The Sydney Morning Herald

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Wonder Woman becomes rare 'popcorn movie' to earn Oscar buzz

James Lemon

Published: June 8 2017 - 2:07PM

Prominent US entertainment voices have suggested record-breaking release Wonder Woman could be in the running for Oscar nominations, prompting talk the female-centric production may be the superhero movie to finally earn a major accolade from the Academy.

Aside from the posthumous award handed down for Heath Ledger's Joker in 2008's The Dark Knight, superhero movies are generally ignored come Oscars-time. But a recent showing of Wonder Woman held by the Academy was reportedly both well-attended and received.

The Hollywood Reporter's Scott Feinberg said he woke up to "a mailbox full of unsolicited comments" following the screening, which he stresses is highly unusual for any film, especially so far from nomination ballot time, which are generally announced in January.

The release wasn't just received well by those attending and critics (earning a 93 per cent score on Rotten Tomatoes), with the North American box office taking in over $US130 million in a strong show of support from the general public.

That figure represents the biggest ever domestic result for a female director, eclipsing the record previously held by Sam Taylor-Johnson's Fifty Shades of Grey by about $20 million.

Globally, Wonder Woman raked in over $US250 million ($330 million) since opening on June 2, easily recuperating the picture's $US200 million ($265 million) outlay.

It's a good result for director Patty Jenkins and potentially an even better bargaining chip, with reports Jenkins is yet to sign to direct an almost inevitable sequel.

The film's lead, Israeli star Gal Gadot, had such a sequel written into her contract, which includes a number of appearances across the DC universe - though Jenkins was taken on for just a single film.

It wouldn't be the first theatrical release of Jenkins' to attract attention from the Academy, with Charlize Theron's performance in the director's only other offering, 2003's Monster, taking out the award for Best Actress.

The film's release hasn't gone so smoothly in all parts however, with last week's ban on its showing in Lebanon followed up with a suspension in Tunisia, pending a full ban applied for by the nation's government.

It's understood the opposition is largely down to Gadot's nationality, but more specifically her mandatory service in the Israeli military.

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