[PRESS RELEASE] Moldova procures Ukrainian medicines through UNDP

The United Nations Development Programme is procuring medicines not only for Ukraine, but now also for neighboring Moldova. Procurement through UNDP allowed a Ukrainian manufacturer to reach a new market.

[WORLD OCEANS DAY] Survey finds proliferation of Black Sea pollutants

The Black Sea has twice as much floating plastic as any other sea in Europe, according to an environmental survey funded by the European Union and UNDP. Mobile application deployed to help revive affected waters.

[OP-ED] Revisiting Sustainable Development

The balance of economic, social and environmental goals is the ideal model of sustainable development, and it is not easy to reach, since the common perception of development is primarily associated with economic development. The approval and implementation of the Strategy will be one of the steps towards this goal – the transition from ad hoc and barbaric use of natural resources to their balanced use (that is, using them in a way and at pace that do not cause the depletion of resources in the long run and a significant deterioration of their properties). In the nearest future, it is expedient to consider the idea of establishing a Ministry (or an Agency) for sustainable development that will ensure the integration of economic, social and environmental policies, coordination of inter-sectoral interaction, strategic planning for sustainable development, monitoring of the Strategy implementation at different levels.

[VIDEO] Insider Mediation Course in the Donbas

UNDP firmly believes that peace can be kept and restored if internal to the conflict figures are equipped with expert knowledge, practical skills and solid horizontal network. With the idea UNDP’s Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme started its pilot project Insider Mediation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The first wave of 16 insider mediators have already undergone our course and some drafted their proposals as to suitable forms of conflict transformation in their communities. The next step is ensuring support for their peacebuilding initiatives by UNDP and national experts.

Black Sea is damaged by human activity, the environmental research reveals

The Black Sea Monitoring Surveys examined the environmental status of the Black Sea, screened emerging pollutants, studied marine litter and aquatic life below the oxygen layer, and compiled a photographic identity catalogue of dolphins. The research identified most pressing challenges faced by the Black Sea in the last 20 years and highlighted the need for coordinated response of the Black Sea countries in line with the European Union water legislation.

International procurement brings new medicines to the Ukrainian market: the case of transplant medication

While lowering the price paid by the Government to purchase well established medicines, international procurement is also bringing new medicines, previously unseen in Ukraine, to the country’s patients. The current list of registered medicines in Ukraine counts about 10,000 products, while a lot of high-quality medicines, mostly generics, are still not present on the market.

Progress in procurement of medicines for adult oncology, child oncology, and oncohematology programs

Kyiv, May 22, 2017 – The Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine report on the current progress in procurement of chemotherapeutic agents, radiopharmaceuticals and drugs for maintenance treatment of cancer patients (program III) and procurement of...

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Impact Hub and UNDP launch the 2017 edition of Accelerate2030

Impact Hub and UNDP are announcing the launch of the second edition of Accelerate2030, an international cross-border scaling program for impact-driven ventures. This year, ventures from 17 countries across 4 continents are encouraged to apply to this unique acceleration program, including Ukraine.

Report: Ukraine should channel support to SMEs through big banks

According to the report, which was prepared by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting for UN Development Programme in March 2017, the newly-nationalized PrivatBank and the state savings bank Oschadbank would be the ideal conduit to pump funds into the more isolated areas of the country.

[OP-ED] Parliaments: bastions of democracy or power elites’ hangouts?

While openness and transparency has risks for parliaments as they expose themselves to greater scrutiny, it’s the only way for parliaments to effectively play their role as each country’s main forum for democratic dialogue and decision-making. At the same time, it has become obvious that there is no direct link between transparency and public trust. An op-ed by Jonathan Murphy, Team Leader, EU-UNDP Rada for Europe Project