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Most Stadiums Are Bad Deals. Not the One Beckham Wants to Build.

In Defense of Lusty Movie Reviews

What Does the FBI Have on Jeff Sessions?

“Lordy,” “No Fuzz,” “Meddlesome Priest”: A Glossary of Comeyisms

Texas’ New Fetal Cremation Law Comes Dangerously Close to Defying a Federal Court Order

What LeBron James and the NBA Can Do to End the Warriors’ Reign of Terror

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The Anxiety and Thrill of Nominating a Woman to Challenge Trump Can 2020 restore the crushed hopes of 2016?
Republicans Are Grasping for One-Party Rule The GOP’s latest attempt to eliminate Democrats’ role in government.
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Why Not Al Franken in 2020? It an absurd world where a joke of a man is president, the ex-comedian could be a serious contender.
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DoubleX Gabfest
June 8 2017 5:14 PM Everything Australia Wanted to Know About the Culture Gabfest An audience Q&A from a live taping in Melbourne, Australia.