
More on the house searches in Brussels and Amsterdam

From Act for Freedom Now!

Early in the morning of 23 May 2024, three residences of comrades in Amsterdam and Brussels were raided. As a reminder: digital devices (computers, telephones, hard drives, usb keys, cameras), tools, and anarchist publications were seized. No one was arrested on that occasion.

End of the Acrata project

Make, support or read from an anarchist library today!

from acratabxl

The anarchist library Acrata opened its doors in 2008. At the time, a text presented it not only as a “space for meetings and discussions”, but also as an “instrument to sharpen our knowledge and to find solid bases to confront domination”. [...] Today, the library is closing its doors and it is not without a touch of nostalgia that we remember all the discussions, film presentations, exhibitions and other apéros or solidarity meals that took place there. At the moment of putting an end to the adventure that this space has been, we wanted to thank all those with whom we have been able to share these beautiful moments, as well as the sometimes more difficult moments.

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