Seven years on from deadly oil spill, Moody's upgrades BP's credit rating

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This was published 7 years ago

Seven years on from deadly oil spill, Moody's upgrades BP's credit rating

By Ron Bousso

Moody's upgraded BP's credit rating for the first time in almost two decades on Thursday, citing a strong performance despite oil price volatility and greater fiscal clarity following its $US20 billion ($26.5 billion) settlement of the deadly 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill.

The rating agency bumped BP up one notch to A1 and said the London-based company's outlook was positive. Moody's last upgraded BP's long-term issuer rating in 1998, a spokesman said.

BP's total bill for fines and clean up costs related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster has topped $US62 billion ($82 billion).

BP's total bill for fines and clean up costs related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster has topped $US62 billion ($82 billion).

"Our decision to upgrade BP to A1 factors in the increased clarity around the size and timing of remaining cash payments linked to the Deep Water Horizon incident, as well as expected improvements to BP's credit metrics and its strong operating performance despite high oil price volatility," said Elena Nadtotchi, vice president and senior credit officer at Moody's.

The settlement of the Deepwater Horizon fines and clean up costs in 2015 brought BP's pretax bill to more than $US62 billion. The company will pay the charge gradually into the 2030s.

A pelican mired in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico spill.

A pelican mired in oil from BP's Gulf of Mexico spill.Credit: AP

It's been a long haul for BP since April 20, 2010 when a blowout a mile under water sent oil and gas surging up to the Deepwater Horizon exploration rig, located off the cost of Louisiana, setting it on fire, sinking it, and killing 11 of the crew members.

The well leaked for 87 days, pouring at least 3.19 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico and causing vast environmental damage . And it triggered a flood of lawsuits and government penalties.

BP, like other oil companies, slashed spending and costs in the wake of a sharp drop in oil prices from mid-2014. It is aiming to be able to general cashflow at oil prices of $US35 to $US40 a barrel by the end of the decade.

"BP demonstrated strong operating performance amid high volatility in oil prices," according to Moody's.


It is set to see a sharp rise in production in the coming years as it starts up eight projects this year, including in Oman and Azerbaijan, the largest number in the company's history in a single year.

The company hopes to add 800,000 barrels per day of new production by the end of the decade.

"The positive outlook recognises that BP's strong business profile may sustain a higher rating and anticipates that the company will continue to deliver strong operating performance in 2017-19, supported by growth and improving profitability of the upstream, and rising contribution from the downstream," Moody's said.

Of 29 analysts surveyed by Reuters, 14 have 'buy' or 'strong buy' recommendations on BP, and 14 a 'hold' recommendation.

BP's debt at the end of March was $US28.6 billion, which represents 28 per cent of the company's equity capital, also known as gearing.

The energy giant in April was forced to cut chief executive Bob Dudley's 2016 pay package by 40 per cent to $US11.6 million after a wave of shareholder revolts.


The oil company has reduced Dudley's payout and introduced changes from this year that will lower executives' performance incentives. The cuts come after around 60 per cent of shareholders opposed BP's pay policy at last year's annual general meeting.

Reuters with Washington Post

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