The Sydney Morning Herald

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Four men on trial for group sexual assault of teen, 15, at Blue Mountains house party

Melanie Kembrey

Published: June 8 2017 - 10:05PM

A 15-year-old girl who was allegedly gang raped at the first proper party she had attended pleaded for her attackers to stop but they laughed in her face, a court has heard.

Four men are on trial accused of participating in the sustained group sexual assault of the teen at a house party in Hazelbrook, in the Blue Mountains, in October 2012.

Aaron Jensen, 23, Christian Dickens, 22, JR and SK, both 21, have pleaded not guilty to multiple offences and their trial started in Sydney's Downing Centre District Court on Thursday.

In her opening address, Crown prosecutor Belinda Baker told the jury that the girl consumed large amounts of wine at the party and was noticed stumbling and slurring her words.

"Her next memory is waking up in a dark room," Ms Baker said.

The court heard that the teen was expected to give evidence that she woke to find JR - who can not be named because he was underage at the time - having sex with her.

Mr Jensen, the court heard, then entered the room and together they started sexually assaulting the teenager on the bed.

"[She] will tell you that she pleaded with them to stop and that she pleaded with them to get her boyfriend," Ms Baker told the jury.

"Her voice was slurred and it was weak...[She] will tell you that she wanted to yell out but she couldn't."

The court heard that Mr Dickens and SK, who can not be named because he was underage at the time, also entered the room and participated in the assault of the teen before leaving.

"I expect that you'll hear that [she] pleaded with them to stop. That each time she pleaded the accused [JR] and [Mr Jensen] laughed saying words like 'shut up, you love it slut'."

At one point, the police knocked on the front door of the house.

The court heard that the girl could see officers through the window of the bedroom, but Mr Jensen covered her mouth and told her to be quiet.

Ms Baker said that there were numerous people standing at the bedroom door as the sexual assault continued. Mr Jensen and JR, the court heard, lifted up the teen's shirt to show her breasts to jeering men.

The alleged attack only stopped after the girl gained enough control over her limbs to push the men away.  A man who saw the teen sobbing and crying called her mother.

In the defence openings, JR's lawyer told the court that her client had consensual sex with the teen. Mr Dickens, the jury heard, also believed he was acting with the girl's consent when he engaged sexually with her and did not see anyone else in the room assaulting her. 

Mr Jensen's barrister told the court there were doubts about the honesty and reliability of the teenager's account, noting she had given different versions of the alleged events to different people.

The teen first told police what happened in 2013 but did not want to make a formal statement. Then in 2015, the court heard, the girl made a statement and the men were arrested.

The trial continues.

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