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Pauline Hanson's One Nation seeks Supreme Court injunction to stop ABC airing material

One Nation has won a temporary injunction restraining a former official releasing further secret recordings of party meetings, after the ABC aired explosive audio on its flagship 7.30 program.

Lawyers for Senator Hanson applied for an urgent injunction in the NSW Supreme Court on Thursday after a damaging recording disseminated by former One Nation treasurer Ian Nelson raised questions about the party's conduct.

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Senator Hanson initially sought orders against both Mr Nelson and the ABC restraining the publication of further recordings.

The orders were not pressed against the ABC once the broadcaster told the court it did not have any recordings beyond those already aired.

In late May, audio emerged in which Senator Hanson's chief-of-staff, James Ashby, proposed an arrangement for the party to make money from taxpayers and candidates through inflated expense claims.

Last week, 7.30 broadcast a recording of Senator Hanson expressing concern about a news story regarding a $100,000 light plane used by the party for campaigning purposes.


The origin of the plane is being formally investigated by the Australian Electoral Commission following accusations it was donated by property developer Bill McNee and not disclosed properly by the party.

Mr McNee has denied donating the plane and Senator Hanson and One Nation have denied breaching electoral laws.

Senator Hanson's barrister, Dauid Sibtain, told the court his client was seeking to restrain the publication of "any other recorded conversations of a party political nature" with Senator Hanson or others.

In an affidavit filed in support of the application, Senator Hanson's solicitor Peter Breen attached a May 29 email in which 7.30 reporter Michael Atkin said Mr Nelson "has also recorded a phone conversation" with Mr McNee.

Senator Hanson had lodged a complaint with Queensland police against Mr Nelson for alleged breaches of the state's Invasion of Privacy Act, Mr Breen said.

Mr Breen said Senator Hanson was concerned the publication of further secret recordings would reveal "confidential matters concerning the policies, strategies and operation of the party".

Senator Hanson had "never consented" to Mr Nelson recording conversations and until recently was unaware he was doing so, Mr Breen said.

Justice Kunc said he was concerned to ensure the injunction was not so wide as to catch "arrangements for dinner or the shopping list for the party fundraiser".

He made a temporary order restraining Mr Nelson from divulging further secret recordings in his possession.

The order prevents Mr Nelson "broadcasting, publishing, distributing, copying, using or dealing in any way with any recordings made by him of any telephone conversations which concern the business and affairs of the political party known as Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party". 

The matter is expected to return to court on Tuesday.

One Nation has been contacted for comment.