
Let's Help Twin Oaks Grow

  • Posted on: 7 June 2017
  • By: thecollective


Our Story

Twin Oaks is an experiment that inspires. We model a different, more sustainable and fair way to live together where everyone has all they need, and everyone contributes.

Twin Oaks is one of the most successful self-sustaining and ecologically friendly intentional communities in the country.


  • Posted on: 31 August 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

The history of communes in North America is usually presented as largely the rise and fall of the “back to the land” movement that took place in the very late 60s and early 1970s, when members of the counter-culture and those involved in revolutionary politics formed a wide variety of communes in rural areas in the United States. While these examples are certainly part of the history of communes, what is often not discussed is the deep connection such land projects had with resistance struggles in urban centers and nearby towns. Within the history of anarchism, throughout the 1900s, many anarchists often formed communes that operated on a similar model. Offering both a cheap and accessible place to live, a place to get away, and as a way for resistance movements to become connected to the living land and have a place to work on projects.

The Spiral Dance and the Commune: Reflections on the Anniversary of the Eviction of Occupy

  • Posted on: 12 November 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From counterapparatus

The Powers that be had met and decided that this was no longer tolerable: everywhere the commune was irrupting and this experiment in urban autonomy spreading, in Oakland and New York, Portland and Seattle, in towns small and large. So calls were made and reasons were marshaled, the general command would be articulated through a local idiom, to shroud the unity of the operation.