New Kings Cross Theatre production shines light on human trafficking in India

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New Kings Cross Theatre production shines light on human trafficking in India

By Elissa Blake

Home to about 2500 people, the village of Jatinga in Assam State, India, has a curious claim to fame. Each year, thousands of birds go there to die.

Playwright, director and actor Faezeh Jalali.

Playwright, director and actor Faezeh Jalali.Credit: Nic Walker

The phenomenon, in which several species of birds fly headlong into buildings and trees, has made Jatinga notorious in ornithological circles as a site of mass avian suicide.

Great story. But the "suicides" are a myth.

According to experts, the birds – mostly juveniles – become disorientated by a combination of seasonal fog, air currents and electric light, leading them to crash.

From a poetic perspective, however, it's a compelling idea, says Suzanne Millar, director of Jatinga. The new play by award-winning Indian writer Purva Naresh traces the trajectories of young women destined to become sex workers in Kamathipura, Mumbai's oldest red-light district. The play will receive its world premiere at Sydney's Kings Cross Theatre.

"The poetic idea of the play is that birds are compelled to go to a beautiful place but that is the end of their life," Millar explains. "Kamathipura is like that, in a way. During the day it is beautiful, with laneways where fabrics are sold and there are fruits and vegetables stands. It's a slum area but at night it is beautifully lit. There's lots of activity and it's a place where festivals are celebrated. But in the back rooms and upstairs above shops and down alleys are all the brothels."

Every year, thousands of young women from India's rural provinces are lured to Mumbai by the bright lights. Most arrive with the idea – often fostered by brothel agents who travel the countryside – that they will be able to go to school or find factory work. Instead, they find themselves working in Kamathipura's countless brothels.

"The average age of the girls who arrive is 12," says Millar. "Once there, the rest of their life plays out in much the same way as every other girl that arrived before them."


Naresh's story begins with five young women on a train to Jatinga. A chance encounter with a journalist, who is aboard to report on the bird suicide phenomenon, promises to switch their lives to another track. But there are those determined to ensure the girls are not be diverted.

Jatinga is the result of a lengthy research, writing and development process in Mumbai and Sydney. Naresh, and Millar worked closely with the Apne Aap Women's Collective, an NGO working to protect and educate the daughters of prostitutes and break the second generational cycle of prostitution.

"They have been operating for 16 years and they have a 100 per cent success rate," says Millar, who travelled to Mumbai to create an arts program and run drama exercises for AAWC. "They work with about 50 girls every year. It's quite miraculous."

Millar's production, for bAKEHOUSE Theatre, features 11 actors from Sydney and from Mumbai. For Indian actor and activist Faezeh Jalali, it's an opportunity to revisit the city she last experienced as a cast member of British director Tim Supple's polyglot A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Sydney Festival in 2008.

"I think it is really important that exchanges like these happen because theatre can be like a bubble," Jalali says. "It's important to break that and have this conversation with more people. We are not here to say, look at our country [India], it is so bad. We are saying that human trafficking is something that happens everywhere. As theatre creators all we can do is tell a story and hope the truth of it moves people to understand and perhaps want to do something."

Millar says bAKEHOUSE is committed to creating theatre advocating social change. "Our process is to go to community and find the storytelling advocates and say we have a stage, what is the story you want told and how do you want it told?

"We believe Sydney theatre should more accurately reflect the world we live in. It's very easy to go to theatre and see the same story over and over again. But once you look more closely at the world, you see there is a wealth of stories and incredibly talented actors we should be embracing rather than just sometimes making room for."

Jatinga plays at the Kings Cross Theatre, June 9-24.

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