The Sydney Morning Herald

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Nicole Kidman puts the hard word on Kit Harington to propose to Rose Leslie

Amy Croffey

Published: June 8 2017 - 3:32PM

Nicole Kidman is like your embarrassing aunt who pokes you at a family function and asks, "Why aren't you married yet?"

Appearing on James Corden's The Late Late Show on Tuesday, Game of Thrones' Kit Harington, aka Jon Snow, revealed that he and his "best friend" and girlfriend, Rose Leslie, aka GoT's Ygritte, have moved in together. ​"I am very, very happy," he added.

"Are you going to get married or ... ?" Kidman, 49, asked Harington, 30, who looked as if he would rather have been battling a White Walker than respond.

"I just think it's kind of nice if you're going to live together maybe to at least get engaged," the Australian Oscar winner explained.  

"I've been put on the spot by Nicole Kidman," Harington laughed. "I mean, it's step-by-step, step-by-step." 

"I'm working hard for [Leslie] here," Kidman turned to the audience and said laughing.

"I'm just all about getting engaged and then living together," she continued.

"Oh, are you? You're not one for pre-marital ...," Corden trailed off. 

"All right, come on," Kidman laughed.

"You know nothing, Jon Snow," Kidman was probably dying to say, but held her tongue.

While Kidman has proposals for Harington and Leslie on her mind, it seems Leslie is more concerned with home improvements.

"She has all sorts of ideas for the house," Harington said.

"I said, 'Darling, it's important that this is our space, that it feels like you have not just moved into mine, so move anything that you want around, change anything, chuck anything out. 

"I went to the shops and I came back and I said, 'so what did you decide?' and she said: 'We are moving the kitchen downstairs.'"

Snow, who broke his sacred sex vows with Ygritte in the cave, started talk of a real-life romance in 2012. However, they were rumoured to have split a year later.

They then were spotted in 2014 acting like a couple and "holding hands".

They made their relationship official last April when they cosied up together on the red carpet of the Olivier Awards at the Royal Opera House in London's Covent Garden.

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