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Organizations Representing Corporations Pass Regressive Legislation in the Shadows

Gov. Abbott’s Politically Risky Special Session

Climate Activists in Pacific Northwest Fight Construction of World's Largest Methanol Refinery

US-backed SDF opens two fronts on ISIL-held Raqqa

Trump celebrates coal mine opening in Pennsylvania

Qatar, in regional crisis, hires former US attorney general

William Rivers Pitt | We Are Not Broke: Trashing the Austerity Lies

Donald Trump's state visit to Britain put on hold
US president told Theresa May he did not want trip to go ahead if there were large-scale public protests

Divided Puerto Ricans Head To Polls To Vote On U.S. Statehood

Zoot Suits: A Fashion Movement that Sparked Mexican American Resistance

Families trusted this hospital chain to care for their relatives. It systematically failed them

A 21st Century Marxism: The Revolutionary Possibilities of the ''New Economy''

Top two aides to British PM May quit

‘HEAL Act’: A Small Step in Addressing Health-Care Disparities for Immigrant Families

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups
So-called ‘anti-Sharia’ rallies across almost 30 US cities come as hate crimes on the rise, prompting criticism and counter-protests

Jeremy Corbyn’s Achievement

Karen Handel: Georgia’s Discriminatory Voter ID Law Her ‘Most Important Accomplishment’

Comey Got in the Face of Trump’s ‘Godfather’ Fantasy

Senators debate bringing in Comey for Round 2

Stop Making Excuses for Hateful White Men
Racism—not mental illness—was behind the killings on the Portland train. Let’s call it what it is so we can deal with it.

On impeaching Trump

Charles P. Pierce: While You Were Comey-ing, the House Was Up to No Good

Office Of Special Counsel: Trump's Social Media Director Violated Hatch Act

Pelosi: Sessions should resign as attorney general

Why Schools Still Can't Put Segregation Behind Them

Arab powers draw up Qatari blacklist; Turkey to send troops as Gulf crisis deepens

Labour’s Near-Triumph Brings a New Morning to British Politics

Anti-racists show their strength in numbers

Judge denies bail for accused NSA leaker Reality Winner after not guilty plea

Bernie Sanders Slams 1% in Praise for U.K.'s Corbyn

From Climate Denial to Abortion: Who Are Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party, Theresa May's New Allies?
Theresa May’s new allies oppose same sex marriage and are arguing to keep the universal winter fuel allowance – a policy the Tories said they would drop

Ossoff Opens Up 7-Point Lead In Georgia

A Brutal Expulsion in Guatemala Shows How Neoliberalism Gets Greenwashed
Government and big media portray it as a conflict between squatters and conservationists, but it’s just as much about extraction, displacement, militarization, and narcotics.

Nevada moves closer to a landmark Medicaid-for-all healthcare model

Paul Krugman: Wrecking the Ship of State

Yemen's 'Unprecedented' Cholera Epidemic

Donald Trump Angled for Soviet Posting in 1980s, Says Nobel Prize Winner

Chelsea Manning thanks Obama in first TV interview after release

Bernie Sanders to mark the "turning point" for his political revolution
Sanders will take his message to the People’s Summit, an event training progressives to run for office or organize campaigns ahead of the 2018 mid-terms

Want to See US Climate Progress? Support City and State Leaders and the Grassroots Groups Who Hold Them Accountable

Interior Dept. Changes Website, Prioritizes Fossil Fuels Over Renewables

With New Trump HHS Hire, Abstinence-Only Reboot Gets a Champion

Ex-Prosecutor Refused Trump’s Call, Got Fired The Next Day

Illinois Legislators to Trump: We Will Not Role Back Historic Environmental Laws

Want to Win on Abortion? Talk About It as an Issue of Love, Compassion

Jeremy Corbyn: Labour will call on other parties to defeat government

U.K. Election: British PM Theresa May Under Pressure After Shock Vote

Sessions to testify in front of Senate intel committee this week

Comey fallout weighs on the GOP

Adam West dies at 88; learned to embrace Batman role he couldn’t shake

Donald Trump survived Comey's testimony, but the fallout could be fatal
The former FBI director threw out a trail of clues for the special counsel to follow in the Trump-Russia investigation, which looks set to shadow his presidency

FDA approves generic Truvada — but there’s a catch

''I Have to Hold My Family Together'': The Hidden Costs of Prison Visits

Standing Rock Documents Expose Inner Workings of “Surveillance-Industrial Complex”

Congress Has What It Needs to Impeach Trump

UK Election 2017: May 'alone and friendless' as key advisers resign over election result

As Climate Change Threatens Food Supplies, Seed Saving is an Ancient Act of Resilience

Bernie Sanders to mark the 'turning point' for his political revolution
Sanders will take his message to the People’s Summit, an event training progressives to run for office or organize campaigns ahead of the 2018 mid-terms

WaPo Spun Scoop to Shelter Sessions

House Republicans Just Voted to Gut Dodd-Frank for Absolutely No Good Reason

Trump targets illegal immigrants who were given reprieves from deportation by Obama

Woman suicide bomber kills at least 30 in Iraqi market

Nuclear Regulators' Flawed Analysis Leaves Millions at Risk From Radioactive Fires

Comey Bolsters Case for Obstruction of Justice by Trump

Call for Congress to Overturn Citizens United Through Amendment Picks Up Steam
-- Mark Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout

The Five Lines of Defense Against Comey—and Why They Failed

Turning Point USA's Stealth Campaign to Conservatize College Campuses
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

"This is nonsense": Iowa GOP senator tears into Trump White House for trying to block info requests

Diane Abbott and misogynoir: a woman scorned, a woman vindicated

Breitbart Has Lost 90 Percent of Its Advertisers

Trump Will File Complaint Against Comey Over "Leak"

Your Cellphone Privacy Rights May Depend on This Supreme Court Case

To know where the Russia probe is headed, pay attention to the topics Comey avoided

Chelsea Manning explains why she leaked secret military documents

Republicans unhappy that voters tie them to Trump
Boo hoo.

Jeff Sessions Pushes Back On Parts Of Comey's Testimony

Young UK Voters Help Jeremy Corbyn Deliver a Blow to Theresa May’s Authority
Swings and turnouts: how the British election changed the political landscape

Theresa May vows to "lead Britain forward" despite staggering election blow