Recently in Hypocrisy: Gilbert Deya Category

February 4, 2011

Pratlets for 4th February 2011

February 2, 2011

Deya latest

England and Kenya: Two of "Archbishop" Gilbert Deya's family have recently been convicted of crimes against children in two different continents.

His nephew, Paul Deya, was convicted 10 days ago of murdering his son and of wounding his wife. Deya had tried to blame a dream he'd had six months before he slit the throat and abdomen of the 3-year-old child. Even the QC acting for the defence had nothing good to say about his uncle's church, for which both Paul Deya and his wife worked:

Baroness Kennedy QC, defending, said the church to which the couple belonged was strange and cult-like.

This was a tight-knit religious community run by a charlatan, she said.

Meanwhile, over in Kenya, Gilbert Deya's wife Mary has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment after being found guilty of stealing another baby. This is her second conviction for child trafficking. Deya himself is still in the UK fighting extradition to Kenya.

London church worker Paul Deya guilty of murdering sonBBC News, 21st January 2011; Deya's wife gets 3-year sentence for child theftThe Nation, 28th January 2011. See also Any relation?Pagan Prattle, 25th November 2009, and Mrs. Deya jailedPagan Prattle, 31st May 2007.

November 25, 2009

Any relation?

United Kingdom: Police are investigating whether a man who allegedly stabbed his son to death in a frenzied attack is related to "miracle babies" pastor Gilbert Deya. Unfortunately the media have not explained why they are looking for such a connection, nor why it would be relevant. There is some discrepancy with the suspect's name, though: the BBC calls him Paul Otieno; the Daily Mirror Paul Deya. The latter, though, has not carried the story about his possible relative.

The press all point out something else though:

Neighbours have said the family were regular churchgoers.


Neighbours said they were a friendly family who regularly went to church and had lived in the flat for a year...

The last time I saw them was Sunday. You could tell they were going to church because they would come out all smartly dressed.

Stab father's family ties probedBBC News, 25th November 2009; Knife frenzy dad 'kills son aged 3' in bloodbath after divorce rowDaily Mirror, 25th November 2009.

November 24, 2009

British efficiency.

United Kingdom/Kenya: The last we heard of "Archbishop" Gilbert Deya was in January 2008 when he lost his appeal against extradition from the UK. So, presumably he was returned to Kenya and tried over the allegations of child-trafficking against him.

No, not quite. He's still in London. It seems the UK is only prompt in extraditing people if they are gay men fleeing Iran, or Uganda or other such places where they kill pooves.

The long-awaited extradition of controversial London-based Kenyan preacher Gilbert Deya may happen soon, the Sunday Nation has learnt.

Impeccable sources confirmed that the preacher, who is wanted in Kenya on child-trafficking charges, is now a failed asylum seeker currently ordered to report weekly to Deptford police station in South London.

The new details of Mr Deya’s complex and costly legal tussle emerged on November 2, after it became apparent that he had exhausted all avenues of appeal in the United Kingdom. It is believed legal costs amounted to more than £1 million (Sh124 million).

Deya’s extradition is not a question of if but when. He’s living on borrowed time; the net is finally closing in; he could be extradited from London before Christmas, said a well-placed source.

Deya currently claims he fears for his life because he opposed the Kenyan president before he left the country.

Deya living in UK on borrowed timeSunday Nation, 7th November 2009.

January 11, 2008


A few headlines for you:

November 8, 2007

Preacher's extradition ordered

Kenya/United Kingdom: It's been a while since we've heard anything about "Miracle Babies" preacher Gilbert Deya, but that does not mean the case has gone away. There have been a couple of developments in the last few days. Most recently, a British court has ordered that Deya be extradited to Kenya to face child stealing charges. His wife, Mary, has already been convicted on similar charges. He won't be going home any time soon, though, as there is a long appeals process.

Some interesting allegations were made during the extradition hearing. One woman claimed that Deya had assaulted her in order to make her believe she had conceived a "miracle baby"

Extradition ordered for preacherBBC News, 8th November 2007; Miracle baby mother 'assaulted'icSouthLondon, 6th November 2007.

May 31, 2007

Mrs. Deya jailed

Kenya: The wife of "miracle babies" preacher Gilbert Deya has been jailed for two years for child theft. DNA tests showed that the babies, which the Deyas claimed were born through divine intervention, were completely unrelated to the women who claimed to be their mothers. The judge said that no amount of punishment could undo the damage done to the child, adding that the claim of a miraculous birth deserves no mercy.

'Miracle babies' women jailed for two years for stealing a babyCapital FM (Nairobi), 30th May 2007.

February 4, 2007

Deya update

United Kingdom/Kenya: The Gilbert Deya 'miracle babies' case runs and runs. The Kenyan government has asked for him to be extradited to face charges of child kidnap. Deya was granted bail after he appeared at City of Westminster Magistrates Court a few days ago, which seems a little daft given that he previously fled to Scotland in an attempt to escape justice. Scotland is a different legal jurisdiction, and he doesn't need a passport to get here from England.

Extradition hearing for 'miracle' pastorThe Herald, 1st February 2007.

June 14, 2006


Scotland: Gilbert Deya has been arrested and held in Dungavel Immigration Centre, after a tabloid-reading court official spotted him at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

The millionaire preacher, who was wanted on an international warrant for questioning over a child trafficking ring in his native Kenya, was spotted at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last week.

He was supporting a couple involved in a civil paternity case.

It is understood that one of the court officers remembered him from a Daily Record story in September 2004 in which we revealed he had fled to Scotland to escape the warrant.

The Daily Record has been covering the Deya story in detail since he fled to Scotland almost two years ago in an attempt to escape justice.

EXCLUSIVE: BABIES 'BISHOP' ARRESTEDDaily Record, 14th June 2006.

March 17, 2005

Preacher's wife still in trouble after all

Kenya: Contrary to what I claimed in a recent comment, charges against three women associated with preacher Gilbert Deya have not been dropped. Mary Deya, Miriam Nyeko and Rose Kiserem claimed the case against them was defective, but the senior magistrate who heard the appeal was not impressed:

She found the application by the defence to be an attempt to delay the case and dismissed it, saying it was not in good faith.

The women are charged with harbouring a stolen child. Miriam Nyeko is also charged with fraudulently obtaining a birth certificate. by pretending to be the mother of the child.

Court thwarts bid to have case against Deya's wife droppedThe Standard (Nairobi), 17th March 2005.

November 24, 2004

Deya documentary

BBC Scotland's Frontline Scotland programme last night looked at Archbishop Gilbert Deya and his 'Miracle Births'. For those of you outside Scotland, the programme is now available on the BBC's website as a RealMedia stream: The Bishop, the Babies and the Miracle Births.

September 16, 2004

Dodgy archbishop faces extradition

Kenya: An international arrest warrant is due to be signed for the arrest of Archbishop Gilbert Deya on charges of child trafficking. And he is rather upset that the Daily Record exposed the fact that he fled to Scotland. He told a reporter You have become an enemy of god. You talk to my solicitor and you pay the price of what you wrote today. The Record stands by its story.

Deya Arrest Request Any Time NowThe Nation (via all, 15th September 2004; ENEMIES OF GOD. Wanted bishop rants at the RecordThe Daily Record, 14th September 2004.

September 1, 2004

Deya Reckoning

Kenya/England: Today's Independent has a long article about Gilbert Deya, of 'miracle babies' infamy. The article summarises the story so far, and discusses the history of his churches, including what good neighbours they are:

But while Mr Deya may claim thousands of followers, his ministry has found little favour with people who live and work near his church. Many complain of the mayhem caused by the crowds that flock to this part of south-east London on a weekend.

Anne Ward, landlady of the Barnaby pub, said: You want to come round here on a Saturday night. They start at 10 o'clock and there are raves going on until 6 o'clock in the morning.

It is like New York city, music until all hours. They are a nightmare. We have had the police around millions of times but they won't do anything.

The newspaper also spoke to Deya:

He made similar threats in a curious telephone interview with The Independent, which took place during one of his services recently. As what sounded like hundreds of worshippers roared their approval, the preacher threatened hellfire and damnation against this reporter who, he said, would pay the price in the court of heaven. He also called several of his congregation to testify, including a doctor, Kay Ngagba, and a state registered nurse, Mabel Davies. Both attested to their preacher's claims.

The preacher, the 'miracle' births and the lost childrenThe Independent, 1st September 2004.

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