
Archipelago – AudioZine

  • Posted on: 8 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Resonance Audio Distro

Archipelago – Affinity, Informal Organization, and Insurrectional Projects – From Salto #2 – MP3Read PrintArchive TorrentYouTube

This zine explores the topic of affinity and informal organization. The author(s) argue that informal organizations based on affinity are the ideal ways of acting as anarchist because they overcome the limits of qualitative projects and organizations that exist as ends in and of themselves. Incorporated into the text are criticisms of formal organizations and discussions of what exactly affinity means.

Same Battle, New Field: Problems of Opportunism and Organization

  • Posted on: 22 April 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Libcom by Easy K

Criticism of NGO organizing tactics and reformism from the perspective of an Anarchist labor organizer in New England. The piece is meant highlight the need for new forms of organization to meet the needs of the current struggle. (Specific to the U.S. context)

The Vision of Revolutionary Anarchism

  • Posted on: 29 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Anarkismo by Wayne Price

Under the title, "The Two Main Trends in Anarchism," a selection of my writings has been published in Greek. ΟΙ ΔΥΟ ΚΥΡΙΕΣ ΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΑΡΧΙΣΜΟΥ. The writings are taken from Anarkismo, except for the following, which was written originally for the new book. It focuses on the centrality of a vision of freedom, cooperation, and happiness in the program of anarchist-socialism.

IGDCAST: Anarchist Organizing and Solidarity Inside and Outside of Mexican Prisons

  • Posted on: 21 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

This is a special IGDCAST with Sofi, an anarchist compañera from Mexico City who is deeply involved in a variety of solidarity and organizing efforts with anarchist prisoners in Mexico. The audio interview is in Spanish, while below is an English transcription, along with two song MP3s you can download separately. If you want to see more in depth reporting on what is happening in Mexico, be sure to support our Mexico trip fundraiser.

What’s an Anarchy? A Response to ‘Delusion’ Among Anarchists

  • Posted on: 9 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Love and Rage (a Utica, NY Media Collective) by Derek Scarlino

In a recent article for The Hitch titled Libertarians and Anarchists: Delusion at the Political Extremes, site co-founder and senior contributor Josh Turner attempted a dissection of the respective ideologies aimed at proving his hypothesis that in spite of appearances, the horseshoe theory of political science brings these models closer together than adherents might otherwise allege. Turner certainly argues his case convincingly, but in the process sidesteps that aforementioned history dating back well over a century and instead takes easy aim at common misperceptions of anarchism.

Building a revolutionary anarchism

  • Posted on: 3 August 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation by Colin O’Malley

This article speaks on the failures of the anarchist movement to grow, despite numerous social movements, and how models of anarchist political organization point the way forward to overcome these pitfalls. This piece originally appeared in Perspectives on Anarchist Theory No. 27 (2014) published by the Institute for Anarchist Studies.

The Stirner Question

  • Posted on: 28 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Contr'un: Anarchist Theory

Each of the earliest pioneers of the anarchist tradition asked, I think, a question or three that still very much pertain to the problems of 21st-century life. They’re not always easy to extract or to drag into the present, and they’re not always flattering to us when applied to the culture of anarchism that has developed since the late 19th century. Working from the roots of the tradition has been a valuable experience, both in terms of focusing my analysis on key concepts and in terms of gaining tools with which to understand why the anarchist milieu is the often frustrating place that it is.
