the District Building and a D.C. protective services officer fatally wounded. There were others harmed as well, largely in the initial moments of the siege.

Eventually, through the brave intercession of the ambassadors from Egypt, Pakistan and Iran who negotiated by citing the Koran to the Hanafis, all of the hostages were released. My father emerged from his offices and embraced his family after 38 hours, his shirt streaked with the blood of a younger worker who had been cut during the initial takeover. As a 16-year-old high school student, it is an image and moment I will never forget.

What I will also remember is my father’s reflective, thoughtful forgiveness of Hamaas Abdul Khaalis and his followers. We lived only a couple miles from the 16th Street home where six of Khaalis’ followers, including his family, had been murdered in apparent retaliation for the sect’s breakaway from the Nation of Islam. Clearly, the man’s grief and rage had overwhelmed and unhinged him.

And while my father understood that the men who had terrorized Washington required prosecution and punishment, he showed me colors in the aftermath of the siege that made me proud. His encounters with his captors had convinced him that some were reluctant actors in the insane, purposeless drama. One in particular, wearing a knitted cap, was noticeably concerned about the treatment of hostages and had been solicitous at all points. Testifying at the trial, my father hoped that one of the lawyers would ask him a question allowing him the opportunity to make the distinction on behalf of this defendant. None did.

In the days after his release my father serviced all the media inquiries of reporters, but also found enough time to pen the following essay that ran on the op-page of the March 15, 1977 New York Times. I remember him banging it out, on his manual Royal typewriter, late at night in his basement office. Clean copy. On deadline.

*          *           *

I thought I was going to die and throughout those 38 hours my mind was a jumble of visions in which I’m telling my wife Dorothy and the family of how I kept thinking I was going to die. That doesn’t make sense — or does it? Is hope really stronger than fear? Is it that you’re not alone, that there is comfort in the nearness of more than 100 other anguish captives sharing an imposed camaraderie? Shock. It numbs the emotions, insulating you from the worst of your fears. It keeps your sanity intact while, your hands bound, you are squirming from flat on your back to flat on your belly, inching for a more comfortable resting place on the hard cement floor.

For some 38 hours the discipline is an ominous silence. “Keep your mouth shut or get killed!” is a precise order. You exist in an eerie quiet, except when the guards, fondling their weapons, bark commands or shout threats or obscenities. Or when the one they call the Khalifa — their leader Khaalis — enters the room to deliver one of his tirades, and then your mind begs for silence. It is the sound of a colleague asking to go to the lavatory or to have his wrenching bonds eased or an occasional whisper from a body alongside you. Otherwise you lie there with your disconnected thoughts . . .

The first hours. They’ve moved you away from beside young Alton with the deep knife wound in his back? Why him? Because he is black? A jacket and handkerchief is all you could offer your secretary to help stauch his blood. Now, your hands are bound behind your back with your tie. The one your daughter-in-law had given you along with the promise of a grandchild in July. It’s not fair to have to die before meeting your first grandchild. Or what? What do these gunmen want? Keep your wits. Make mental notes of what’s happening. You’re the B’nai B’rith information officer. The media people will want the details later. But my glasses are slipping from my face. Oh no? A gunman lifts them and tosses them into a refuse can. Speak up. “I can’t see without them.” He retrieves them and fits them on my face. Is this the way assassins act? What the hell do they want . . .

The Khalifa’s first appearance. His voice is angry and frightening. He sounds incoherent, irrational. Maybe I’m missing some words because of this useless deaf left ear. Who needs to hear? Deafness can be a blessing. The slaying of his wife and children. Oh, God.  I rmember the sick feeling in my gut reading how the children were drowned in bathtubs. Why is he blaming “Yahudis?” This is absurd.  Jews — everyone — felt for him. Hanafi. That house on 16th Street, of course. I drive past it each morning. Two of our captors — I remember seeing them patrolling the grounds, with some kind of sword, wondering how they must live with such fear. The Khalifa is bitter and bloodcurdling, threatening to put hostages to the sword, the older men first. This can’t be for real, can it? Arabian Nights. Hanafi — aren’t they a nonviolent sect? This is crazy.

What is this? The guard is unbinding me. And seven others. We’re the “old men!” A gunman had called me that when he ordered me to paint windows. This is ridiculous. There are still older men tied up. The first thing I’ll tell Dorothy when I see her is: “Imagine, 56 years old and they call me an old man!” My wrists are numb. Thank God the bonds were removed. Decapitation? Oh God! It can’t be? What do I do? The Khalifa wants a telephone. Relax. They won’t behead us without him present. Will they? . . .

*           *           *

Do we die without resistance? But how can we resist? If they mean to massacre us, why are they so meticulous about our bathroom needs? They stabbed Alton Kirkland in a moment of frenzy, then released him on a stretcher. They’ve tried to do something for the diabetics and heart cases. Ask for water and you get it. They allow medication. The women are treated courteously. They abused Eddie the painter inhumanly. Gutsy Eddie. He never whimpered. Then they eased up on him and praised his courage. Are they fanatics? Some don’t look the part. How do fanatics look? Why won’t they tell us their demands? The rule is, the longer things go on the better the chances to survive. Isn’t that the rule. I’ve learned that I don’t fear death. But, please, let it be quick, with a bullet. I want to live. So this is what the holocaust was like! Hannah Arendt, you don’t know what you were talking about! . . .

It’s taking so long. This must be a political thing. A Middle East thing, with Rabin in town. Are they demanding that Israel release Arab terrorists? I’ve always agreed with the Israeli policy against giving in to terrorists. It’s U.S. policy too. Do I still have those convictions? Logically, yes. But, please, somebody do something . . .

“Sid, how does it feel to be called an ‘old man’?” Sid grins. I say. “Our families must be terror-stricken, worse off than we are.” Joe whispers his wife’s name and rolls his eyes upward. He is more concerned with her than with himself. Joe is the oldest. He is supposed to retire next month. I hear: “Bernie, what the hell are you doing here? You should be downstairs figuring the pre-retirement death benefits.” That’s right. I can’t die. I’m the plan administrator. It’ll take the actuary two years to backtrack and straighten out all the death claims. Dorothy and the kids will have enough to get by. How will my 82-year-old mother take it? The fellow from accounting is really hurting. I grin at Sid’s efforts to cheer him: “You’re gonna go nuts when you’re out of here figuring out everyone’s overtime!”…

Maybe I should pray. I believe in prayer. Do I believe in petitional prayer? I grope for words and phrases. Never mind. God hears my thoughts. Doesn’t he? . . .

Night. Bone-weary. Shivering cold. Blessed catnaps. Guilt feelings. Unlike most of the others, I’m unbound and can stretch my arms and shift my body.

Daydreams and fantasies:   This ends the nonsenses of Jews fighting Jews over Breira . . . Jabbar is hitting those beautiful skyhooks and President Carter is talking to him about appealing to the Hanafis in the 16th Street house he bought for them . . . Teddy Kollek will be angry. It’s taken too long to finish the Jerusalem Gardens project. Now they’ll make it a memorial to us; it will help the campaign . . . The insurance company has a whole crew in the building passing out death-benefit checks to the wives . . . This has to end by Sunday; I have to be at my daughter Linda’s art show at Catholic U . . . Entebbe raiders . . . I’m choking. Tear gas . . . police . . . shooting their way in through windows.  All dreams.

Thursday morning. The “old men’s” job of feeding the tied-up men doughnuts and coffee is a blessed chore. I can move around. Everyone I’m feeding — their eyes are filled with hurt and fright and friendship. Many non-Jews, many blacks. Everyone is wonderful! No one has pleaded he’s not a Jew and doesn’t belong here. Not one! This is family, the human family. What do they say: Adversity brings out the best or the worst in people? These people are the best. “Don’t worry, you’ll be all right.” He’s a Christian. I hope they let him go. Surely, they’ll let the women go . . .

The gunman with the knitted cap is guarding us. Pleasant looking fellow, quiet-spoken, civil. He seems the best of the lot. How many are there? I count seven. Knitted Cap hasn’t been abusive. What is he doing here? He doesn’t want to die, does he? For what purpose? He looks like he’s role-playing. I empathize with him. Is that wrong? . . .

What are their demands? Why won’t they tell us? It can’t just be the complaint the gunman read to us about some movie. Too silly! What is it? Does the Khalifa want the imprisoned killers of his wife and children? He shouts about retribution. If it’s that, we’re in a pickle. A gherkin. I don’t like gherkins. The authorities can’t give in to that demand. The way we’re barricaded, rescuers can’t reach us without a bloodbath. The terrorists can’t leave . . .

*           *            *

Food arrives for dinner. They’re binding us hand and foot. All of us. I like being treated like the others. Hands in front now, not too painful. Binding us in a security measure. Something is happening, some sort of rescue attempt. They don’t want a massacre, negotiations must be going on. Some of us — maybe the “old men” — will be in a plane heading for Libya or Entebbe.

“I’ll take corned beef.” A mistake. It’s on white bread, not rye. No mustard but mayonnaise. This for a Jewish boy? Sid smiles: “My mistake too. A travesty.” Meal time is activity, easing the tensions. Besides, something is going to happen soon. It’s in the air.

My turn for the bathroom. I signal but the two gunmen on guard ignore me. “Lie down. Face down!” is the curt order. I do as I’m told, cover my head with my hands and left my knees to make a smaller target if there’s a shoot-out. The gunmen have slipped out of the room, the first time we’ve been left unguarded.

“Stay where you are! Keep your head down! Keep still!” The orders are the same but the voices sound different. And there are many more voices. I peek a look. The follow with the gun standing over me has a Metropolitan Police patch on his arm. A beautiful sight . . .

People keep saying: “I’ve now begun a new life.”  Not so. It’s the same one. But different.

*          *          *

Bernard Simon is the public relations director of B’nai B’rith.





Remarks on John Waters receiving the 2017 WGA Ian McLellan Hunter Award for Career Achievement

21 Feb
February 21, 2017

I had the distinct honor of being asked to give my union’s award for lifetime achievement to fellow Baltimorean and film legend John Waters.  These were my remarks, or those that were in the teleprompter, anyway. I may have veered at points:


John Waters, who began an improbable career of deep cultural relevance with the equally improbable notion that people from Baltimore should be allowed to put stories on film, is perhaps one of the most influential voices we have.

He is laughing at this. I know he is. I am going to look over there to where he is sitting now and see that he is laughing — yes, there he is — laughing at what I just claimed for him.

I know that he is laughing because John is perhaps the great modern master of self-effacement and self-mockery. He has gone to lengths to characterize his entire career as a storyteller and filmmaker in terms that purport to show him standing on the outside of the joke, looking in: “Pink Flamingos,” he writes in his wondrous autobiography, “was billed as ‘an exercise in poor taste.’ And I like the understatement.”

That right there is a man who

One. Knows exactly what he is doing and why.


Two. Knows how to write.

I will pause right here, early in these Writers Guild of America remarks to express how much I admire John Waters for not just his film career, but for his prose work. If you’ve read “Shock Value,” or “Car Sick” or “Role Models,” then all the dogshit swallowed by all the actors ever cannot convince you that John Waters is farce, or fraud, or Barnum. Again, this man knows not only who he is and what he has to say, but who we are, and why we need to hear it.

In all earnest, this man has a writing voice to envy, though again, that voice is carefully cultivated so as to dismiss any such notion. Discussing the early years of his filmic journey, he concludes that it is all so very thoughtless and playful:

“Thanks so much for letting me get away with it,” he tells readers os his autobiography.

Good line. Charming line.

But tonight, I’m calling bullshit.

I first encountered John’s films as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, when a viewing of “Pink Flamingos” at the local theater on Route 1 had the staid, plaid-sports-coat-wearing Prince George’s County political cohort good and affronted. And while theater owners and the student body and the nascent crowd of John Waters fans were having enormous fun using a celluloid provocation to challenge the suburban mores of a county where blue-haired councilwomen talked ill of school integration, and where 16-year-old black kids were routinely beaten inside police stations, John himself was up in Baltimore, running circles around the state’s film censor — yes, you heard that right, the Maryland state film censor — a deeply Catholic spirit named Mary Avara.

It was the late 1970s, which is so long ago that we forget where we were on the continuum of permissible speech, and dissent, and any art that affronts or disturbs or otherwise fails to capture an immediate majority.

John made the the fight in Maryland fun, even at some points, delightfully ridiculous. But it was, in fact, a fight. A frontier in the same war in which Nabakov or Kerouac, Kinsey or Burroughs or Lenny Bruce found themselves drafted. John made an absurd cartoon out of Mary Avara. You couldn’t watch that bedeviled and angry woman vent about John without ever again seeing the ethic of government censorship as anything but abomination.

So I knew what John represented in my state before I ever met him. When we did meet, I humiliated myself, I’m pretty sure.

I was a young newspaper reporter sent at the last minute to a memorial gathering for one of John’s great local character actresses — Edith “The Egg Lady” Massey — and I knew enough of Edith’s oeuvre to be stupidly flippant about the tastelessness of some of her screen personas. And this at a time when John was grieving at the loss.

Walking up to him in a crowd inside Edie’s gift shop, I led not with any human sense of Ms. Massey or her connection to John and the others in the room. I wanted to shape the life lost around the outrageousness of what I’d seen onscreen. The look on John Waters’ face as he used his answer to address the reality shamed me. I never got a second quote from him that day. I was too embarrassed.

But my third and lasting encounter with John was the best and most enduring. By then, John’s art and narrative force had traveled beyond shock value, beyond even the provocations of a censorious culture. By then, “Hairspray” and “Cry Baby” and “Pecker” were demonstrating how much John Waters actually had to say about the world.

Beginning with “Homicide” and journeying through “The Corner” and “The Wire,” I shared a crew with John and learned to love and admire the same colleagues and collaborators. And I came to realize just how much Baltimore and its film community owed to John as a pathfinder and civic presence.

But more than that, by then I’d seen enough of John’s to learn an essential lesson about life and people and society. And this brings me back to my first claim — the one at which John was laughing, the one that is nonetheless the real gift to us from a great storyteller. And it’s this:

Fuck normal.

Fuck. Normal.

There is no normal. Normal is a lie. Normal is a locked gate, a wall, a prison. Normal is a fascistic sentiment, and one that prevailed within the American experiment for far too long. Indeed, today in this country, we are witnessing a last, retrograde and reactionary assertion for whatever normal is supposed to be.

John’s filmmaking and storytelling — from the guerrilla effrontery of “Pink Flamingos” to the sweet civic affirmations of “Hairspray” — are among the most eloquent arguments against standardized modes of being ever lensed.

None of us are normal. Black, white, brown, Jew, Gentile, Muslim, atheist, Satanist, gay, straight, bi, transgendered, whatever…the more you honestly assess all the varied allegiances, motivations and impulses that cause human beings to get up in the morning and face the world and each other, the more you know that none of us is close to normal.

Conjure even the known secrets of yourself, your family, your friends, your neighbors and realize how ridiculous the very idea of normal is. Hell, if you find anyone with political and social opinions that soothe, someone without racial or religious idiosyncrasy, without sexuality that veers froma strict heterogeneous application of the lights-off missionary position, someone with 2.1 kids and two-car garage and unrusted lawn furniture on the manicured patio of theisr split-level rancher, I will argue that nothing is more fucking abnormal than that. We are — all of us — at least two standard deviations from the mean. And if you think you are not, you are either lying to yourself or worse, it may be time to reflect on the grievous possibility of an unlived life.

Other writers and filmmakers and social voices have argued this very thing in their work. But pound for pound, I think you will be hard pressed to find a greater and more influential enemy of normal — and the lie that normal forces upon human lives — than John Waters. It’s a legacy of which any storyteller would be proud and one that honors the 2017 WGAE Ian McLellan Hunter Award for Career Achievement.

It’s my honor to bring to the stage, John Waters.


February 19, 2017

Edison Ballroom

New York, N.Y.




City of Immigrants: A Night of Support – SOLD OUT

08 Feb
February 8, 2017

For eventbrite final

The event is sold out.

There will NOT be tickets available at the door. A ticket is required for entry.

Not attending? Please consider making a donation to the organizations we are supporting:
ACLU of MD, National Immigration Law Center, Tahirih Justice Center, International Rescue Committee.

Click here to make a donation through our online page. Donations made online and at the event will be matched up to $100,000 by Blown Deadline Productions.

The event will be livestreamed by the Washington Post.


Blown Deadline Productions & Tech Solidarity

Date & Time:
Monday February 13th, 2017
7:00 – 8:30pm
Doors open at 6:15pm

Tickets are required for entry. Please bring your printed ticket with you or be prepared to show it on your phone. A reminder that a very small number of tickets will be released at 4pm tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon.

Beth Am Synagogue, Baltimore, MD

About the event:
Baltimoreans united against fear, nativism and the immigration ban will gather on Monday, February 13 at Beth Am Synagogue in Reservoir Hill to hear speakers as varied as Beau Willimon, Deray McKesson, David Simon, Taylor Branch, and others urging religious and racial inclusivity. The program will conclude with singer-songwriter Steve Earle adding his voice and guitar.

Admission is free with a ticket and donation to groups assisting visa holders and refugees: ACLU of MD, National Immigration Law Center, Tahirih Justice Center, and International Rescue Committee.


Donations made through the event’s donation page and at the event will be matched up to $100,000 by Blown Deadline Productions, the Baltimore-based television production company that created The Wire, Treme and Show Me A Hero.

Tech Solidarity works to better connect tech workers with the communities they live in. Our emphasis is on regular in-person meetings, volunteer assistance to organizations serving the vulnerable, and the creative use of labor law in pursuit of an ethical agenda.

Additional Speakers:

  • Leana S. Wen, M.D., MSc., FAAEM – Health Commissioner, Baltimore City
  • Nancy Kass, ScD – the Phoebe R. Berman Professor of Bioethics and Public Health, in the Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Deputy Director for Public Health in the Berman Institute of Bioethics.
  • Marielena Hincapié – Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center
  • Ruben Chandrasekar – Executive Director, International Rescue Committee, Maryland
  • Kristen Strain – Executive Director, Tahirih Justice Center Baltimore
  • Sonia Kumar – Staff Attorney, ACLU of MD

The Book that Changed Me

02 Nov
November 2, 2016

I was asked by the BBC to write and read an essay about a book that changed me — a request that offered an opportunity to bring more readers to one of the more epic and honorable acts of American journalism. Acquiring “Famous Men” was seminal for me as a twentysomething reporter, and provided both tactical and ethical ballast for the journeys in narrative non-fiction I would soon undertake in a homicide unit and on a drug corner. Have a listen and maybe pick up a copy of Agee & Walker’s masterpiece:

BBC Radio 3 | The Essay | The Book that Changed Me

David Simon describes how “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men” by James Agee and Walker Evans changed his work as a journalist. The celebrated work capturing the lives of ordinary people during The Depression made him realise the importance of sharing “the simple, raw vulnerability” of lived experience. “Page after page was fully ripe with the delicate work of a thinking journalist who knows with all moral certitude that he is approaching and attempting to capture the love, fear and sadness of real lives.” Produced by Smita Patel.


12 Aug
August 12, 2016

Following is an excerpt from a new compendium of essays about the life and history of my alma mater, the old Baltimore Sun. “The Life of Kings” is edited by my former colleagues Frederic B. Hill, Stephens Broening and is being released by Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. This essay is reprinted here with permission of Steve, Fred and the publishing house. Available to purchase online.

*            *            *


Behold, a prince of my city, or so I imagine myself, resting next to Ettlin and before the algae-green glow of the Harris terminal, dialing through the long-call list of Maryland State Police barracks and city districts, hunting down the brutalities and miscalculations of a reckless, teeming metropolis.

“State Police, Glen Burnie barracks . . .”
“Hey, how’re ya? Simon from the Sun. Anything going on?”
“Nope. Quiet.”
Right then. Next call.
“State Police, Waterloo . . .”
“Afternoon. Simon from the Sun. Anything up?”
“Quiet today.”
Quiet. Okay, next.
“State Police, Annapolis . . .”

The long-call sheet—sixty-some-odd numbers for damn near every police agency operating in the Old Line State—wasn’t even on my desk at that point. No, I had all the numbers memorized, not as a parlor trick, but simply because I’d called every night police desk from Cumberland to Ocean City two or three times a shift for nearly two years at that point.

Is it a testament to the power of human memory that, to this day, I can still tell you that the state police barracks in Hagerstown is 301-739-2101, or that the Coast Guard marine safety office in Baltimore was then 962-5105? Is it worth describing the recurring dreams suffered well into my fifth decade, in which I slow dial the entire list on one of the newsroom’s early 1980s-era rotary phones, waking in a sweat only after reaching the last entry in the long column, the Ocean City Fire Department, and then beginning anew with the Baltimore police com center? Is it any wonder that for years, to better sustain the pleasure of a sexual partner, I would not—as Woody Allen once wryly remarked—lay abed focused on baseball, wondering whether to steal Alou or have McCovey hit away? No, whatever restraint came to me was gleaned from imagining a full round of Baltimore Sun cop calls. Being chivalrous, I would sometimes even imagine myself taking info for a two-car fatal from the Salisbury barracks, trying not to moan in the darkness about a westbound vehicle crossing the center line on Route 50.

I did this five shifts a week as the Sun’s night police reporter—my nights off, for the love of God, were Monday and Tuesday—harvesting death, dismemberment, and criminality, and then reducing most of it to bite-sized morsels for the “Maryland In Brief” feature, deep inside the metro section.

On a good night, something approximating real news would happen, and the night police reporter would work the phones, calling neighbors and detectives or even rushing over to one of the city districts to pry the incident report from a reluctant desk sergeant. If the story was especially notable, he might roll out of the newsroom, pen and notepad in hand, ready to wash up on the 1400 block of North Dallas Street or the 1800 block of West Lombard to gather some actual humanity and color on whatever brutality might be written to the front of metro, or perhaps, on some sacred and improbable night, the bottom of a front page largely reserved for the national and foreign desks, or perhaps, the more substantive and official happenings of government and politics in Maryland and Baltimore.

Such moments could never be conjured; they were elusive and decidedly random. For the night police reporter to find purchase on a front page, whole city blocks would need to catch fire, cops or firefighters would have to die, or, of course, upstanding white people would have to be killed in the right zip code. Otherwise, the great, insatiable maw of “Maryland In Brief” beckoned:

“A twenty-four-year-old West Baltimore man was shot to death . . .”
“Two Gambrills men were killed and a third injured in a three-car collision on Route 2 that police said . . .”
“A two-alarm rowhouse fire proved fatal to an elderly Curtis Bay woman . . .”

No, reportorial immortality was seldom to be found in the long-call list on ordinary nights. Young Baltimore Sun reporters harboring the most lurid and secret ambitions for their careers could go a week or more without a byline when working cops on a four-to-twelve shift. By the time they arrived in late afternoon, the metro editors were already meeting, their news budgets more or less cemented. And the daycops reporter, Twigg or LoLordo or Prewitt, had by then picked clean the police blotters of most everything from overnight to well past midday. Even the late-breaking stuff from the two afternoon papers had been gathered up and reprocessed. Certainly, any happenstance that a hungry nightshift reporter might slice and dice into enough column inches to rate a byline was no longer hanging low from any civic branch. Best a young fellow could do was sit at his desk and begin to make fresh calls . . .

“Simon from the Sun. Anything happening?”
“Simon from the sun! Kurth from Earth!”

Charlie fucking Kurth. Every call to homicide, twice a night, the same goddamn joke. It made a cop reporter pray aloud for Worden or Kincaid to answer the goddamn phone.

Once, quite early in what at that point could only be generously referred to as my career, I came upon a remarkable coincidence that seemed to promise at least eight inches of copy and a byline somewhere in the bowels of the metro section. I took the discovery to the weekend night editor.

“Bill, I have two shootings on the same city block. Only an hour apart.”

I showed him my notes: two human beings hit by gunfire on the same, solitary block of Baltimore, Maryland, on the same night, only an hour apart. My breath in my throat, I wondered secretly whether it might just be necessary to remake the metro front for the final.

The night editor pushed up his reading glasses, squinting at my ballpoint scrawl, then frowned.

“The eight hundred block of George Street is the Murphy Homes,” he explained, almost sympathetically. “When you don’t have a shooting there, it’s news.”

Oh, the reckless, teeming city.

In time, I learned the margins and even managed to get off a decent story or two. A gas truck caught fire and took a block of Pimlico rowhouses with it, and while the other reporters were at phone booths, dumping impressionistic quotes about leaping flames and acrid smoke, I managed to call the late Sunday rewrite, Jane Smith, with the actual cause of the fire and quotes from a battalion chief, earning the front-page byline. An undercover narcotics detective was shot to death after the double-dot deadline in a buy-bust on Frederick Road, and I managed to make the final with twenty inches and a photo. A Hopkins undergraduate was found murdered in her Charles Village apartment—a beautiful young woman, white, slain in a neighborhood that mattered. Bottom of the front, with a photo, in time for double-dot and then re-topped for the final.

But mostly, no. Mostly, the life of a twenty-something Sun acolyte, hired out of college and consigned to the night desk, was lived in four-paragraph installments, the kind that either ended in an acknowledgment that homicide detectives had no witnesses or suspects, or that the rear passenger in the second car was treated and released at an area hospital.

The written formula itself was an affront to the human spirit, so much so that Dave Ettlin, the late rewrite man who raised young pups relentlessly in the Sun way, once deigned to show me his lede for the apocalypse, composed so that it would fly without debate past the night editor and the copy desk slotman:

“Life as we know it ended in Baltimore yesterday, as the dead rose in every city cemetery and demon spawn from hell were seen wreaking havoc throughout central Maryland, police said.”

The “police said” made it perfect, we both agreed, with Ettlin assuring me that attribution is always key.

In desperation, after almost a year in the existential nightmare that was night police reporting—if a drug dealer falls in West Baltimore and no one reports it, does he make a sound?—I handled the problem in part by learning to write a feature story.

My first attempt was the last early morning of the city wholesale fish market, an old but epic wreck of a building just off East Baltimore Street. The market was to be pushed out of the city for redevelopment, with the fishmongers decamping to modern facilities in Jessup. Slipping the surly bonds of police reporting, my lede on that piece had something about unseeing scrod staring one-eyed and uncomprehending at the cavernous old building one last time. Seriously.

Bob Benjamin, a veteran reporter with the dignified beat of higher education, sought me out the morning that the fish market piece ran off the front.“Well, well,” he said, trying, I suppose, for some facsimile of a compliment. “I’m reading my paper this morning, and I had to take note: Simon actually wrote something.”

But the next day, the fish market was closed forever, and what remained for me, shift after shift, was more crime-blotter jetsam from a reckless, teeming, and wholly repetitive metropolis.

“Hey, Simon from the Sun, Anyth . . .
“Simon from the sun! It’s Kurth from Earth!”
“Fuck you, Charlie. Fuck you and the whole Kurth family and everything on God’s green fucking earth that you stand for . . .”

The occasional feature story, coupled with the fact that I was quick and clean on breaking cop stuff, resulted in only one modest enhancement in my status. On Sunday and Monday nights, the off days for Ettlin, I was given a rewrite shift.

The new duties offered only slightly more dignity and gravitas than night police reporting, in that you got a chance to boss around and abuse the nightcops scribe. But it was at least an acknowledgment that, in the eyes of those making up the work schedule, your copy was fast, clean, and accurate. In his own legendary memoir of life at the Sun, Russell Baker described a good rewrite man, more or less accurately, as a soul entirely capable of stringing an endless series of newspaper cliches together at the highest possible rate of speed. Baker shortchanges some of the nuance for the sake of humor, but mostly, he’s on the money. Night after night, I got better at reducing the moral foibles and grievous tragedies of Baltimore, Maryland to crisp, clear formula.

These heady days of instantaneous tweeting and perpetual, real-time digital information have made the very style of news writing—if not spelling and punctuation—almost a presumption. And the job of quickly writing and rewriting cogent, readable newspaper copy for three editions a night is now about as useful to humanity as that of a celluloid projectionist or typewriter repairman. But I can still give you twenty clean inches on a three-alarm warehouse fire in ten minutes. It may not count for much in the world as she now spins, but I can do it.

The other thing that rewrite taught me is that only a portion of those laboring with me at the Sun were of a temperament to accept the actual terms of engagement.

Simply put, I was ready and willing to insert myself into the tragedy of other people’s lives, to stand there on a doorstep talking, begging, until the broken mother or shocked widow invited me inside. I would get the quotes. I would ask for the photo. I would watch other reporters get sent away and then I would ring the doorbell, convinced that my pitch was better, that I would not be denied.

A less honest soul would attribute this to a hunger for the story, or more shamelessly, the public’s right to know. But no, sorry, it’s just good old sociopathy that luckily finds some utilitarian purpose in the obscure craft of police reporting. Even wrapping this skill set in as much human warmth as I might, I knew it to be some cold shit, and the best I can say for myself is that I never lied to anyone, and I treated the words and experiences that I acquired with as much respect as the job allowed.

Others in my tribe had no stomach for it.

Once, when I was working weekend rewrite, we caught a story about an assault on an infant in the neonatal unit at Franklin Square Hospital in Baltimore County, a twisted little incident in which some wreck of a teenager had wandered from the psychiatry wing and, finding the door to the delivery ward open, had proceeded to batter a random infant in the nursery.

The cops reporter that evening was a kid, earnest and virginal, fresh from the Sun’s internship program. He came to me with nearly enough to write up a brief, but this was more than that.

“You have the baby’s name and address,” I told him. “Use the criss-cross directory and call the parents. We have twenty minutes until the double-dot.”

He looked at me, stricken.

“Call them.” I repeated.

“I don’t think that’s right.”


“They’ve been through a lot here. I don’t think we should bother them tonight with this.”

I used the criss-cross myself, found the home number and put it in front of the poor kid.

“This is the job. Call.”

He let the phone ring twice, then hung up the receiver in a rush. I saw it and he knew I saw it, and there was nothing else I could do but walk over again, check the number, dial, and let it ring. A voice picked up, and after I identified myself, a father screamed in the phone for about thirty seconds, calling me everything from a parasite to a son of a bitch. I replied that I was sorry to bother him at the late hour, but asked again if he was sure that he didn’t want to take a moment and reflect on the incident. The father screamed some more and hung up. The kid, looking up at me, was self-satisfied.

“See?” he said, after I replaced the receiver.
“See what?”
“He didn’t want to talk.”
“We know that now. And you know what else we know? That he probably won’t be talking to Jayne Miller on the eleven o’clock news, or to anyone from the Evening Sun early tomorrow.”

A good, clean writer and a smart hire, he was entirely unconvinced. And in that moment, I like to believe, his career as a sports columnist was born.

No, ambulance-chasing and widow-consoling wasn’t for everyone in newspapering, but at the Sun, it was for even fewer when the terrain was the inner city, where the carnage was largely confined to black lives.

In truth, police reporting in Baltimore, I came to understand, was a balancing act between the cynicism and self-interest of the police sources on which you relied, and the voices in the street that were, in my city anyway, very different from those I had known. I was a suburban kid, a child of New Deal Democrats and liberal, but nonetheless suburban, and the world being policed in Baltimore was elusive and angry. In my first year of police reporting, I had somehow accomplished something without giving it much thought at all: I had acquired an ear, an interest, and a patience not only for the banter of Irish and Italian detectives and desk sergeants, but for what was coming at me from the largely African American street. The Sun had put me here, and to do the job I needed to listen to voices and cadences and arguments not my own. I found that I was willing to appear ignorant, to ask a stupid question, to be the fool. Most of all, I was willing to listen to anybody and everybody, and more than that, I was not simply humoring them to get facts for the next day’s edition. Not entirely, anyway. I was actually learning.

Inside the newsroom, of course, such lessons were of little practical importance, if they were acknowledged at all. At a predominantly white newspaper that had institutionally devalued black life in Baltimore for much of its existence—as a cynical and diminutive cue to white readers, black crime victims and suspects were routinely identified in the paper as “Negro” until 1961—my deepening curiosity, I later came to understand, was improbable, maybe even self-defeating. These were crimes that to society did not matter, in communities that did not matter.

Decades later, after I’d written a couple non-fiction narratives and some television dramas, a Baltimore detective I had come to regard not merely as good police but as an intellect would credit me with this much only. Most of my copy, in Terry McLarney’s eyes, was the usual dilettante’s from-on-high bullshit, albeit a little more amusing to him at a few odd points. But, he told me, before Homicide and The Corner, and before The Wire as well, “all of these ghetto murders didn’t rate. They were invisible. Not because everyone couldn’t see them, but because no one inside or outside the police department gave a shit. To get our attention in Baltimore, you had to kill a white person.”

The city might be reckless and teeming, but much of it was apparently not meant to be glimpsed as more than a Maryland Digest brief in the verdant sinecures of Roland Park and Mount Washington. Ill-dressed and inconstant in his newsroom demeanor, Mr. Simon had apparently misspent his first years at the Sun undertaking an awkward, vaguely inappropriate embrace of the city’s demimonde. After a year or so on the beat, he could actually find his way to Whatcoat Street or Lemmon Alley without so much as consulting a city map book.

This was not entirely a good thing in the eyes of some, so much so that some of my editors began to wonder just how long I was going to continue to slum on a split schedule of rewrite and police reporting. The way of the Sun was to quickly demonstrate a basic and rote competence on obituaries or nightcops, and then graduate to a couple years manning a county bureau in Columbia or Towson, showing the powers-that-be that school board politics or a circuit courthouse was manageable. With that much experience, the chance to be the third or fourth man in Annapolis during the legislative session was now a possibility. Cover yourself with honor in that assignment and, perhaps, the Washington bureau or a foreign assignment beckoned.

My career inertia was noted. When the Howard County reporter went on vacation for two weeks in the spring, I was offered to the county editor as a temporary replacement, but it was made clear to me that this first loan-out from the city desk was a harbinger.

“See how you like it,” the metro editor said cryptically, banishing me for a fortnight from the downtown newsroom on Calvert Street.

How I like it? Like what? Getting my police information through a wire-mesh window rather than at the bar at Kavanagh’s? Parsing a zoning board agenda as if it was some intricate Talmudic tract? Listening to the county scanner channels in the hopes that a wing of the mall might burn to the ground, or that county detectives might be rushing to one of the seven or eight annual homicides in a planned community where the subdivisions were named Hobbit’s Glen and Harper’s Farm?

“Bring me home,” I begged the city editor. “I’ll do anything you ask, including babysitting and window treatments.”

And she did.

Which leaves me, of course, opposite Ettlin, who is now simultaneously eating his lunch and taking dictation from Jeff Price in Jerusalem—a real newspaperman with a real expense account covering real world events—while I climb the blank walls of the same rote, repetitive purgatory.

“Anne Arundel fire . . .”
“Simon from the Sun. Still quiet tonight?”
“Yup. Still quiet.”
Ettlin watches me finish out the long-call list, and after cleaning up Price’s copy and sending it on to the foreign desk, he’s talking about setting up the Scrabble board for an early round of humiliating, triple-word-score dominance. At a penny a point, I am into the son of a bitch for more than ten dollars this month.

And I can’t bear it. When the last of the phone numbers yields nothing so much as a brief, I grab notepad and car keys, rise and stare down at the rewrite desk and the prospect of another wasted shift.

“I’m gonna run the districts.”
Ettlin raises an eyebrow. Run the districts?

Not since the days of hot type and Mergenthaler have day police reporters volunteered to run the nine Baltimore police districts, visiting desk sergeants and perusing arrest and incident logs. Why bother? You’ve already called the city com center and homicide, as well as traffic investigation. Other than street robberies and purse-snatches, what is there to be gleaned from showing up at the Southwestern or Western Districts, presenting a press card to the desk man, and being handed the useless and inconsequential dross of a quiet news day, the stuff of which newspaper columns are never made.

“Why?” Ettlin asks.

“Because they’re there.”

But at the Southern, there’s only some shoplifting and a prostitution arrest on the books, and at the Southwestern, someone robbed a Korean carryout of twenty-two dollars with either a gun or a finger in the pocket of a hooded sweatshirt. The Western yields some penny-ante drug arrests, and the Northwestern has two minors arrested for joy-riding an AMC Gremlin.

In the car on the way to the Northern, it all seems so empty, so utterly valueless as the instrument by which the great men of journalism might be sifted out and exalted. Here I am, cycling like a fool through police districts, and doing so after calling fifty-odd other places, looking for some fresh, creative, and fascinating manifestation of man’s inhumanity to man. And Baltimore is just not up to the task.

At the Northern, the desk sergeant refuses to let me see the incident book, as desk sergeants at the Northern always seem to do. The shift lieutenant is called, and he eventually arrives and hands me the clipboard as if it is a holy relic. One residential burglary from lower Hampden: taken, a purse with eight dollars and change.

“This is what you didn’t want to show me?”
The desk sergeant shrugs.

I’m thinking of skipping the Northeastern District. Nothing happens out there. Ever. In Mencken’s memoir of newspapering, his first assignment as a police reporter is the Northeast and, as a wide-eyed apprentice, he asks his editor how far out he should go looking for news.

“Until you see the Philadelphia reporters walking toward you,” he is told.

But now I am standing at the Northeastern desk, running through the scant pickings on the incident sheet, telling myself that Howard County might not be so bad, that any idiot can manage ten or twelve bylined inches every day on the school board or the county council agenda. I am barely listening to the squawk of the district channel on the deskman’s radio.

“. . . in a tree, two youths . . .”
“What’s your twenty?”
“Herring Run. South end.”
“Ten-four. Has fire been called?”
“Ten-four. Waiting on ‘em now.”
What, I ask, was that about a tree?

Five minutes later, I am down in Herring Run Park, watching Baltimore firefighters rescue two fifteen-year-old prodigies from a tall oak. They had skipped a day of middle school, climbed to an upper perch, and then proceeded to freak out about the risks of returning earthwards. There are two young girls on the ground as well, teasing them for their cowardice, giving what is known in this business as good quote.

One of the firefighters starts up the tree, while his partner waits below, holding an axe.

“Hey, man, what’s the axe for?” asks one kid.

“That’s if you don’t want to come down,” replies the Northeastern patrolman, dry as dirt.

And why they were up a tree in early afternoon, it being a school day and all?

“Let’s say we took a vacation,” explains the other kid, nodding at my notepad, “but please don’t print that.”

Once aground, both of them regain their composure, if not their bravado, eyeing the girls and even bumming cigarettes from the patrolman.

I fill about ten notepad pages and race back to the newsroom just in time to give the city editor a budget line.

“How long?” Rebecca asks.
“Twenty, twenty-five . . . ?”
She looks at me, dubious.
“It writes itself,” I assure her.

An hour later, she reads my stuff, and Paul, doing makeup, begins dummying my story for the front of metro. It runs to twenty-five inches.

“If we had art, telegraph would have taken it,” my editor tells me. “Did you think to call photo on it?”
The front page—immortality, or at least the whispered margins of such. At the sound of Rebecca Corbett’s words, my whole being puffs into a state of reportorial tumescence. For want of a photo, I might have made the front. The next morning, Milford Prewitt, the daycops reporter, sits with his legs crossed atop Ettlin’s desk, reading my righteous shit. Like me, Milford has lived and died with the long-call list, but he’s done so for years now. He’s sick of it, too, and will be gone in less than a year, moving on to something else, something beyond newspapering.

“Simon, you got twenty inches on kids in a tree.”
Twenty-five, I correct him.
“You got twenty-five inches on kids in a tree in Baltimore. How in the hell . . .”
“I ran the districts and picked it up.”
“You went to the Northeastern District and got twenty-five inches on kids in a tree on the front metro.”
Milford folds the paper and laughs loudly, but not at my expense. Sometimes, the magic is there, waiting to be conjured. Sometimes not. But yesterday, I had a good story.
“You’re gonna be alright, Simon,” he says, still laughing, beginning his own long-call round, his second of the day. “Two kids in a tree.”

Oh, my reckless and teeming city.